
Your rock seems ordinary to me....no hurt feelings....
I have a picture of "vagina rock"...carved on a cave...the cave look like a skull....with mouth (cave opening), nose and eyes...on the forehead...is a big vagina carving "2 feet".....the clitoris is even well carved.....
In fact, when the natives pointed to us the vagina/skull cave...they were giggling and laughing...even at 50 meters...the skull cave and vagina forehead is still visible....THATS AN ORIGINAL VAGINA/SKULL...JAPS ROCK MARKERS....even a 5 year old child...have no difficulty recognizing it....
Boy Lara and other forum treasure friends...had seen my ACTUAL JAPS ROCK MARKERS....including several man made/different sizes.... rock X markers.....


hi kaloy,

thanks for the reply... the square marker was carved in a solid rock and this solid rock was put on the top of a mixed gravel and cement. I have a picture of that whole rock maybe next time when I will be online I will post it here. kaloy I'm curious with what u said about giveaways, please answer my private message. thanks again....



hi gaboy,

ur right gaboy about the vagina marker. yesterday, japs code breaker visited my site and according to him that marker is not a vagina because according to him, like what u said that clitoris and even hair was well carved in the vagina marker he found somewhere in bukidnon, I know gaboy u knew this place am I right? He consider that marker as a nature not a man made marker. u knw I am really confused about that marker coz some of code breaker here in the net replied me privately the meaning of that marker, according to him, the marker pointing to north side, in the cliff theres an old tree and a boulder, beside that boulder theres a small hole that a man can enter. according to him the japs who buried their treasure inside the tunnel in this hole the japs make their exit. and I am wondering how this happened coz when I examined the north side of the marker I found the cliff and also the century old tree and the boulder and even the hole that he said.

gaboy about the vagina rock that the code breaker found somewhere in Bukidnon, it was recovered by the japs and u knw what? the treasure recovered by the japs inside the boulder where the vagina marker was carved. If you owned that site don't waste your time proceed immediately to that site but don't forget to bring your silsil and maso para basagin mo ung boulder na un, theres a small room in that boulder where the japs treasure was hidden... gud luck gaboy




If you suspect that there is indeed treasure in your suspected rock marker...then go for it...
I wish i could operate that skull cave with forehead vagina marker...however it is in Sierra Madre, going there needs lots of budget , which I don't have now.
Near that vagina area, our native guides told us that there is also a big penis with balls rock marker hanging on the cliffwall and pointing towards the waterfalls....our native guides even told us that, when they were small children they stand on the big penis rock and dive into the pool in the waterfalls (they used the penis rock marker as diving board)... our team failed to go to the rock penis marker due to lack of logisitcs.


do you guys know about japanese treasure history in davao area? Zobex, can you share some knowledge about mindanao area?
Ground Penetrating Radar (soon to have)


anybody heard of the Place known as "Central Bank of the North" with a Dragon as a visible landmark/Marker????What does a Dragon means????


does any body have a copy of japanese treasure signs? please pm me.....tnx....


krugger said:
hi gaboy,

You're right gaboy about the vagina marker. yesterday, japs code breaker visited my site and according to him that marker is not a vagina because according to him, like what u said that clitoris and even hair was well carved in the vagina marker he found somewhere in bukidnon, I know gaboy u knew this place am I right? He consider that marker as a nature not a man made marker. u knw I am really confused about that marker coz some of code breaker here in the net replied me privately the meaning of that marker, according to him, the marker pointing to north side, in the cliff theres an old tree and a boulder, beside that boulder theres a small hole that a man can enter. according to him the japs who buried their treasure inside the tunnel in this hole the japs make their exit. and I am wondering how this happened coz when I examined the north side of the marker I found the cliff and also the century old tree and the boulder and even the hole that he said.

gaboy about the vagina rock that the code breaker found somewhere in Bukidnon, it was recovered by the japs and u knw what? the treasure recovered by the japs inside the boulder where the vagina marker was carved. If you owned that site don't waste your time proceed immediately to that site but don't forget to bring your silsil and maso para basagin mo ung boulder na un, theres a small room in that boulder where the japs treasure was hidden... gud luck gaboy


Boys, Boys, go to town and find some GIRLS!!

No really, both of you could be right. First, yes that is a natural hole in the rock. That rock is part of or from ancient sea bed. The hole is the result of erosion out of a soft spot in the rock. The soft spot erroded was some kind of fossil that was in the rock. If you look to the lower left of the rock in the pic. you will see some ribbed markings. That is also where some fossil was in the rock that erroded out over time and the shape of that fossil is what you see left in the harder rock.

Now, yes Japs DID use natural markings as code markers so long as they believed what it looked to them. Understand ??



GPR said:
do you guys know about Japanese treasure history in Davao area? Zobex, can you share some knowledge about Mindanao area?
Ground Penetrating Radar (soon to have)

I am still hung up in Los Angles and promised so many I was going back to GenSan last month. So many things backing up. Promises to others there also.

If you have GPR in your hands send me private message.

Davao area much wet and remaining things are deep. Best places are about the areas with pre WW2 business's. There was a very large and active Jap people business world there from circa 1918 to 1941. The military just moved in and lived. Much treasure was handed out to the Japanese residents as part of the buy in. So, it was buried in upper class farms and business sites. All military personnel had small holdings and they buried things at their homes. Most all remaining now vertical pit sites and water is always a problem. First markers often within the first 10-12 feet down. You may go as far as 60 feet down and require much shoring up and water control. Not cheap to operate. If using a GPR you will have to look for the shadow of the backfill in the pit. If really lucky you will find a truck that was shoved nose direct down in a pit but there will be at least 20 feet of dirt on top of the truck.



are you talking about Toril area? humor says trucks are buried along with the treasures.....we have farm properties in that area previously own by a Japanese guy name Furokawa....our farm have been visited by many treasure hunters few years back....two american treasure hunters mention 200 feet deep....can you believe that? why so deep? .....i remember one japanese treasure hunter ask my dad to start the digging in our farm....but has to do some rituals which my dad refused.....why the rituals?.....i know most treasure guides believe about spirits....that is why i understand why you post that photo with the shadow ghost....and yet it was just a camera trick or a photo shop effect.....i have no doubt about japanese treasure buried in the philippines..... but those treasure hunter who tend to be so extreme....just like one TH guy who said that he can see deep down by letting his spirit travel... :D :D.....three years ago another treasure hunter talk to me about communicating with "another world"....i also have no doubt that some treasure hunters are crazy or they are "possessed".........i always like to be an indiana jones.....hehehe........but please no spiritism....lets be scientific.....right Zobex?


GPR said:
are you talking about Toril area? humor says trucks are buried along with the treasures.....we have farm properties in that area previously own by a Japanese guy name Furokawa....our farm have been visited by many treasure hunters few years back....two american treasure hunters mention 200 feet deep....can you believe that? why so deep? .....i remember one japanese treasure hunter ask my dad to start the digging in our farm....but has to do some rituals which my dad refused.....why the rituals?.....i know most treasure guides believe about spirits....that is why i understand why you post that photo with the shadow ghost....and yet it was just a camera trick or a photo shop effect.....i have no doubt about japanese treasure buried in the philippines..... but those treasure hunter who tend to be so extreme....just like one TH guy who said that he can see deep down by letting his spirit travel... :D :D.....three years ago another treasure hunter talk to me about communicating with "another world"....i also have no doubt that some treasure hunters are crazy or they are "possessed".........i always like to be an indiana jones.....hehehe........but please no spiritism....lets be scientific.....right Zobex?

GPR I laugh. Is that your Dad's property?? Ask if they find skeletons in a hole near the site of the old house now just the cement foundation site, under the Mango Trees. A lot of scrap metal found there, but it is POST WW2 water pipe fittings etc. That is all I saw. The scraps of broken bowl were both pre and post war. They can stop digging around the foundation, it is not there.

I have been there and walked the site. No I was not the gringo with the weird stories. BTW there is nothing now or ever in that small tunnel in the rock wall where the water falls over it. That is not the site but a former Shinto prayer room.

Furokawa did bury stuff there but so far no one knows where, or maybe they do !?!? ;)
It might be just under your feet.

1/3 plus ceramics plus the set of swords buried in water proof chest. It would cost approximate 85,000usd to extract.



I hear a lot of digging operation with in Toril area. That two American TH did find treasure in toril. I hear that they found gold coins. I been to the area before they do the operation. The area have a mini pool and few coins they find in that pool. Few months after, I heard that they did find the barrel full of gold coins and the land owner went to US as part of the deal. One the guide, his name is Maning. He is an "albino", a white funny guy from Sorigao. I also meet an big Australian guy, who claim that he was connected with the CIA before but the he said the agency abandon him :D ;D. He is a TH too. These are just the few groups that I met 13 years ago. My parents and i use to help them locate area for TH operation and sometimes we help do the finacing while I do most of the driving using our pick-up. When ever they went to our farm in Toril, when they survey the area, The always say its positive. Then later on one Japanese guy did ask my dad to start the digging and mention that its just under our farm house. So, you are right when you said "it might be just under your feet". If you been to Toril. You might meet my dad. But I tell you we never start digging in our area. We never "find skeletons in a hole near the site of the old house". May be its not the sites you are talking. But our mango tree are very old and with many signs with many boulder like what krugger has. We also have creek but no more water in it.
I been away for many years. I plan to go home next year and might start again doing these stuff. So tell me more about it.


GPR said:
I hear a lot of digging operation with in Toril area. That two American TH did find treasure in toril. I hear that they found gold coins. I been to the area before they do the operation. The area have a mini pool and few coins they find in that pool. Few months after, I heard that they did find the barrel full of gold coins and the land owner went to US as part of the deal. One the guide, his name is Maning. He is an "albino", a white funny guy from Sorigao. I also meet an big Australian guy, who claim that he was connected with the CIA before but the he said the agency abandon him :D ;D. He is a TH too. These are just the few groups that I met 13 years ago. My parents and i use to help them locate area for TH operation and sometimes we help do the finacing while I do most of the driving using our pick-up. When ever they went to our farm in Toril, when they survey the area, The always say its positive. Then later on one Japanese guy did ask my dad to start the digging and mention that its just under our farm house. So, you are right when you said "it might be just under your feet". If you been to Toril. You might meet my dad. But I tell you we never start digging in our area. We never "find skeletons in a hole near the site of the old house". May be its not the sites you are talking. But our mango tree are very old and with many signs with many boulder like what krugger has. We also have creek but no more water in it.
I been away for many years. I plan to go home next year and might start again doing these stuff. So tell me more about it.

GPR, the two gringos found a steel gas drum that had been filled with gold coins, dumped in a small water pool.

The big Australian was Hans Peterson. I say WAS as he is no more. Some 3 years ago he tried to XX some people in Davao and he was hit by the Militia. Hans and his two bodyguards from Manila all were killed. Hans got 19 chops with a bolo including one that cut his spine between his shoulders. Actually was flown from Davao to Manila and then to Australia in a private hospital jet, died there. Sounds like Michael Merring's activity.

Yes the creek is dry, only a trace of water in the bottom, many big rocks. Only a little trickle of water falling over the rock face of the Shinto tunnel.

I talked to the diggers at the old house foundation. They had dug many small holes, not more than a few feet deep. They took the skeletons to the local cemetery and buried them. I tried to tell them not to just did random holes and such, they were destroying any evidence there may be. They said they had been told that the treasure was buried at the house. Well what the Jap ment was it was buried at the house but the house is not the house, you understand what I am telling you??

That Jap that came to talk was in fact the SON of Furokawa. The son has the exact spot map. He wanted just the set of swords that are buried that belonged to his father. Those are the swords I am also after.



poor Has.....he was a good man......he did teach me some treasure tricks and he was very funny guy.....i went abroad for about 14 years and my last vacation was two years ago....but as i said nobody is digging in our farm house and our farm house is not that old....but the next lot are trying to dig a hole going to our property............but.....mmmmm...... you seems to know some of this guys.....may be i know you...or my parenst do......my dad pass away nine years ago......what about michael mering.....what is your version about this guy?


GPR said:
poor Hans.....he was a good man......he did teach me some treasure tricks and he was very funny guy.....i went abroad for about 14 years and my last vacation was two years ago....but as i said nobody is digging in our farm house and our farm house is not that old....but the next lot are trying to dig a hole going to our property............but.....mmmmm...... you seems to know some of this guys.....may be i know you...or my parenst do......my dad pass away nine years ago......what about michael mering.....what is your version about this guy?

Mering was or is real deal. Part of the same waco ultra right right right nuts from the same group in the 1986 revolt and the Contra funders. He was laundring goods that belong to the Islamics. I never liked him. The expression is "meenie keenie" which means move like a snake. Nothing straight about it.

Mabe you and I should wander the stream bed together some day. Walk, talk and look, ;) ;) With the right eyes you never know what is in front of you.

Those guys were digging and I did not get good vibes from them. They wanted 100% and free advise but no make a deal. So I walked away with closed mouth.



hi experts,

I laugh and a little disappointed when i knw the result coming from the code breaker. last weekend my site was examined by the japs trained code breaker, that square marker according to him and also the japs code book that I read, it means a door. The code breaker an I decided to asked help to his japs mentor somewhere here in davao for a chemicals for cement breaker or dissolver so that it will not create huge sounds during operation. but sad to knw that the result of japs analysis of this rock sample he brought to his lab is negative the japs explanation that the marker is only a decoy. I'm doubtful about the result of the japs lab analysis, I have three reasons, 1st the japs did not saw the actual marker 2nd, he only based his analysis thru the sample we brought to his lab. 3rd how about if our sample is the problem, I mean I am the one who pick up the sample coming from the crack rock near the marker and I did not exert any effort in extracting that sample coz that rock sample was already detached from the solid rock, what if that sample is not coming from the solid rock attached to that artificial rock? dba there is possibility that it will happened? I'm just telling you guys for you here experts to give ur opinion... is it worthy to give more time and continue research on this marker or just leave it and concentrate to the other possible good site? thanks....



krugger said:
hi experts,

I laugh and a little disappointed when i knew the result coming from the code breaker. last weekend my site was examined by the japs trained code breaker, that square marker according to him and also the japs code book that I read, it means a door. The code breaker an I decided to asked help to his japs mentor somewhere here in davao for a chemicals for cement breaker or dissolver so that it will not create huge sounds during operation. but sad to knw that the result of japs analysis of this rock sample he brought to his lab is negative the japs explanation that the marker is only a decoy. I'm doubtful about the result of the japs lab analysis, I have three reasons, 1st the japs did not saw the actual marker 2nd, he only based his analysis thru the sample we brought to his lab. 3rd how about if our sample is the problem, I mean I am the one who pick up the sample coming from the crack rock near the marker and I did not exert any effort in extracting that sample coz that rock sample was already detached from the solid rock, what if that sample is not coming from the solid rock attached to that artificial rock? dba there is possibility that it will happened? I'm just telling you guys for you here experts to give ur opinion... is it worthy to give more time and continue research on this marker or just leave it and concentrate to the other possible good site? thanks....


Krugger, break of a piece of your suspect "rock" and put it in a pastic bucket. Cover it over with (fill enough to cover the rock) hydrochloric acid. In USA we would use bottled acid that is sold for using in swimming pools. A little hard to find in Mindanao but available in Davao, or just strong commercial HCL. If it is cement or cement mixed with decoy rock, in a couple of days it will all be dissolved. If it is real rock, it will still be there. If it is limestone or a calcite type of rock it will dissolve but not like a cement based object. Try a piece and let us know what you find.




guys if someday u will met here in davao pls let me knw so that I can let you visit my prospect japs treasure sites. I have here waterfalls with lots of japs marker, open japs tunnel (i dont know if these are defense or treasure tunnel, coz never been explored takut kasi sa ahas), japs garrisson these will be an interesting and worthy to be scanned and examined.



Krugger, break of a piece of your suspect "rock" and put it in a pastic bucket. Cover it over with (fill enough to cover the rock) hydrochloric acid. In USA we would use bottled acid that is sold for using in swimming pools. A little hard to find in Mindanao but available in Davao, or just strong commercial HCL. If it is cement or cement mixed with decoy rock, in a couple of days it will all be dissolved. If it is real rock, it will still be there. If it is limestone or a calcite type of rock it will dissolve but not like a cement based object. Try a piece and let us know what you find.



may i know what is the difference of the dissolved limestone or calcite type of rock from the dissolved cement based object, using hydrochloric acid? is it the color? or the texture?, one more thing, there are some stories that upon pouring an acid on the stone, it immediatelly dissolved? how come immediately,,,is it hydroflouric acid they use?


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