SWR said:
gboy said:
" I don't think making a profit off of dead soldiers will be a very good topic. "
Its true its improper to make profit out of these dead heroes...unfortunately we have no choice...bcoz NOBODY give us financial help...we owe some financiL debt to our friends just to prolong and continue our exploration and relocating these Japanese graveyard, how we gonna repay our friends if we will not ask some sort of reward....
Do you expect us to give these info to japanese for free...while we the explorers will be indebted forever?...I don't think thats a good idea....
If we are a well budgeted explorers like Nat'l Geographic or Discovery team...we will give it for free...but for us small time explorers who borrowed money for every exploration...we need some sort of reward to repay our expenses...
What you are proposing is called extortion. The deceased Japanese soldiers already belong to Japan. You can't "sell" something you don't rightfully own.
I will contact the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines to confirm this, and provide them with a link to this thread.
I almost Responded the Exact same way GBoy.
SWR is corret, This is Extortion.
I almost deleted this whole Discussion,
but I'm gald I didn't as this had to be said.
I don't know about you, However,
We are Treasure Hunters not Mercenaries.
It is things like this that make people cringe when they
hear the words treasure hunters.
If you knew me, you would realize
I'm all about making Governments
Put out, or stay out of our Buisness,
Please Reconsider.
If you turn them over & your Government gets Compensated,
and dosn't share with you, That would be wrong in my opinion.
but insisting on personal compensation up front,
after the find is just wrong.
If I found a Body or Cemetery in the woods,
I wouldn't go to town & tell someone to pay me to show
them where it is.