The criss cross method is new to me. I have had experience with many death traps, (some of them I was able to enter thru a different passage), some of them we have set off, and some, that are far too large and complicated to mess with. These are all in areas that using machinery is out of the question due to no roads, ledges, and rough terrain. Many are miles from the nearest road. I have also had experience with covered tunnels that I have been able to locate. On one, for instance, we excavated, (by hand), down 16 feet, only to come across a drift tunnel entering the mountain. (for reference, a drift is a tunnel that is fairly level with downhill sloping and uphill sloping, a shaft is straight down). After uncovering the entrance, we found it had been water trapped with 7 feet of water all the way to the back of the tunnel, (approx. 61 feet). We entered anyway, hoping to find that we could dive under and come up into a chamber. This plan failed miserably as we found at the back of the tunnel, the silt had filled it. The last time we were there, we probed down to 12 feet, and the silt was still going. As of this writing, we have not found how to shut off the spring, or been able to locate the back way in to the hopeful chamber. Recently, I came across a tunnel that has been back filled with what appears to be gravel. Trouble is, we can find no areas the gravel was taken from. This one has been back filled to within 3 or 4 inches of the top of the tunnel. The only way to remove it is shovels. I am quite familiar with geology, (trust me, my background goes back way too far to write here), and none of the tunnels that have been found are there for any type of metals, ie. copper, silver, gold, etc., and none of them are there for uranium or the like. We have been able to prove thier age as per finds near them. (Broken mule shoes, spikes, and, ....). I know that equipment is the best way to find what we are looking for, but, alas, GPR is expensive, and most likely would be uneffective in the iron rich soils and ledges where the biggest share of these have been found. I do have a Garret Eagle Eye deepseeker, a Teknetics T2 LE with the deepseeker coil, a TM 808 deepseeker, and an old Whites two box deepseeker. Once again the trouble has been the iron rich soils giving false signals, making them too hard to sort out the good ones from the bad. Until the day I can afford a good GPR, I will just keep on searching. (too bad at 61 I know those days are coming when I have to treasure hunt from the arm chair), for now, just keeping up the good fight. I will say that I have found an enormous amount of treasure in the amazing monuments, carvings, etc. that was left by those that went before. Over 12000 photos to keep me warm in the cold months, and keep me excited for the next year. One more trip planned for 10 days right after Thanksgiving, as the early snows don't bother me much, at least until they get over 8 inches deep. As any treasure hunter would say, "Maybe this will be the trip".
Take care,

I have considered at one time to rent and considered a operator to make sure that it was done by an expert. Most detector mfg can help you with this type of venture. Really didn't have the nerve to try it tho.

bonunter, can you try for an aura?
That's where the crisscross spots are most helpful,
the best indicators of a good place to try for an aura.
Likely help avoid those time consuming empty holes.
The skull is a good indicator of burial area, & not
necessarily looking at the spot of entrance.

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Two things I would like to address

First, anybody who says there is only one dig spot at a Spanish era treasure location doesn't have the first clue about enticers and deathtraps.

Second, One of the biggest mistakes most people make is to think the markers will always lead to the entrance, the markers were meant to get the people who buried the treasure close enough so that they could use a map to get to the entrance from the final marked spot. So anybody saying they have the entrance with the markers alone at multiple sites is not to be trusted.

This is why I use equipment at the end because in many cases I know the final information to the entrance is not always in the field. However with the auras, markers and measurements all combined in one location at least you will have very good verification that your in a small enough area with a treasure still in the ground to be able to use detectors and not off at one of the many enticer/dig spots that so many people have found (because they were meant to be found)

Unfortunately the finders of these enticers are trying to convince others on here that they have found entrances when they absolutely have not, so don't be fooled by these people.


This is still, & will undoubtedly always be the best, most informed & realistic,
sensible & time saving vault hunting tips; secret info given for best results.
Here's to ya' friend, :thumbsup: with all best wishes for the holidays...:occasion14:
... :sunny: :fish:

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Sandy 1 , may this Thanksgiving Day be your best. I agree fully with CDS in his post above and pass on to you my heart felt thanks for
your very UNselfish divulging of the best of the best info to date concerning vault hunting. Would love to see you get back in to it.

Hey ya'll,
I only have one tiny problem with the above...

"Unfortunately the finders of these enticers are trying to convince others on here that they have found entrances when they absolutely have not, so don't be fooled by these people."

This statement is painted with a very wide brush. I have followed many signs to entrances, shafts, etc. Maybe not with the luck that some have had, but still a win in my book! As no one here can divulge thier finds, suffice it to say that I have found entrances that have led to "things", by finding death traps and undoing the "triggers" that have been set up. I guess what I am trying to say here, is that if you are finding monuments, cairns, carvings, blazes, etc., don't give up because you haven't got any $expensive$ gadgets to work with like state-of-the-art GPR. You can be successful!
bytheway, I do believe in everything Sandy1 has put forth here, I just don't want anyone out there to be discouraged. Treasure hunting is very hard at best, and very fulfilling at least.
As I am headed back to the Silver State the day after Thanksgiving, I am putting up a photo of a fantazmagorical, miniature death trap, only 8 1/2 feet tall. It has never been disturbed, as I couldn't bring myself to touch such a work of art.

Remember, if you want to use the photo elsewhere, PLEASE CONTACT ME, as I am in court with a large publishing company right now over copyright infringement.
Have a happy Thanksgiving all, and remember to give thanks to the one and only that makes it all possible!
39th deathtrap discovery.webp

On another note.....
That is a huge Cobra type head on the top of the death trap. It has been cut in relief so that it stands up out of the stone it was carved into. As you move to the side, it changes to a perfect heart...On top of the head on the right, as you approach, it also changes to a snake. In the mid-day sun, on the large flat boulder on the left, a heart appears, 8 inches wide. It is hard to make out the snake due to so many lichens growing on it....You may be able to make out more in this death trap than I, give it a try, and let me know. I do believe, as Sandy1 says, this is an enticer death trap. I also believe there is information at this trap that will give up the true locality of the burial.
Before I forget....
The first snow of winter is a great time to hunt. Two years ago, a buddy and I were going down a jeep road in the middle of nowhere, where we knew there was a large yard that the spanish had used. It had snowed the night before just under an inch. He pointed out that on a big sidehill, there was a spot that the snow hadn't been able to stick, like the ground heat was still too warm. We got permission from the ranch owner to go to the spot with deepseekers, and was shocked. Something metallic is buried there. It may be spanish, or maybe a meteorite. We are working out a deal with the land owner to dig it up next spring.....We also noticed a small dead patch of junipers and piniyon pines exactly 70 varas to the west of this locale...we are keeping our fingers crossed!

Hey ya'll,
I only have one tiny problem with the above...

"Unfortunately the finders of these enticers are trying to convince others on here that they have found entrances when they absolutely have not, so don't be fooled by these people."

This statement is painted with a very wide brush. I have followed many signs to entrances, shafts, etc. Maybe not with the luck that some have had, but still a win in my book! As no one here can divulge thier finds, suffice it to say that I have found entrances that have led to "things", by finding death traps and undoing the "triggers" that have been set up. I guess what I am trying to say here, is that if you are finding monuments, cairns, carvings, blazes, etc., don't give up because you haven't got any $expensive$ gadgets to work with like state-of-the-art GPR. You can be successful!
bytheway, I do believe in everything Sandy1 has put forth here, I just don't want anyone out there to be discouraged. Treasure hunting is very hard at best, and very fulfilling at least.
As I am headed back to the Silver State the day after Thanksgiving, I am putting up a photo of a fantazmagorical, miniature death trap, only 8 1/2 feet tall. It has never been disturbed, as I couldn't bring myself to touch such a work of art.

Remember, if you want to use the photo elsewhere, PLEASE CONTACT ME, as I am in court with a large publishing company right now over copyright infringement.
Have a happy Thanksgiving all, and remember to give thanks to the one and only that makes it all possible!
View attachment 1518691

Yep, that's a cool setup there. How big are the rocks, it's hard to tell from here,

but do people originally from the great N/W country, or the silver state say Y'all?

That's kinda' like a clue isn't it? The hillside with metal signals sounds very interesting,
hope y'all have fun, good luck! :thumbsup:

Have a happy Thanksgiving all, and remember to give thanks to the one and only that makes it all possible!

Yes, it seems there was a good reason the founders set the day aside, besides football???

Agree totally, you and yours have a very good & safe Thanksgiving Day too...

Cool of you posting a few pics & stories, & as you say, a little
positive sharing can be a pretty good encouragement,
& is a welcome sight, with so much overkill in the
challenging & often lack of optimistic energy...8-)
... :sunny: :fish:

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Crosse De Sign ,

This death trap is not near the size of some. The biggest stone is on the top that has the snake carved into relief. it measures 7 feet 4 inches in length, 4 feet 2 inches wide, and 2 1/2 feet thick. The heaviest stone is the large one standing on end on the left, it must weigh in at around 3 to 4 tons. The face on the right is a little over 5 feet tall. It amazes me at the manpower and determination it must have taken to undertake such a large workload to only give a hint as to the burial(s). These men were driven, not only by greed, but by thier faith that they were doing the right thing. I know it has been asked before, but when you look at the tonnage of gold and silver that was taken from New Spain for 300 years, where in the world did it all come from? They must have had so much they couldn't get it to ports to take back. In my experience, (as Sandy1 says), there are literally thousands of these caches! I do believe that the King thought he would need precious metals to civilize New Spain, and (maybe) had them bury it for that reason. Later on, I will dig through some of my photos, and show a death trap that the smallest stones must weigh over 8 tons, the larger stones over 20 tons, CRAZY! As for now, going to eat a bird, and get packing for central Nevada....
bytheway...I am a southern Utah boy, born and raised.....Uh oh, my 3rd, 4th, and 7th wives are wanting me to come to dinner, better sign off,,,(tee hee)

And another note about the trap....

If you look above the death trap, there are branches broken off, but still attached pointing toward the trap. They had been paritally axed through, and then broken by hand. I believe this to be the work of sentinals, making it easier for them to spot. I have seen this at other locales in Utah and New Mexico. In the very far back, behind the death trap in the photo, at a distance of 22 varas, you can make out a rock that has been stood on end. I believe this says, "no further", it only complicates the matter, as there is a face on the right side looking away at a 45 degree angle to the death trap. Many more marks in the area....

The face that looks away. Is It not the one seen in the back ground white looking It looks like a face made by the sky in the back ground.

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Crosse De Sign ,

This death trap is not near the size of some. The biggest stone is on the top that has the snake carved into relief. it measures 7 feet 4 inches in length, 4 feet 2 inches wide, and 2 1/2 feet thick. The heaviest stone is the large one standing on end on the left, it must weigh in at around 3 to 4 tons. The face on the right is a little over 5 feet tall. It amazes me at the manpower and determination it must have taken to undertake such a large workload to only give a hint as to the burial(s). These men were driven, not only by greed, but by thier faith that they were doing the right thing. I know it has been asked before, but when you look at the tonnage of gold and silver that was taken from New Spain for 300 years, where in the world did it all come from? They must have had so much they couldn't get it to ports to take back. In my experience, (as Sandy1 says), there are literally thousands of these caches! I do believe that the King thought he would need precious metals to civilize New Spain, and (maybe) had them bury it for that reason. Later on, I will dig through some of my photos, and show a death trap that the smallest stones must weigh over 8 tons, the larger stones over 20 tons, CRAZY! As for now, going to eat a bird, and get packing for central Nevada....
bytheway...I am a southern Utah boy, born and raised.....Uh oh, my 3rd, 4th, and 7th wives are wanting me to come to dinner, better sign off,,,(tee hee)

Seven wives,:laughing7:, no wonder you're heading for Nevada. :laughing7:

How many out of seven goes along with you? Who better to trust your life with but a wife or wifes. More eyes the better

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Crosse De Sign ,

This death trap is not near the size of some. The biggest stone is on the top that has the snake carved into relief. it measures 7 feet 4 inches in length, 4 feet 2 inches wide, and 2 1/2 feet thick. The heaviest stone is the large one standing on end on the left, it must weigh in at around 3 to 4 tons. The face on the right is a little over 5 feet tall. It amazes me at the manpower and determination it must have taken to undertake such a large workload to only give a hint as to the burial(s). These men were driven, not only by greed, but by thier faith that they were doing the right thing. I know it has been asked before, but when you look at the tonnage of gold and silver that was taken from New Spain for 300 years, where in the world did it all come from? They must have had so much they couldn't get it to ports to take back. In my experience, (as Sandy1 says), there are literally thousands of these caches! I do believe that the King thought he would need precious metals to civilize New Spain, and (maybe) had them bury it for that reason. Later on, I will dig through some of my photos, and show a death trap that the smallest stones must weigh over 8 tons, the larger stones over 20 tons, CRAZY! As for now, going to eat a bird, and get packing for central Nevada....
bytheway...I am a southern Utah boy, born and raised.....Uh oh, my 3rd, 4th, and 7th wives are wanting me to come to dinner, better sign off,,,(tee hee)

Thanks kindly for sharing more of your interesting experiences,
sounds like you're having all kinds of fun, with your work & tribe.:laughing7:

Those boulders are pretty good size rocks, and they undoubtedly trained a lot of
prisoners (slaves) to do the hard & heavy stuff, along with technology of the day,
used with beasts of burden. Makes me wonder about their safety record & the #
of serious or fatal accidents they may have had, if moving some of that big stuff.
Along with their ambitious needs & faith (for God [church] & King), they were
in the right place & time, to plunder some of what others had apparently
gathered & hoarded, who knows how long previously before their time.

I figure what sandy has briefly mentioned about their supposed robbing (tomb raiding),
has to be why they couldn't quite move all of the massive amounts of the very heavy
metal bounty, & so had to cache much of it. I've seen some signs of this, & am not
even in the vast gold & silver bearing country areas of great western resources.

But heavily worn trails, coming & going along the areas of the major waterways,
indicating heavy loads. Much like crossroads points of travel, with some carvings
in almost every group of rocks in various areas, like encampments. I picture the
Native Indian tribes of the plains as well as in the deep, thick forest covered hilly
canyons & ravines along swift running rivers & creeks, many at times seasonally
overflowing out of the banks & into game & hunter filled river-valley areas
taking a fairly heavy toll, & yet they managed for some extended period
of time to successfully continue, & proceed in their treasure journeys.

Older monument areas without later Spanish carvings & markings of their design,
is likely rare, as they apparently had enough of their people & time in 3+centuries,
to find much of the old stuff. Secretly re-caching it, to ensure follow-up recoveries that
apparently were interrupted, & only happened in part of the master plan. So the empty,
back-filled in tunnels, shafts & holes. But even in their assertive, ambitious & ruthless
spiritual state, they still apparently had the right knowledge, ability & training, & so
overcame the old spirits guarding the treasures they took & moved, leaving so much
weight behind, with their own brand of witchcraft conjuring spirits to guard theirs.

For sandy to have figured out their vault treasure caching system, interpret the info
& put forth all of the work he has, to pass it on in an easy to understand guide, along
with the aura capturing info & all the valuable follow up, is as remarkably fascinating
in every aspect, as their truly amazing, & considerably successful treasure conquests.
... :sunny: :fish:

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Hey ya'll,

A quick note to let you know I really only have one wife, (although I have been married once before), and this ones the charm. I really don't know why she puts up with me, gone all the time seeking a dream, shes a keeper for sure. I do have 4 sons, but they are spread throughout the world making thier own lives. Just me and my dog for now, (I have been trying to teach him to sniff out treasure, but he's too interested in the local fauna). Headed out in the AM for Nevada for 10 days, everyone stay safe, and remember, no dream is too big!

bonuntr Post 2027

If you can find the D. traps---maybe you should try:
Sandy's approach of getting the treasure aura--that is your best bet!
Another idea is to take photos of your traps---from a distance--where they will be entirely in the photo--taking up 75% of the photo
Move around the trap--all the sides you can--then study the trap--photos----often they have directions of where to go--it may be a
black line, a priest pointing , the tassel on a hat pointing, a line coming out of the mouth, etc,ect.----if you destroy the trap--you have destroyed the directions.

Hey ya'll,

A quick note to let you know I really only have one wife, (although I have been married once before), and this ones the charm. I really don't know why she puts up with me, gone all the time seeking a dream, shes a keeper for sure. I do have 4 sons, but they are spread throughout the world making thier own lives. Just me and my dog for now, (I have been trying to teach him to sniff out treasure, but he's too interested in the local fauna). Headed out in the AM for Nevada for 10 days, everyone stay safe, and remember, no dream is too big!

Hey man,

Seems like I read of dogs trained to seek gold long ago, & is an interesting idea,
sensitive as their smelling is. Still, if you think you're having fun now, how much
more fun do you reckon it would be, to catch an aura? You could set up a tripod
or 2, & run them while you're doing other things. Probably be multiple in #'s &
sizes, in that openly view-able country. Hard to explain the rush when you see
your first, even if it's a small one in an unexpected area. I thought you were
funnin' about the wives, but recall you mentioned a son working with you in
the past. Good luck, I like your positive thinking about the dreamin' thing...
... :sunny: :fish:

Ah shucks bounty. That was a good one. Lmao. It takes a good wife to put up with a treasure hunter. My wife has to put up with my stones laying around everywhere. Thanks for all your sharing. May God bless your Journey


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Hey ya'll,
I only have one tiny problem with the above...

"Unfortunately the finders of these enticers are trying to convince others on here that they have found entrances when they absolutely have not, so don't be fooled by these people."

This statement is painted with a very wide brush. I have followed many signs to entrances, shafts, etc. Maybe not with the luck that some have had, but still a win in my book! As no one here can divulge thier finds, suffice it to say that I have found entrances that have led to "things", by finding death traps and undoing the "triggers" that have been set up. I guess what I am trying to say here, is that if you are finding monuments, cairns, carvings, blazes, etc., don't give up because you haven't got any $expensive$ gadgets to work with like state-of-the-art GPR. You can be successful!
bytheway, I do believe in everything Sandy1 has put forth here, I just don't want anyone out there to be discouraged. Treasure hunting is very hard at best, and very fulfilling at least.
As I am headed back to the Silver State the day after Thanksgiving, I am putting up a photo of a fantazmagorical, miniature death trap, only 8 1/2 feet tall. It has never been disturbed, as I couldn't bring myself to touch such a work of art.

Remember, if you want to use the photo elsewhere, PLEASE CONTACT ME, as I am in court with a large publishing company right now over copyright infringement.
Have a happy Thanksgiving all, and remember to give thanks to the one and only that makes it all possible!
View attachment 1518691

Could you please explain the death trap in the pic. I have Kenworthy's book on death traps and have been studying it. I am fascinated by them. I have an area that most likely has at least 1.
At some point I hope to have a location to dig, so I'm trying to study up now. Thank you in advance.

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