This is a false statement in regards to the $100,000 Gold Certificate

Regarding the above statements,
What is then the correct statement in regards to the $100,000 Gold certificate?


Does the U.S. Govt. really doesn't want to acknowledge the existence of these certificate?

If you have a specific question regarding the $100,000 Gold Certificate that you cannot find utilizing “google” or another internet search engine, please feel free to ask. My purpose was not to banter, but help educate a poster that had a question.

Any person who will say" it is a false statement" against to any given statement with complete and detailed informations, I can say that person is negating a good argument without anything to offer.

The question is " What is then the correct statement in regards to the $100,000 Gold certificate?" and the answer is " If you have a specific question regarding the $100,000 Gold Certificate that you cannot find utilizing “google” or another internet search engine, please feel free to ask. My purpose was not to banter, but help educate a poster that had a question.

Since your purpose is to "educate?" a poster that had a question, then, What is the correct statement in regards to the $100,000 Gold certificate when you say it is a false statement?



None of the fraudulent certificates are “of the period”. Most of the trillion dollars worth of fraudulent documents were printed in 2002 (or thereabouts).

They have NO face value, NO collector value and are illegal to own (at least in the US) because they were created solely for fraudulent purposes. They were printed in the Philippines, and not transported over by any US soldier. That is just poppycock

All written words without any proof or REFERENCE of any sort are called rumors, and here in Philippines, we call it "Story telling a lie", IN WHICH SOME PEOPLE ARE VERY GOOD AT. Just like the "Weapon of Mass Destruction", all suckers took it all; hook, line and sinker....



SWR said:
angel_09...Please try to keep up with the discussion. Links have been supplied to warn about the scam/swindle you are so boldly trying to defend.

Weapons of Mass Destruction written by Mike:

“Do you mean the WMD that Saddam used to kill a couple hundred thousand Kurds? Did you mean the WMDs that Saddam used against Iran? Were you alluding to the WMDs that Saddam's Former Air Force Chief Staff swears under oath that were sent to Northern Syria before the US Invasion, or did you mean the WMDs that we found about 500 of over the last two years IN IRAQ? I'm confused. I just don't know which WMDs you are referring to.”

Believe Me, I am tempted to answer this one too :D


Before anyone Answers this Here.

Be warned !

This is not the Politics Forum.


jeff of pa said:
SWR said:
angel_09...Please try to keep up with the discussion. Links have been supplied to warn about the scam/swindle you are so boldly trying to defend.

Weapons of Mass Destruction written by Mike:

“Do you mean the WMD that Saddam used to kill a couple hundred thousand Kurds? Did you mean the WMDs that Saddam used against Iran? Were you alluding to the WMDs that Saddam's Former Air Force Chief Staff swears under oath that were sent to Northern Syria before the US Invasion, or did you mean the WMDs that we found about 500 of over the last two years IN IRAQ? I'm confused. I just don't know which WMDs you are referring to.”

Believe Me, I am tempted to answer this one too :D


Before anyone Answers this Here.

Be warned !

This is not the Politics Forum.

I smile, I am through.

I would like to hear from anyone in the Philippines that has been through a personal experience with a "White Lady". NO NO. Let me clarify. In the Philippines a "White Lady" is an apperation or ghost that often has the appearance of a lady wearing a white dress. They appear in relation to burried treasure and or places of a lot of death, death often related to treasuer. Later I will post my one and only terrifying encounter in 1997. It was in the former slum area of Pasig and the site of a Jap last stand in 1945.

BTW - See I ammended the subject title so people can see the subject is actually related to the subject. If people ammend the title (but retain the first part that reads PHILIPPINES = YAMASH-I-T-A ( JAPS) TREASURE, then everyone can see what it is and not follow up on junk.



Zobex said:
jeff of pa said:
SWR said:
angel_09...Please try to keep up with the discussion. Links have been supplied to warn about the scam/swindle you are so boldly trying to defend.

Weapons of Mass Destruction written by Mike:

“Do you mean the WMD that Saddam used to kill a couple hundred thousand Kurds? Did you mean the WMDs that Saddam used against Iran? Were you alluding to the WMDs that Saddam's Former Air Force Chief Staff swears under oath that were sent to Northern Syria before the US Invasion, or did you mean the WMDs that we found about 500 of over the last two years IN IRAQ? I'm confused. I just don't know which WMDs you are referring to.”

Believe Me, I am tempted to answer this one too :D


Before anyone Answers this Here.

Be warned !

This is not the Politics Forum.

I smile, I am through.

I would like to hear from anyone in the Philippines that has been through a personal experience with a "White Lady". NO NO. Let me clarify. In the Philippines a "White Lady" is an apperation or ghost that often has the appearance of a lady wearing a white dress. They appear in relation to burried treasure and or places of a lot of death, death often related to treasuer. Later I will post my one and only terrifying encounter in 1997. It was in the former slum area of Pasig and the site of a Jap last stand in 1945.

BTW - See I ammended the subject title so people can see the subject is actually related to the subject. If people ammend the title (but retain the first part that reads PHILIPPINES = YAMASH-I-T-A ( JAPS) TREASURE, then everyone can see what it is and not follow up on junk.

talking about white lady ,and treasure related,many years ago,my whole family were vacationing to our home town in Leyte(1955)my aunt Ruby she's half filipina half american she's so pretty have a long hair infact she very much look like( Elizabeth tailor) make story short one night after she took a shower she went to the back of the backyard which the property we rented that was open ,and near to the river , and there's lots of big rocks around ,and there's a small bridges that going to town the time around 9:p.m.,and they have fullmoon so she can see the whole valley at first she saw this man pasturing he's carabao , for a while he doesnt' see her, and she's wearing white plain clohes hanging her long hair,and standing on top of one big rock , by the time the man see her it's close enough for him to recognise that she's not a filipina , because she's a white lady, and have a long hair,and the man run like a hell ,as pass as he could . and those place became a haunted area for them , but 30 years later , after they have worst flood (thousand died)the small bridge give-up some treasure found in the area . few years ago i when back , and check the area i found that the big rock were she was standing has all kind of sign, and marker on it. you might wondering how much treasure in it , we'll i can say is big enough to people stay in power for a long long time . Ed


Super Typhoon Cimaron

Northern Philippeans Look out & Be safe !

sustained Winds 160 M.P.H. & 190 M.P.H. Gusts on the way.
:o :o



Thanks for the Warning and Concern Jeff,

one down 7 to go, we have an average of 19 for a year. Let us pray that life and property is spared by this one...and that it washes away some topsoil and expose a marker or two.

God bless to all.



Dear, fellow TH these probably damn question , but i i'll ask you guy anyway not long ago my crew have found these big concrete laying by the side of the dry creek in very remote area ,and the actual measurement was 8x12x20 ft.(unportunately i lost the pic. somewhere)anyway it was confirm one of my crew that these thing came down from the side of the hell during the worst flood big lake up in the mountain give-up(1991)many people died on that tragedy now if these concrete has treasure in it i would imagine atleast a couple of ton inside , because of there size, my question ,what is the best procedure to get these thing out without having problem with the authority, using the media could be helful?i need your help guy, i can't turn my back on these one . thanks ED


Edchato said:
Dear, fellow TH these probably damn question , but i I'll ask you guy anyway not long ago my crew have found these big concrete laying by the side of the dry creek in very remote area ,and the actual measurement was 8x12x20 ft.(opportunity i lost the pic. somewhere)anyway it was confirm one of my crew that these thing came down from the side of the hell during the worst flood big lake up in the mountain give-up(1991)many people died on that tragedy now if these concrete has treasure in it i would imagine at least a couple of ton inside , because of there size, my question ,what is the best procedure to get these thing out without having problem with the authority, using the media could be helpful?i need your help guy, i can't turn my back on these one . thanks ED

Now Ed, you know by now that keeping a secret in the islands is totally impossible. All projects have a live span and there comes a point when it all falls apart so you will be facing a dead line. If any of the locals see you looking at it, the local politicals are going to know.

If it is what I think it is, I will give you my experience and my self but kicking over one of these. First they come in two types. Solid cast and other is hollow cast. The first one of these we cut open in Bukidnon jungle and it was hollow cast and filled with nickel babbitt bearing material bars marked American Babbet Company, Los Angeles. That was 1998 and we left it in the jungle. The second one some villagers found and ask if I would pay expenses to cut open and take 1/3. Well they bugged me for some 2 months and I said too busy now. Well they got a German from Manila to cover expenses. Inside it had 3 tons. I am kicking my ass on that one. Generally if hollow cast the walls are 12 inch thick and simple cast, no reinforcement but it may have rocks cast into the walls. If it is solid then you have a problem.

First build a nippa hut over the tops of each one and put a poor family living in each hut. Now you are concealed. Then use 8 pound hammers and commercial made 24 inch by 0.50 inch cement drills and start to break it open. It will take about 2-3 weeks. Keep lookouts and if anyone comes near then stop hammering. If it is solid cast you will need a generator and a Bosh demolition hammer drill with a 1.25 inch bit by 24 inch long. Just keep breaking down the cement.

You are very lucky to find these, wish I had. If any government or media find out about it. It will be gone and your people will be dead. Lucky if not tortured. The US Marines are now training the Philippine AFP and Marines in methods of interrogation. Like in US base in Cuba.



kaloy said:
as for me i have no question about the wells fargo......

zobex, sir, i understand that you are a WWII veteran, are you familiar with the potential projects here in pangasinan? specifically, the mangatarem area?
i will appreciate any infos regarding this sites. thanks n mabuhay!

I no WW2, that was My Dad and Uncle in Luzon and Mindanao. I early 50's, my background is mixed bag, some good, some bad some, a lot of stuff ?!?!?!

Pangasinan area I know. I was supposed to be just north of there last month but keep getting held back on other project.



Hi Ed,

I would run a twobox detector over the 8x12x20 slab to verify if there is ferrous or nonferrrous metal inside before hammering away, if the thikness is 12ft and assuming the target would be at the center and taking to consideration the thickness or mass of the target, it would safe to assume that distance from surface of slab to target would be arround 4-5 ft, well within the range of a twobox detector. Of course it would pick up the rebars if its reinforced, at least you would know its man made. An experienced two box operator should be able to distinguish rebar beeps from a solid bang of a center target.HH

God bless,



to: sobex,and tagasilay thanks guy although sobex make me scared a little i have no choice ,i have to go all the way (smile ) there's more than the treasure that i need to prove to myself ,and these one seem like a good challenge to me, and ,if i can get some few ,that will be my satisfaction,if not that well be the end of my couriosity. Ed


Edchato said:
to: sobex,and tagasilay thanks guy although sobex make me scared a little i have no choice ,i have to go all the way (smile ) there's more than the treasure that i need to prove to myself ,and these one seem like a good challenge to me, and ,if i can get some few ,that will be my satisfaction,if not that well be the end of my couriosity. Ed


it is just simple as this.......if happens that the slab is positive of au, and somebody took it away from you....all of it!!! are you willing to risk your life for it?? if yes.....thats stupid thing to do.....what will you do with gold if you're dead........., just let it be that way....make some digging again....and always be positive of everything....all of us will have room for the second life....just take it easy...have no fear and do your job peacefully! Godspeed!

"I pray for a success recovery...." when i mean success,,, the proceeds reached the unreachables...be a good manager of the earthly goods...Peace!


A peaceful life is much preferred than being rich! but if i can have both...much better ;)


Edchato said:
to: sobex,and tagasilay thanks guy although sobex make me scared a little i have no choice ,i have to go all the way (smile ) there's more than the treasure that i need to prove to myself ,and these one seem like a good challenge to me, and ,if i can get some few ,that will be my satisfaction,if not that well be the end of my couriosity. Ed

a lot of corrupt people here in P.I....as emily h says,,,,be safe out there......dont be afraid of the elements...give what satisfy them....there are so much to dig.....on the right time....on the right place, we'll hit one....

yah....a detector with descriminator for ferrous and non-ferrous metal....but to be sure ...break it open man!



and what ever happens..., update us ed...., that,..... if you have a good intention, you have nothing to be afraid of what will happen to you......


Hi, 'tol thanks for your advice, and concern that's wonderful , and if you remember the first time we spoke, and the reason why i was in these bus. maybe this is it ,and like you said ,if you do a good thing there's nothing to worried about, and thank you very much in advance (just in case( smile)yes i let you guys know soon no matter what, if i don't , we'll you can figure out. nice to hear from you Bro. Ed


hi th,

anybody knows what does this marker means? this square marker carved on top of artificial or man made big rock estimated 10 tonnes. 6 1/2 inches each 4 sides and the depthness is also 6 1/2 inches. thanks



  • squre pic. 2.webp
    squre pic. 2.webp
    53.2 KB · Views: 13,248

here are my other pics, the first one located beside creek, it looks like a vagina, 145 degrees SE. The other one also located in the creek looks like an arrow pointing upward. any idea?



  • vagina.webp
    44.4 KB · Views: 6,435
  • arrow.webp
    24.8 KB · Views: 8,660

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