
The pictures of boulders you posted are just ordinary boulders wtih cracks...and etc.
If you really wanted to know a japanese treeasure marker carved on rock boulders or cliffwalls....
Try to look for a picture of Mt. Rushmore...wherein a rock mountain was carved into faces of the president...its the same with Japanese treasure marker...a ten foot human face was carve into a solid rock cliffwall...or maybe a budha or animals was carved on the cliffwall
Or go to a park wherein you can find a well chiseled boulders shaped into several objects by highly skilled carvers.....
Meaning...a japanese rock treasure marker is well defined and beautifully carved...not just a mere cracks on the boulders...
Remember the purpose of the treasure marker is to guide.... not to confuse. Since you post bcoz your confuse with the shape of these boulders...then definitely its not a treasure marker...oks?


Gboy is very correct man, markers and signs are very visible to the naked eye, they are there to guide and not to confuse. Once you see a marker or a sign what you need is just the right meaning of it. Just imagine you are standing on a cement tablet marker, once you missed just an inch of the right direction, you are lost to nowhere, you really will end up digging stones and rocks with cracks which you thick are signs but are truly not. As with the experienced treasure hunters in this forum are always saying, though I am not as experienced as them, be sure you've got a map, history of the site, a guide, the latest scanning device and faith in God.

Kumusta po kayo? Kung may sure site kayo somewhere in Pangasinan, La Union, Benguet, Ilocos Sur or Ilocos Norte na madaling puntahan... refer mo naman at tirahin namin, mag-aapat na taon na rin akong naghahunting pero wala pa akong nakikitang kulay dilaw na metal mula sa mga operation namin. Yung tipong kayang hukayin ng mga dalawang linggo lang, yun lang kaya ng budget namin eh hehehe. Good luck sa mga open cave niyo din pala, actually may site din sana kaming ganoon kaso yung native guide sana namin ay naging ulyanin na, kuwento nga niya ay may nailabas pa sila sa open cave na yun na mga 20 bars na maliliit na parang carborundum.
Gusto ko rin yung punto ng grupo niyo bro ng pag-oopen up ng mga sites sa public, in case makahits nga kayo ay mas maganda alam ng publiko di ba, para hindi makasalisi ang mga may masamang binabalak diyan na walang magawa kundi mag antay ng mga ginto na lumabas para agawin di ba, mahirap nga naman kalabanin ang mga mayayaman na pulitiko at militar.


Jeff of PA,
How you doin man? Sorry forgot about the new rule, its been a year since I last posted here hehe just come back the other day you know... Anyway, do you still remember the map I asked you to post in here? Well, I dont know if it's related to our site on the map I sent you, but a Japanese Construction Company were underway donated and volunteered to widen up and cement the road going to the place of our sites location, the place is very remote you know, but whats made a question mark on our minds is... why a million dollar project on a road where only 5 minibuses and 10 jeepneys pass everyday?... do they need a four lane highway for that?

English Translation of my message to Gboy:

How do you do Sir? If you have any sure site somewhere in Pangasinan, La Union, Benguet, Ilocos Sur or Norte that you think is easy tor reach... you can refer it to us for us to operate, we are almost in our four years of treasure hunting but until now we have not seen any of those glittering yellow metal object... the sites you think we can succeed in a two week span of time, because that's what all our budget can do hehehe... Anyway, Goodluck to your open cave sites, we actually must have one of those kind of sites if only the native guide who knows the cave didn't suffer from a somewhat kind of Alzheimers disease... he onced told us his story of beeing able to bring out about 20 gold bars the size of Carborundum (Sharpening Sand Bar)...
I also like the move of your group like opening up your treasure activity into the public... that in case you succeed in your operation you have the publics sympathy against any bad elements who want to take your find away from you... well you know with our country where criminality rate is high... where the rich politicians and military has the power to do everything they want to do...

All right Jeff... theres the translation hehehe


I am going to post this one to the group as I have too much ahead of me, I’m too old and the project is too big. Here it is;

In the late 1990's some friends of friends came to me in Manila asking for, what else, money. They needed funding to explore a treasure deposit. Yada Yada Yada. OK I say so what is it??? Anyone who has worked the islands knows about what they call a “White Lady”. That is, some form of apparition that often takes the looks of a Spanish Colonial lady in a white’ish dress. Some times the expression is used to refer to a “ghost”. Well one of them kept being bothered or visited by a “White Lady”. So, he hired a female psychic or psychic healer, they are often the same. A bridge between the skilled psychic and the person that was being “visited”. So far this sounds like the typical Philippine treasure story. Well the psychic did a meet with the victim at his place in Manila and asked the “White Lady” what it wanted. The response was this. Come find us. It was from a Japanese Officer and a female Filipino Nurse who were buried below. OK, again this sounds like a typical Philippine treasure story. This fellow and is brother owned a vacant lot in the older section of Manila, a few miles from the OLD MANILA AIRPORT that was abandon in 1945-46 but was used extensively by the Japs in the war. The psychic tells them
to look at the dirt lot, it’s fenced in. After scrapping down the lot about 18" they find a large cement square that is full of dirt in the mouth. Like a cement box. A little more digging and a few open wood layers they find a square cemented vertical shaft. This shaft goes on for EVER straight down. A rock on a piece of string never found the bottom. So, they call me.

Here I arrive at this dirt lot and this cement lined box. I toss in a rock and never hear it hit the bottom. Well two spools of construction string and a steel bolt later we determine that the hole is maybe some 140 feet straight down. Straight down. The bolt comes back up dry, no water. Hmmm. Well eventually after a few beers and a lot of taunting each other we decide we want to kill ourselves and decide to go into the hole. Mind you this is in Metro Manila and is surrounded
with buildings, crummy buildings. Two of us got some scuba tanks, a lot of steel cable and some web rope to make up harness slings. We get lowered down the hole. Sure enough it is about 140 feet down and the bottom is hard rock. It’s a tunnel about 7-8 feet wide and some 7-8 feet tall. The tunnel is cut into hard rock, flat on the bottom and with a structural arch on the top so it is cut by an engineering team. On the side wall is some pipes that appear to have been carrying electrical wiring. The big deal is the floor. There is a mining cart type of railroad track on the floor, 24" gauge. We could only explore a little bit not more than 30 feet each side of the vertical
shaft. The tunnel has been blasted shut in series it looks. The tunnel was professionally demolition I would guess for it’s entire length. Turns out this vertical shaft is an air shaft for the tunnel complex.

So that is the deal. This thing is way too expensive for us to ever attempt not to mention it crosses how many different property titles. One end of the tunnel points directly at the old water tower at the old airport. The tower was still there in the 1990's even though the airport is not. The other end points towards the hills behind Manila.

So why would the Japs cut into hard rock a tunnel complex some 140 feet under Manila and why would they blast it shut???? We decided one trip into that hole was enough for us. We were too drunk to take a camera and besides who would we show it to anyway.

If anyone here has any old information about a tunnel complex 140 feet under Manila, let us know.



Ha Ha SWR we glad you post here. It gives us a reference standard to measure our success from ;D .

I give you an open invitation to come and see the hole. All of it. Spend the big money you made treasure recovery and come see us, say in the first week of June. You pay for your ticket and I will PERSONALLY show you the hole. Bring your own cable. The best ticket from USA, you are in USA are you not, to the islands is Philippine Airlines. Business class will cost you about $2,250 round trip.

Serious, you be in Manila the first week of June. I am sure there are some members of this site from Luzon who would find it very entertaining to meet you here.

We wait to hear from you.

Zobex ;)


Zobez are you talking about the tunnel in Fort Bonifacio?? SWR..hahahahahaha your really non sense.....Im here in Iloilo right now..GBOY Cliffhanger and others....Musta!!!


HI swr, : Idle thought, but perhaps, as mentionrd, that is strictly a ventilaton shaft . in which case the actual tunnel below was started from somewhere else. All excavation materiel would be removed through that entrance. Excavation would procced from below towards the top. An interesting bit of engineering would be involved, with no lee way for error..

Don Jose de La Mancha


Real de Tayopa said:
HI swr, : Idle thought, but perhaps, as mentioned, that is strictly a ventilation shaft . in which case the actual tunnel below was started from somewhere else. All excavation materiel would be removed through that entrance. Excavation would proceed from below towards the top. An interesting bit of engineering would be involved, with no lee way for error..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Naturally it is a ventilation shaft or possibly an alternate entrance hole. How would you get steel railroad rail down there. I speculate there is a series of ventilation shafts down the length of the tunnel. It is big enough to raise and lower items and may have also been used to extract rock in a lengthy excavation. I know the USG had extensive tunnels on Corregidor that to this day they will not publically release the maps to. Corregidor was designed in the late 1930's to be a kind of central bank armed reserve for the Asian area. The heavy armor and tunneling was not for protecting Manila bay. Many asian countries, as the Japanese advanced in the 1930's, sent their wealth to USG Manila for safe keeping. In the long run it only made it easier for the Japanese to grab it all. When Corregidor fell the USG spend a lot of time blasting shut tunnels, but to seal what?? The Japanese then spent several years from 1942 on digging on Corregidor to get the tunnels open. They used USG slave labor and Philipino slave labor. Later killing the men and dumping the bodies in Manila bay for fish food. Only a few managed to get off the rock over to Bataan. I have spent several days wandering Corregidor and there is vertical air shafts all over the place. Some made by Japanese and some made by USG. Some of those are 60 feet deep. This shaft is only 50 inches each side square. Japanese never used mechanical ventilation systems. Just thermal mixing which is very poor. I expect this tunnel complex went for miles. Just like any hard rock mine would be. The question is, for what purpose and to where.

For the record I am not ever going back in that hole. Some 140 feet straight down. One Filipino and I got loaded and challenged each other. Once was enough. I think we need some fearless spelunker down there. If the Arroyo government found out about it, naturally she would take it and kill everyone. So goes Philippine politics.



  • Corregidor.webp
    17.9 KB · Views: 1,740


Actually we also have that kind of tunnel here in Carcar, Cebu, though shallow at about 26ft deep. The opening is only 2ftx2ft. At the bottom the tunnel is only 3 ft. high and 4 ft wide but also with rail track. We know this track is only a short distance as we were also able to follow and empty what's inside. The tunnel wall is made of coral stone, like the one used to build old spanish churches. However, a smal portion of the tunnel, an end part, is closed as it is soft and collapsed. We suspect that there's something in this portion.


what do you think about this news?

National Geographic to look for rare marine species in RP

National Geographic is set to arrive in the country before the end of
this year to conduct a "deep sea research" in the Philippines to
discover marine species that they believe can only be found here, US
Ambassador Kristie Kenney revealed over the weekend.

Kenney said plans for the visit of National Geographic to the country
are almost settled and they are only finalizing the exact date for
the arrival of one of the world's largest non-profit educational and
scientific organizations.

Kenney said National Geographic may arrive "sometime in September or
October" for the research project in partnership with the US and
Philippine governments.

"They're going to be doing deep sea research on the sea species that
they believe (could) be found only here in the Philippines and
nowhere else in the world," Kenney told reporters on the sidelines of
the Earth Day celebrations at Quezon Memorial Circle in Quezon City
the other day.

"They're going to do a special feature in their magazines and it's a
great way of calling attention to the extraordinary diversity in the
Philippines and of course allowing us to think about how to continue
to protect that," she also said.

National Geographic's conduct of a "deep sea research" is among
several initiatives that the US government is doing in the
Philippines, as it recognizes the need to preserve the environment of
the country, regarded as one of two countries in the world that is
mega diverse yet a biodiversity hotspot.

The US government is among the largest foreign-grant donors for the
environment in the Philippines. It has provided nearly $10 million in
grant-funding each year to support initiatives for environment
protection in the country.

The US government's environmental programs in the Philippines that
are being carried out in partnership with private companies include
coral reef protection, preservation of whale sharks, anti-illegal
fishing campaign, wastewater treatment, promotion of renewable energy
such as solar power, and opportunities for eco-tourism jobs.

Aside from environment projects, the US government also brings into
the country volunteers for environment work.

"I am very delighted in celebrating (Earth Day) here in the
Philippines. I have been here for a year now and we had a great
opportunity to (see) the natural resources, so we got to preserve
it," Kenney said.

According to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), the country is one of the two countries in the world, aside
from Madagascar, considered as the world's "mega-diversity country
and biodiversity hotspot," which refers to areas that have a high
diversity of plants and animals which are endemic, but at the same
time face serious pressures or threats of species loss and habitat

On a per hectare basis, the DENR said the Philippines ranks in the
top 18 mega-diversity countries in terms of biological richness, with
its more than 52,177 described species, more than half of which are
found nowhere else in the world.

Together, the DENR also said, these 18 mega-diversity countries
contain between 70 and 89 percent of global biodiversity, and thus
form an integral part of the global heritage of diversity of life on

Citing the 2000 Red List of the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), 418 of the
country's 52,177 species were listed as threatened.

"The country is home to about 9,000 species of flora, a third of
which is said to be endemic to the country. It hosts 165 species of
mammals, 121 of which can be found only in this part of the world.
Unfortunately, it is also among the top 25 biodiversity hotspots in
the world," the DENR pointed out.

Marine biologist Dr. Kent Carpenter, coordinator of the Global Marine
Species Assessment of the World Conservation Union and fellow
researcher Dr. Victor Springer of the Smithsonian Institute completed
recently their 3-year study called "The Center of the Center of
Marine Shorefish Biodiversity: The Philippine Islands."

According to the scientists, the Verde Island Passage Marine
Corridor, located between Batangas and Mindoro Island, has been found
to have 1,736 overlapping marine species over a 10-kilometer by 10-
kilometer area, which is considered as "the highest concentration of
marine life in the world."

The Washington D.C.-based National Geographic, meanwhile, is a non-
profit educational and scientific organization, which interests
include geography and natural science, the promotion of environmental
and historical conservation, and the study of world culture and
history, according to Wikipedia.

Its historical mission is "to increase and diffuse geographic
knowledge while promoting the conservation of the world's cultural,
historical, and natural resources," as its purpose is "to inspire
people to care about their planet."

Internet information also said that the National Geographic is
governed by a twenty-three member Board of Trustees composed of a
group of distinguished educators, businesspeople, scientists, former
governmental officials, and conservationists.

The organization sponsors and funds scientific research and
exploration; and publishes an official journal, National Geographic
Magazine, and other magazines, books, school products, maps, other
publications, web and film products in numerous languages and
countries around the world.

QUESTION: do the National Geograhic have a hidden agenda in that area?
i smell fishy you know......why philippines of all? hehe.....it says "research project in partnership with the US and Philippine governments" (both governments really need gold this days)....
oh yeah...is it also the National Geography feature this Yamash*ta treasure on TV?..mmm.....interesting....very interesting....



OHIO Ikebana I Franky do not care what "your countries history books say", I lived through that period.and saw at first hand what happened, things which the Japanese history books lie about. The inhumanity was unbelievable.

I will not apologize for the "TRUTH".

"I" am personally offended in your suggestions that japan was a benevolent humane nation, and that I am lying or do not know what I am talking about.

So stick to the subject.

Don Jose de La Manca

p.s. among my campaign ribbons are "China service" & "Philippine liberation service"


I would swr, except that so many of the present sites are attempting to be politically correct and are white washing the actual occurrences. This also includes many atrocities that the allies committed also.

You are quite correct in that Japan has absolutely no legal or moral right to any of the deposits of loot from their fellow Asian nations. I might ask Ikeban how did Japan come to have this loot in the first place?

Incidentally how can one write /report about atrocities without having a negative aura?

Don Jose de La Mancha


Apologies to the room for this bit of disruptive data. I didn't start it, but as I said, "I will not apologize for telling the truth" .

So with this, let's get bk to the subject.

Don Jose de La Mancha


Real de Tayopa said:
Apologies to the room for this bit of disruptive data. I didn't start it, but as I said, "I will not apologize for telling the truth" .

So with this, let's get bk to the subject.

Don Jose de La Mancha

I agree Don the FORUM is


And the Subject should be

the 2007 Season of EXPEDITION: YAMASH-I-T-A ( Japanese) TREASURE

& I'm starting to think about deleting the last 2 days posts
if it dosn't get back to the Expedition.
and away from Political Opinions.

& if I get 1 Negative comment about this Statement,
I'll delete even more



I know some of you may go beyond the topic I posted which is the search/expedition of the infamous and legendary...Yamash-ita Treasures.
Its alright for me, that you guys will discuss..."once in a while"...some political undertones....
However, I request to everybody that " TREASURE, YAMASH-ITA, GOLD..ETC TOPICS" should always be part of your post.....bcoz this is a Yamashita Treasure thread...

As for my opinion regarding Yamash-ita Treasures...
if ever these treasures will be recovered it should be " finders keepers"...bcoz if we based in the history about WARS/WAR BOOTIES/TREASURES/GOLD.....
Thru the years...GOLD/TREASURES possesion changes from one hand to another thru Wars and stuff....ex: Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Arab Wars, Turks, NAZI, IRAQ Gold, WW2 War Booties, Conquestadores, Pirates of the Carribbean.....these gold bars/treasures were melted/remelted several times.....so if we trace the origin of these gold/treasures and returned it to the owner....the gold bar now may not belong recently to the mines of the owner country...it might be part of their war loot...therefore it would be difficult to claim its ownership...

Ex: 17th Spanish Gold coins/treasures....you can't return it to Spanish gov't...bcoz the original gold from this coins might came from or stolen from Aztec people or from their Latin American colonies gold mines also....therefore who originally own these gold coins...Spaniards or latin Americans?...
My point is...it would be difficult to trace the original ownership of these gold/treasures ..bcoz it was just melted/remelted thru centuries...


ZOBEX, May I suggest you get over your Personal Attacks & Apologize
To me on line HERE NOW,
Or you Will be Deleted.

This is NOT A THREAT this is a Promise.

IF I see you were online & didn't Your Gone.

I at no Time Censored your Posts that were ON SUBJECT.




Its understandable that you have your own "Roxas" agenda...of returning the treasure gold to whatever owner it might be...ex: Rogelio Roxas...
But I will NEVER expect (in my wildest dream) that the Roxas treasures/ money will be returned to the Roxas family or filipino people again....c'mon....Do you really expect that the gold brought abroad by Marcos will be returned to the Philippines even using thru US legal system?....open your eyes.... ITS GONE FOREVER !!!

SOLUTION: We Filipinos must DIG AGAIN OUR OWN TREASURE...AND KEEP IT FOR OURSELVES ( finders keepers)...never commit the same Marcos mistake of bringing it abroad again.......and for those other country claimants...i don't give a S** T...let them Dig their own treasure also...okey?

FYI: If indeed that Gold Cartel...will return the Marcos gold to Filipinos (thru legal system or miracle)...it would be our team that would benefit from it...OUR OLD FOLKS GAVE est. 10,000 mt thru CIA/Gold broker FRANK B. HIGDON in 1983 au transaction....and we have docu and picture to prove it....HOWEVER....we never expect it that those gold will be returned to Filipinos thats why we are targeting/exploring now to relocate the remaining "cave sites" full of gold stockpile previously hauled by Marcos men...meaning, we will NEVER REPLY on Marcos gold abroad to be returned to Filipinos...we rely more on the gold STILL BURIED/HIDDEN ON PHILIPPINE SOIL.....and thats is this thread is all about...recovering/exploring Yamash-ita Treasure still buried here...

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