I'm going to say something that should be considered. The internet has a false sense of security. Very easy to track people down who post online with adequate software. I am probably pegged. sandy1 is pegged. DTTH is pegged. There are several others here that are probably pegged or have been pegged. The more you talk, the more info you gather, the more you learn, the more likely you get pegged. Gmail is a farce. It's totally unsecure. Your texts, phone calls, all can be searched for key words. Private messages, they aren't private, they are logged and can be subpoenaed.
If anyone really wanted to get to you , you would be gone, simple as that. They obviously aren't doing anything drastic at the present, they really don't need to, it's likely more of a wait and see what plays out. We have watched watchers on private sites that the security of a private board had been compromised before. In the end, when certain people would post important things, the numbers of users watching the site would go way up, we even noted it as we posted and even predicted it and watched it happen in real time. It was instantaneous, and was obviously logged from a computer set up to do so or someone who had nothing better to do. I have had my computer type out things by itself , it is not imagination.
We need to stick together, and be aware of other groups that have an interest in our failures as well as our successes. There are people out there that want us to fail.
I sleep with a gun nearby. But it's not enough. I know of a guy my age that dug stuff up in my area in the 70's that died from a heart attack while pumping gas. On another note he found a cache that took him 3 backpack loads to get it out. He was in good shape, good enough to get it out. But not good enough shape to pump gas that day apparently.
Alot of stuff we have no answers for, but how you gonna share info, how you gonna get info? It can't be all secrets, and it can't be all out in the open. We really need to start our own association, but what's even legal anymore? The legalities of doing anything at these sites are difficult to determine alone. Perhaps that is why you don't hear of people getting whacked anymore. They don't need to do anything, you get caught doing something in the wrong place, it's over. 99% of my spots are in the wrong place. Same with anyone.
Our own laws prevent you from finding this stuff. I've said it before, It ain't the 70's anymore. Now-a-days, the sites can police themselves.