Howdy everyone,

Since returning from the never never I have been compiling photos and notes from the years of treasure hunting those darndable hard to decipher clues. I have been very, very fortunate in finding areas that were of constant interest to the Spaniards and others that have been left untouched for many years, and a thought came to mind.....
I have documented over 55 fully working death traps, (not maybe death traps), but, built by human hands death traps over the years. I was thinking about publishing thier whereabouts and GPS locations in an easy to follow, downloadable pdf. Well, suffice it to say, my eldest son and wife freaked out! They are afraid all of the monuments and death traps will be destroyed by either the gov, other treasure hunters, or maybe even those that would lead us astray. So, thinks I, what has it all been for? I guess I am just adding to the history of the land.....
What do all of you do with your sites?
Just curious,

Howdy everyone,

Since returning from the never never I have been compiling photos and notes from the years of treasure hunting those darndable hard to decipher clues. I have been very, very fortunate in finding areas that were of constant interest to the Spaniards and others that have been left untouched for many years, and a thought came to mind.....
I have documented over 55 fully working death traps, (not maybe death traps), but, built by human hands death traps over the years. I was thinking about publishing thier whereabouts and GPS locations in an easy to follow, downloadable pdf. Well, suffice it to say, my eldest son and wife freaked out! They are afraid all of the monuments and death traps will be destroyed by either the gov, other treasure hunters, or maybe even those that would lead us astray. So, thinks I, what has it all been for? I guess I am just adding to the history of the land.....
What do all of you do with your sites?
Just curious,


I would love to see the pictures that you have taken
And maybe some commentary about them. Maybe seeing
Your pictures may help myself and others with identification
of real deathtraps and some of the other signs & symbols you
have discovered.

Marcus Brody said, twice,.........."you are meddling with "powers" you can't possibly comprehend" (Great line for a fictional movie) Also, great advice from loving family.

Next time one tries to go camping, he may find a sign of the nature of: "Site Closed Due To Vandalism" or "Closed to Public" or simply "CLOSED"

Oh, and how long have them monuments been around?

Pooh,.... in less than one generation, they will be, according to Yoda. (courtesy of internet age and "other" advances) surveillance maybe?

.......other than that, it's a great idea. Can't wait to be home-bound. Just a matter of time. Cheers for all.

p.s. this is NOT meant to offend Anybody. But when asking for public opinion, well, you get some. (this may not be a "popular" one) Sorry.

Hello Secret squril , My opinion on your post of Dec 11,2017 has a V looking to the left that indicates the direction to go, also the eye looks like a triangle which may indicate what you are looking for, the German Shepard that is sitting gives a little indicator on the measurement 30 inches X 2 = 60 inches or 5 feet indicating that the trail is a long one because its measured by the league and the angle seems to be 30 / 45 degrees if its a Royal Trail measure by 2 and looking at the country side you could be looking for a mine or settlement

Howdy everyone,

Since returning from the never never I have been compiling photos and notes from the years of treasure hunting those darndable hard to decipher clues. I have been very, very fortunate in finding areas that were of constant interest to the Spaniards and others that have been left untouched for many years, and a thought came to mind.....
I have documented over 55 fully working death traps, (not maybe death traps), but, built by human hands death traps over the years. I was thinking about publishing thier whereabouts and GPS locations in an easy to follow, downloadable pdf. Well, suffice it to say, my eldest son and wife freaked out!

Hey bonuntr,
Good to see you made it back from yer latest quest(s),
to tell further stories of your death traps amusements.

As far as showing any locations, I think that your close
advisers, were likely totally the wiser, to freak plum out...

They are afraid all of the monuments and death traps will be destroyed by either the gov, other treasure hunters, or maybe even those that would lead us astray. So, thinks I, what has it all been for? I guess I am just adding to the history of the land.....

Not a good idea, for all of the reasons above, including
potential claim jumpers or stalking bushwhackers, you reckon?
That is, if ye were ever interested in returning to some of them again,
to, say enjoy the marvels of their works, & your feats of discovery in stone.

What do all of you do with your sites?
Just curious,

I don't ever give any landmarks or info otherwise,
to bring about any kind of hazard or compromise, &
potential defacing or destruction, which "those that
would lead us astray", or otherwise works of snakes
may like to cause, which are many. Just my 2 bits.

Would like to see you start a signs/markers & trail
type of thread, possibly share some pics, stories,
thoughts you could share of understanding, may
help many quite a lot. Innocent enough, think?

Since you have apparently been able to get past
many obstacles with success, surely it would be
very much beneficial info. To pass on to others
that are on a similar path of your experiences.

Then, that would be great for helping others, as
our good friend sandy1 has gone to a lot of hard
work & trouble to do, to help everyone for free,
& leave a legacy of generosity toward mankind...

It's just not without cricks, but helpful info shared
may help a few good folks, you never know right? 8-)

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Hey all. Thought I might share a couple of things I've found. Nice little cairne with very obvious pyramid pointer...and I'm wondering if anybody has seen something like this? Looks to be like a "door" or "u" shape done in concrete? Thoughts?



Masonic influence too? Just asking. may be wrong as I usually am.

Hey all. Thought I might share a couple of things I've found. Nice little cairne with very obvious pyramid pointer...and I'm wondering if anybody has seen something like this? Looks to be like a "door" or "u" shape done in concrete? Thoughts?



Nice various rock shapes, in lights/shadows. Turtles, diamonds, 3's, A frames, owls, hearts, P V,
duck, pentagon(s), hummingbird, mine, shaft, rabbit, snake, eagle head, fox, crown, phoenix, etc.
Couldn't all be just my good imagination, cause there's certainly a lot of it, even if some is abstract.

Is that concrete, or maybe an outcrop vein of quartz with dark iron dots & streaks in it, around
the "U" area you pointed out, see anything in or around it?

My mild guess, around the cairn's immediate area, with so many placed looking rocks,
possibly it's a filled in, covered & marked mine or a tunnel entrance area?

I agree with elh, seems like a lot of triangular/pyramid shapes spread all over & some aligned.
Can you find any potential single boulder marker alignments extending out or around these?
Thanks for sharing the interesting pics. Cool looking steep desert mountain area.

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A few more comments after a lot more looking. The Spanish used plenty of triangles
& pyramid shapes, & diamonds. There's so many shapes in your pics that are caused
by stacking/placing different shaped rocks, & turning them to angles utilizing sun light
& shadows. Since these will vary greatly from the sun's angle in the different times of
day/year, they wanted to make sure markers/signs were seen anytime, & repeated so
they will be. I see resemblance to so many things, even with the busy clutter of many
shaped rocks, that it all appears pretty overworked, to the point of unreal coincidence.

Like an important spot that only the initiated would understand. More than likely an
omega sign, even multi-seasonal changing with the cairn pointed rocks. Means
an important place, like a mine or tunnel, possibly also cached, & also likely
to have alignments in the surrounding areas to various vaults too. They
spent the time, & did what they liked to do & were so good at. Play
with the shapes & angles, some obvious, some more subtle. Your
area is a very good looking spot, likely the omega (end) of trail.
There are a few nice lighter colored shaped eye catchers,
& some of them are also pointed to align with others...

Keep in mind the gravity death traps, be wary of moving
anything, without so careful consideration. Good time to
get way back & use the camera's like sandy1 taught us
in his aura capturing technical guide, & see what you
may catch. Promising potential in my thoughts.

Good luck, take care & be safe. Take lots more
pics with your photo camera too, at different
angles, times, & distances, see all you can,
& have no regrets. Got auras? Have fun. 8-)

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Just going to drop a quick line while I have a second, but I've more to share...there will be no digging, only picture taking and observation. I won't reveal the exact location, but I will say that I wander off the beaten path, and that this particular path began within the bounds of Joshua Tree. Furthermore, this particular cairne points directly to a well known, marked, and wooorked mine. I'd bet this one I found is only one of many hidden throughout the park. Go have fun, explore, but respect the land and the history!

Just going to drop a quick line while I have a second, but I've more to share...there will be no digging, only picture taking and observation. I won't reveal the exact location, but I will say that I wander off the beaten path, and that this particular path began within the bounds of Joshua Tree. Furthermore, this particular cairne points directly to a well known, marked, and wooorked mine. I'd bet this one I found is only one of many hidden throughout the park. Go have fun, explore, but respect the land and the history!

Sounds like lots a good fun. You already knew the mine, heh heh heh.
Joshua Tree is a very neat place, been a while since I've been, &
one of my sisters still lives around there.

Awesome you're having fun in the sun, & great advice, cool.
Looking forward to more pics to enjoy, thanks again.
So. Cal. weather is some of the best in the U.S.

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Hey Bob,
Don't know, maybe he's kicking it in sunny & warm AZ., heh, gone on
vacation, or could be out & about researching whilst the Diamondbacks,
Sidewinders, & Mojave Greens are moving a bit slower now, reckon? 8-)

Sounds like lots a good fun. You already knew the mine, heh heh heh.
Joshua Tree is a very neat place, been a while since I've been, &
one of my sisters still lives around there.

Awesome you're having fun in the sun, & great advice, cool.
Looking forward to more pics to enjoy, thanks again.
So. Cal. weather is some of the best in the U.S.

Yeah, you know, what better way to learn, right? Reverse engineering, in a sense. Go to a known mine, and take a look around, see what you might find! As for the concrete in a U shape???:icon_scratch:??? Actual closed up mine? It would be very well disguised if so. Looks like its surroundings, aside from the U. Maybe just a shaft/door sign?
...I do love JT and the surroundings. Went to Mitchell Caverns and Hole in the Wall last weekend. Such beautiful land.

You think it's definitely concrete? I would think they'd have colored it to blend,
instead of sticking out so obvious, yeah most of them rocks inside the "U" don't
look like they've ever been moved. Doubt even they could take that natural pile
down, & be able to put it together so tight. If you pick a piece of it up, hold it
to reflect the sun, it'll probably have sparkles in it, as quartz usually does.
They were much more secretive with mine symbols/shaft markers.

The Hole in the Wall & Mitchell Caverns sounds like fun.
Yes that's beautiful land there, DRY. Gotta get back soon,
& visit an old friend in Montana. He mentioned something
about the Plummer gang, & their loot never being found.
That is some awesome country, between the Lewis &
Clark rivers, with the Blackfoot Mnts. for a backdrop.

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Yeah, you know, what better way to learn, right? Reverse engineering, in a sense. Go to a known mine, and take a look around, see what you might find!

As far as reverse engineering, heh, is that kinda' like cheatin', lol. :laughing7:

As for the concrete in a U shape???:icon_scratch:??? Actual closed up mine? It would be very well disguised if so. Looks like its surroundings, aside from the U. Maybe just a shaft/door sign?

So are you saying there is a known entrance, or you think this U shape is possibly it?
The shaft sign is a U, but the mine sign should be the squares, which there is more
than one, even if in shadows.

If the U has been poured, they used a very white material, which would've been plentiful
in a mine setting. San Bernardino Co., though not the actual mother load, is one of the
higher mineral bearing counties of "The Golden State", as well as the largest county...

I'm sticking with naturally occurring, just seen too much of it in that area & Big Bear,
all the way out to Needles, where I spotted a large club under a bush, walking down
from where I parked, going down to the Colorado R for some to do a summer swim.

Surely they wouldn't have broken 1 of their own cardinal rules, & give away exact spot,
just wouldn't be like them at all. That's why you have to be trained, to ever understand
the signs/markers, & follow the trail to even possibly get close to anythin' of substance.
Just curious, how is the U situated in relation to the cairn & possible known entrance?

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Can you get an over head shot of that area. Like with a drone?

Yeah if it was high enough. I would like to see it how it looks from above

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