As far as reverse engineering, heh, is that kinda' like cheatin', lol. :laughing7:

So are you saying there is a known entrance, or you think this U shape is possibly it?
The shaft sign is a U, but the mine sign should be the squares, which there is more
than one, even if in shadows.

If the U has been poured, they used a very white material, which would've been plentiful
in a mine setting. San Bernardino Co., though not the actual mother load, is one of the
higher mineral bearing counties of "The Golden State", as well as the largest county...

I'm sticking with naturally occurring, just seen too much of it in that area & Big Bear,
all the way out to Needles, where I spotted a large club under a bush, walking down
from where I parked, going down to the Colorado R for some to do a summer swim.

Surely they wouldn't have broken 1 of their own cardinal rules, & give away exact spot,
just wouldn't be like them at all. That's why you have to be trained, to ever understand
the signs/markers, & follow the trail to even possibly get close to anythin' of substance.
Just curious, how is the U situated in relation to the cairn & possible known entrance?

...well Crosse, I went on about a 5 mile hike, iPhone said about 100 flights-the "concrete U" (which I know I took a close up of, but can't seem to locate. I'm thinking I took it with my girlfriends camera for whatever reason. I'll find it and post it when I do) the "U" was about a mile in, and the cairne was up and over a couple of smaller ridges, so maybe another half mile away if I had to guess? I forgot about some of the pics I took leading up to it! These are maybe appx the same distance as the cairne, but in the opposite direction:






...btw-do the pictures I post look normal? Sometime they look distorted on my screen, other times they load fine?

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...well Crosse, I went on about a 5 mile hike, iPhone said about 100 flights-the "concrete U" (which I know I took a close up of, but can't seem to locate. I'm thinking I took it with my girlfriends camera for whatever reason. I'll find it and post it when I do) the "U" was about a mile in, and the cairne was up and over a couple of smaller ridges, so maybe another half mile away if I had to guess? I forgot about some of the pics I took leading up to it! These are maybe appx the same distance as the cairne, but in the opposite direction:






...btw-do the pictures I post look normal? Sometime they look distorted on my screen, other times they load fine?

Interesting the way they are spread out on the trail. How far is the known mine from the cairn or U ?
Some cool shapes in your pics, the first pic jumped out with it's pentagon shadow, pointing a direction?

Top of rock in first pic seems diamond shaped. Other interesting shapes, & the pics look good, don't
know why they may distort, but looks like you don't crop them? Can't click & blow them up maybe
because of their size? They do look clear, what camera are you using, know the megapixels?

Just curious, do you see the signs of an old worn trail, & are you going up the washes, etc.?
Cool pics, thanks for sharing them again... What do you think about the shapes? 8-)

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I'd say the cairne is less than 1/8th of a mile from multiple tunnels...the first 4 pics are of the same square shaped stone, different sides. It really jumped out at me, sitting all alone like that on what seemed to be flattened ground.

This is a large owl monument. I posted some suggestions on ways to use them on ProspectorMikels thread just yesterday. Your area looks ideal for setting for auras.
2irq9sn owl monument.webp

Your other boulders, are they all within sight of each other, could you use the cairn and two of the boulders for a large triangle, or are there three big boulders already, not including the owl? The owl monument can also be used as a line off the one of the corners if they are a triangle or even just as individual boulders lining up across the ears to longer distance spots of a couple hundred feet or so. Also the big square boulders you have can line with up each other over to a spot. They will also use marks on the boulders of the triangle such as eyes or hearts or diamonds that line off over nearby notches and such.
The big lone square boulder represents a chamber or large treasure in the area.

I like the small diamond carved inside of the owl's right ear too.
That is a nice one Kauziamos, about how big is it? Quinoa
is giving you a lot of good things to look at, ways to
find other things, & potential alignments. Too
bad it's there in the National Park, or is it?

Pic #3 has a turtle head looking left with a heart
carved at the bottom of it's mouth, some small flat
pieces of rock have been left or placed in it, 1 lighter.
At this angle the top appears to be pentagon shaped.

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To remain members here on this site you will not attack each other or resort to name calling.
Thank you.

Can't click & blow them up maybe
because of their size? They do look clear, what camera are you using, know the megapixels?

Right click on the image and choose "View Image" and you'll get the full size version.

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I'd say the cairne is less than 1/8th of a mile from multiple tunnels...the first 4 pics are of the same square shaped stone, different sides. It really jumped out at me, sitting all alone like that on what seemed to be flattened ground.

Don't see what you mean by your pics distorting.
The only thing visible in your pics posted here, is
radiant sunlight beaming, but still very good pics.

Yeah that boulder is likely important as the owl is.
Them tunnels & mines must have held them to
work there for some time, probably good gold.
That's good trail & pics work, Cool stuff. 8-)

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Many of the suggestions for using Owls I made I had found in the field while tracking down and pinpointing various auras. They would be places I would try and dig at, especially with the aura. Without the aura they can be more questionable as to why they are being subtly marked or if they are very old spots that have been missed or just left alone and touched up. The aura can also serve as a good confirmation that the alignments you are finding are not misleading you to a dead end spot. You still have to do the work to track it down and figure out how to use the markers that it's near, as well make plans on how you are going to get away with digging a hole that can be seen from the air as well random hikers, rangers, hunters, etc. on the ground. It isn't the 70's anymore , where nobody paid attention to anything. Maybe in another 10 years when all the young people grow up and take field work jobs and have their attention of their surroundings stuck in a cellphone it won't be an issue.

Or just do at night by moonlight ??? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:
With coyotes or wolves howling, but at
least the bears & snakes are asleep, if you
can stay up awake & alert in the wild late enough... :laughing7:

Or be bold, hunt whenever you can in the barren lands,
& don't worry if you're questioned about looking for awa. :occasion14:

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Hey Yall,

Sorry for the long absence, I was down at Quartzsite selliing a few rocks, when I was afforded the chance to go to Mexico to look at a site that a friends friend had found. We were able to quickly figure it out, and when we arrived at the site, someone a hundred or less years ago had figured it out before us....It was a hoot anyway!

I had a moment on the way home to stop by an area that I had been searching in north of Vegas. I have to say I was very surprised when I found that it had been re-marked by someone in the last two years. It has to be true what Sandy1 has been saying, "There are still sentinals out marking these treasures".
I guess I just don't get who they are working for, and why they do not dig them themselves....
Can anyone answer me this;

Who are these sentinals, and who is employing them?
If any of you have ideas, please throw em' out here, I would love to hear them...

Hey Yall,

Sorry for the long absence, I was down at Quartzsite selliing a few rocks, when I was afforded the chance to go to Mexico to look at a site that a friends friend had found. We were able to quickly figure it out, and when we arrived at the site, someone a hundred or less years ago had figured it out before us....It was a hoot anyway!

I had a moment on the way home to stop by an area that I had been searching in north of Vegas. I have to say I was very surprised when I found that it had been re-marked by someone in the last two years. It has to be true what Sandy1 has been saying, "There are still sentinals out marking these treasures".
I guess I just don't get who they are working for, and why they do not dig them themselves....
Can anyone answer me this;

Who are these sentinals, and who is employing them?
If any of you have ideas, please throw em' out here, I would love to hear them...

Well, how much do you really want, or not want to know?
Most people are satisfied to think their job is fairly secure,
their beer is cold for the Super Bowl, & the price of oil is
going to let them build their favorite muscle car project...:dontknow:
... :sunny: :fish:

Please Crosse,
I not only want to know everything....I need to know. I have pondered this question for the last 50 years, since my late father took me to a place in the Circle Cliff area of Utah that he worked. He was very fortunate in his endeavors, and was willing to share his insights with his two sons. My brother went on to work in the coal mines for 40 years, but I was hooked. I would spend a couple of years on a job, save my money, and be off somewhere looking. My father always stressed one point, "These things that have been shown to us are not ours. They are Gods, and if he chooses to share his secrets with you, and if you are lucky enough to find them, take only what you need. Greed and jealousy has led to more sorrow for mankind than any other thing." He was a close friend of Charlie Steen, the uranium magnate, and had watched his life destroyed by too much money. It brought Charlie a lot of sorrow, and in the end, the good time friends were gone, along with all of his money.
Please, let me know....Is it the RC church, the Jesuits, the Masons, the Illuminati, the Bilderburgs, or some other organization?
Knowing who they are employed by would be one of the greatest eye openers for all treasure hunters.....
Thanks in advance,

PS...I would like to know who shot Doc Noss too, same group?

By the way....the Doc Noss part was only kidding....It is all ready known that Charly Ryan shot Doc. Noss had supposedly told Ryan he was going to kill them all, and ran out of the house, only to be shot in the back of the head. Lots of hokey stuff around the Noss story.......

Yes friend, there's often lots of hokey stuff, even diabolical or maybe just carelessness,
involved with probably many, if not most treasure stories so exactly right on all points.

Well, can't really get into it in open forum, without getting all political, or really more
than even religion, or whatever ye may think in yer self educated, successful TH'ing
train of thought. So, if you care to discuss it in depth, one of us will have to give up
an email address. Just sayin', you did ask, & you like all of us, can decide what is an
illusion, & what may be too crazy, not to be the truth. You may've seen evidence...
Your call my good amigo...
... :sunny: :fish:

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It's going to be tough to pinpoint who that is. I know there was a group that was contracted by the Army Corp to survey property boundaries in some of my areas back in the 70's I think, can't recall the dates off hand, but anyways I asked a person from the Corps I knew (that has no idea I treasure hunt) about them because I saw their stakes/posts etc were right on top of treasure sites so I was interested in knowing more about them. Coincidently, the guy I asked who had also worked for the Corps at that time of the survey said all there stuff was messed up from a survey standpoint. None of it made any sense. It was a total screw up in surveying.

But the posts/signs survey markers they put up were right by treasure sites, and still are, so I know something was going on with that beyond local knowledge and it's an area with alot of cache markers for about a 30 mile strip.

I'm going to say something that should be considered. The internet has a false sense of security. Very easy to track people down who post online with adequate software. I am probably pegged. sandy1 is pegged. DTTH is pegged. There are several others here that are probably pegged or have been pegged. The more you talk, the more info you gather, the more you learn, the more likely you get pegged. Gmail is a farce. It's totally unsecure. Your texts, phone calls, all can be searched for key words. Private messages, they aren't private, they are logged and can be subpoenaed.

If anyone really wanted to get to you , you would be gone, simple as that. They obviously aren't doing anything drastic at the present, they really don't need to, it's likely more of a wait and see what plays out. We have watched watchers on private sites that the security of a private board had been compromised before. In the end, when certain people would post important things, the numbers of users watching the site would go way up, we even noted it as we posted and even predicted it and watched it happen in real time. It was instantaneous, and was obviously logged from a computer set up to do so or someone who had nothing better to do. I have had my computer type out things by itself , it is not imagination.

We need to stick together, and be aware of other groups that have an interest in our failures as well as our successes. There are people out there that want us to fail.

I sleep with a gun nearby. But it's not enough. I know of a guy my age that dug stuff up in my area in the 70's that died from a heart attack while pumping gas. On another note he found a cache that took him 3 backpack loads to get it out. He was in good shape, good enough to get it out. But not good enough shape to pump gas that day apparently.

Alot of stuff we have no answers for, but how you gonna share info, how you gonna get info? It can't be all secrets, and it can't be all out in the open. We really need to start our own association, but what's even legal anymore? The legalities of doing anything at these sites are difficult to determine alone. Perhaps that is why you don't hear of people getting whacked anymore. They don't need to do anything, you get caught doing something in the wrong place, it's over. 99% of my spots are in the wrong place. Same with anyone.

Our own laws prevent you from finding this stuff. I've said it before, It ain't the 70's anymore. Now-a-days, the sites can police themselves.

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