nugget said:

Krugger, break of a piece of your suspect "rock" and put it in a pastic bucket. Cover it over with (fill enough to cover the rock) hydrochloric acid. In USA we would use bottled acid that is sold for using in swimming pools. A little hard to find in Mindanao but available in Davao, or just strong commercial HCL. If it is cement or cement mixed with decoy rock, in a couple of days it will all be dissolved. If it is real rock, it will still be there. If it is limestone or a calcite type of rock it will dissolve but not like a cement based object. Try a piece and let us know what you find.


may i know what is the difference of the dissolved limestone or calcite type of rock from the dissolved cement based object, using hydrochloric acid? is it the color? or the texture?, one more thing, there are some stories that upon pouring an acid on the stone, it immediately dissolved? how come immediately,,,is it hydrofluoric acid they use?



NO NO !! Hydrochloric acid, chlorine. First you can not get Hydrofluoric acid on Mindanao and if you did you would have a chemical weapon. It's totally dangerous. One gallon of concentrated HF strapped to a hand grenade will take out a football field and stadium full of people.

Cement is made from limestone and clay. It is ground up and cooked in a furnace that raised it to about 300 or so degrees. All the moisture is driven out and the limestone rock that naturally has water as part of the crystal structure is driven off. When you add water to the cement the water recombines with the dehydrated lime and makes what is called hydrated lime. the chemical structure changes again and it gets hard like limestone. BUT when you make "cement" it is mixed with an aggregate like sand and crushed rock or such. NOW when you soak it in acid, the hydrated lime of the "cement" dissolves out into solution and it leaves the non dissolable aggregate sand an rock behind. Normally the sand and aggregate is quartz and feldspar sand or in the islands, what ever rock you find at hand.

The reason "cement" dissolves faster than a chunk of limestone or calcite rock is that those are closed porous, where even the best of "cement" is micro porous and those micro holes let the acid soak in faster and dissolve out the hydrated lime between the aggregate sand and gravel.

It is a matter of how fast it dissolves. Cement will dissolve faster and the sand and aggregate will be left in the bottom of the plastic bucket. What you are looking for is the residual aggregate. That tells you it is MAN MADE material. Thus made by the Japs.

Now Hydrofluoric acid will dissolve just about everything in a flash, the fumes will kill people in a flash. Acts like a nerve agent.



Zobex said:
nugget said:

Krugger, break of a piece of your suspect "rock" and put it in a pastic bucket. Cover it over with (fill enough to cover the rock) hydrochloric acid. In USA we would use bottled acid that is sold for using in swimming pools. A little hard to find in Mindanao but available in Davao, or just strong commercial HCL. If it is cement or cement mixed with decoy rock, in a couple of days it will all be dissolved. If it is real rock, it will still be there. If it is limestone or a calcite type of rock it will dissolve but not like a cement based object. Try a piece and let us know what you find.


may i know what is the difference of the dissolved limestone or calcite type of rock from the dissolved cement based object, using hydrochloric acid? is it the color? or the texture?, one more thing, there are some stories that upon pouring an acid on the stone, it immediately dissolved? how come immediately,,,is it hydrofluoric acid they use?


NO NO !! Hydrochloric acid, chlorine. First you can not get Hydrofluoric acid on Mindanao and if you did you would have a chemical weapon. It's totally dangerous. One gallon of concentrated HF strapped to a hand grenade will take out a football field and stadium full of people.

Cement is made from limestone and clay. It is ground up and cooked in a furnace that raised it to about 300 or so degrees. All the moisture is driven out and the limestone rock that naturally has water as part of the crystal structure is driven off. When you add water to the cement the water recombines with the dehydrated lime and makes what is called hydrated lime. the chemical structure changes again and it gets hard like limestone. BUT when you make "cement" it is mixed with an aggregate like sand and crushed rock or such. NOW when you soak it in acid, the hydrated lime of the "cement" dissolves out into solution and it leaves the non dissolable aggregate sand an rock behind. Normally the sand and aggregate is quarts and feldspar sand or in the islands, what ever rock you find at hand.

The reason "cement" dissolves faster than a chunk of limestone or calcite rock is that those are closed porous, where even the best of "cement" is micro porous and those micro holes let the acid soak in faster and dissolve out the hydrated lime between the aggregate sand and gravel.

It is a matter of how fast it dissolves. Cement will dissolve faster and the sand and aggregate will be left in the bottom of the plastic bucket. What you are looking for is the residual aggregate. That tells you it is MAN MADE material. Thus made by the Japs.

Now Hydrofluoric acid will dissolve just about everything in a flash, the fumes will kill people in a flash. Acts like a nerve agent.



Thanks! Clear Enough.....i prefer this hydrochloric acid than any demolition agent....but acid is acid......and i beleive though that gold will not be affected by this acid....that is why you suggested it?......right?


have you heard this guys John Steven and Kitt Scott? im sure you know ofelia wood.....tell me your story......


i just dont have any news from them..........im just asking if you know them......thanks....


GPR said:
i just dont have any news from them..........im just asking if you know them......thanks....

You want them tracked, contact me via the site private message link.



how about tracking a SITE? any connections on remote sensing? TY


I have found atop of mountain 2 cylindrical cement markers( muhon) 7 steps away from each other. with ARROW marked on both of them. these arrows will meet at the center of the mountain.

How can i be sure these cement markers were made by the japanese?


Zobex said:
GPR said:
are you talking about Toril area? humor says trucks are buried along with the treasures.....we have farm properties in that area previously own by a Japanese guy name Furokawa....our farm have been visited by many treasure hunters few years back....two american treasure hunters mention 200 feet deep....can you believe that? why so deep? .....i remember one japanese treasure hunter ask my dad to start the digging in our farm....but has to do some rituals which my dad refused.....why the rituals?.....i know most treasure guides believe about spirits....that is why i understand why you post that photo with the shadow ghost....and yet it was just a camera trick or a photo shop effect.....i have no doubt about japanese treasure buried in the philippines..... but those treasure hunter who tend to be so extreme....just like one TH guy who said that he can see deep down by letting his spirit travel... :D :D.....three years ago another treasure hunter talk to me about communicating with "another world"....i also have no doubt that some treasure hunters are crazy or they are "possessed".........i always like to be an indiana jones.....hehehe........but please no spiritism....lets be scientific.....right Zobex?

GPR I laugh. Is that your Dad's property?? Ask if they find skeletons in a hole near the site of the old house now just the cement foundation site, under the Mango Trees. A lot of scrap metal found there, but it is POST WW2 water pipe fittings etc. That is all I saw. The scraps of broken bowl were both pre and post war. They can stop digging around the foundation, it is not there.

I have been there and walked the site. No I was not the gringo with the weird stories. BTW there is nothing now or ever in that small tunnel in the rock wall where the water falls over it. That is not the site but a former Shinto prayer room.

Furokawa did bury stuff there but so far no one knows where, or maybe they do !?!? ;)
It might be just under your feet.

1/3 plus ceramics plus the set of swords buried in water proof chest. It would cost approximate 85,000usd to extract.


I am not sure if you are talking about our property. If it is, I can now sense your ESP....I hope you are not those TH that has this power to see things with out an explaination.....you may be one of those X men....hehehe. ;D ;D.......just kidding......Ok, if you really went to our place PM me the name of my father...... it may be a coincindece...now i remember there is small water, a knee deep square well (you said rock wall where the water falls over it?)...... it is near to that dry creek.....by the way, that dry creek full of big rocks was analize by that australian guy......and he said the Y shape of that dry creek means Yamashi-i-t-a....and he said that something is buried in the middle of that Y shape....but because for many years past, that Y shape move and it will be difficult to locate the real spot....few meters from that dry creek is the knee deep square well that im talking about...it has a mark at the bottom of that well..when you remove the water you can see...if i remember right a straight line engrave approximately 2"X20" and 2" deep.....near by, my brother dig for a small fish pond (when the water over flow, it goes there).....and there is a strange hard rocklike thing (may also be a cement material) just next to that knee deep square well (made of the same material).....if you use a hammer, it will bounce and it is so difficult to break......so when i was there 3 years ago.....i happen to know this american guy, a former TH and now doing medium scale cowboy style mining, his name is ron wilks....i have him check if those rocks like has gold (he crush it with his crusher and pan it)....and it does, it has small dust of gold....but he said its too small to do his kind of stuff (i didn't ask him about treasure stuff, because he hate it after having a bad experience in Treasure hunting).....what im saying is that, is this the rock/cement like wall you are talking about? but i dont see any tunnel in that place......let see you ESP Zorex.... ;) ;)


I am not sure if you are talking about our property. If it is, I can now sense your ESP....I hope you are not those TH that has this power to see things with out an explaination.....you may be one of those X men....hehehe. ;D ;D.......just kidding......Ok, if you really went to our place PM me the name of my father...... it may be a coincindece...now i remember there is small water, a knee deep square well (you said rock wall where the water falls over it?)...... it is near to that dry creek.....by the way, that dry creek full of big rocks was analize by that australian guy......and he said the Y shape of that dry creek means Yamashi-i-t-a....and he said that something is buried in the middle of that Y shape....but because for many years past, that Y shape move and it will be difficult to locate the real spot....few meters from that dry creek is the knee deep square well that im talking about...it has a mark at the bottom of that well..when you remove the water you can see...if i remember right a straight line engrave approximately 2"X20" and 2" deep.....near by, my brother dig for a small fish pond (when the water over flow, it goes there).....and there is a strange hard rocklike thing (may also be a cement material) just next to that knee deep square well (made of the same material).....if you use a hammer, it will bounce and it is so difficult to break......so when i was there 3 years ago.....i happen to know this american guy, a former TH and now doing medium scale cowboy style mining, his name is ron wilks....i have him check if those rocks like has gold....and it does, it has small dust of gold....but he said its too small to do his kind of stuff (i didn't ask him about treasure stuff, because he hate it after having a bad experience in TH).....what im saying is that, is this the rock/cement wall you are talking about? but i dont see any tunnel in that place......let see you ESP Zorex.... ;D ;D

Are you referring to this square hole below the wall that drips water and has the hole in it? This hole was dug to collect the water that trickles off the wall. And yes, there is a tunnel in that wall that you can crawl into and it is empty. This picture I took, myself, about 2.5 years ago.

This property, mango grove, onced belonged to Furokawa and the ruins of one of his houses is there. I looked at the foundations and inspected the several shallow holes the workers had dug. Discussed what they wanted etc..



hi guys,

are u reffering to general forokawa or the son of general forokawa? general forokawa is already dead. those japs treasure hunters who were looking the treasures buried by the late general were the son and the relatives of general furokawa. in 90's son of furokawa came somewhere in tagakpan looking for the house of his father, this guy asked my friend (who owned the lot now where the house of the late general where located) about the location of the house but my friend did not told the correct location instead he told this guy to come in thier house for a lunch. in their house my friend asked him directly, are u looking for the buried treasure of general forukawa? the japs replied him no no no. my fren and this japs became close friends coz this jap frequently visit this area and this is the reason why the 4 boxes and the 10 tonnes burried in one of the elementary principals office in the city of malaybalay was recovered. sad to knw that my fren did not received his share even a single gold bar. th located in malaybalay and cdo check this out guys to proved my story is true principal office in one of the elementary school in malaybalay that was fired by those greed th and then reconstructed in 90's. 6' under that bldg. 10 tonnes was buried, and the 4 boxes was buried under the stairs...

gpr our site has something in common maybe the japs who buried in your place were also the one who buried their looted treasure in my site.



krugger said:
hi guys,

are u referring to general forokawa or the son of general forokawa? general forokawa is already dead. those japs treasure hunters who were looking the treasures buried by the late general were the son and the relatives of general furokawa. in 90's son of furokawa came somewhere in tagakpan looking for the house of his father, this guy asked my friend (who owned the lot now where the house of the late general where located) about the location of the house but my friend did not told the correct location instead he told this guy to come in thier house for a lunch. in their house my friend asked him directly, are u looking for the buried treasure of general forukawa? the japs replied him no no no. my fren and this japs became close friends coz this jap frequently visit this area and this is the reason why the 4 boxes and the 10 tonnes burried in one of the elementary principals office in the city of malaybalay was recovered. sad to knw that my fren did not received his share even a single gold bar. th located in malaybalay and cdo check this out guys to proved my story is true principal office in one of the elementary school in malaybalay that was fired by those greed th and then reconstructed in 90's. 6' under that bldg. 10 tonnes was buried, and the 4 boxes was buried under the stairs...

gpr our site has something in common maybe the japs who buried in your place were also the one who buried their looted treasure in my site.


The goods found that you describe were not buried by Furokawa but under command of Lieutenant General Gyosaku Morozumi. I am VERY familiar with Malaybalay and Carmen area and up the river into the mountains.

Click on the website link that is tied to my TH identity of ZOBEX. On that web page at the top you will see a pic. of a group of Japs. That pic was taken between Carmen and Malaybalay in 1945 at the surrender. That pic was taken by a friend of mine, Paul Tillery. These are some of the japs that buried the material you are referring to.

One of the japs, then an old man, an officer, was a friend of mine. He was killed in Mindanao working with me tracking the sites they had buried, was shot in the neck by muslims about 3 years ago. After he was killed and buried on the mountain, we balanced the piston.




maybe u r right, but my fren did not asked the son of general forukawa who buried the treasure what this japs wanted him to do is that after he recovered the 4 boxes that was buried under the stairs, the japs wanted him to package immediately to japan the box that will weight 50kgs without the gold bars infact the japs gave him 2000 for payment of the frieght and until now the 2000 pesos still in his hands because the greed ths who recovered the object did not even bothered to informed him about what happened in thier recoveries..

by the way zobex, thanks for ur suggestion about the chemicals to be used for breaking hard rocks.



krugger said:

maybe u r right, but my fren did not asked the son of general forukawa who buried the treasure what this japs wanted him to do is that after he recovered the 4 boxes that was buried under the stairs, the japs wanted him to package immediately to japan the box that will weight 50kgs without the gold bars infact the japs gave him 2000 for payment of the frieght and until now the 2000 pesos still in his hands because the greed ths who recovered the object did not even bothered to informed him about what happened in thier recoveries..

by the way zobex, thanks for ur suggestion about the chemicals to be used for breaking hard rocks.


That always the story, the Filipinos always get nothing or worse get insulted and ridiculed while the foreigners take everything away so they can squander the wealth on junk they don't need. That is why I smile when ever the locals hijack the foreigner Japs that come to get their blood gold.

Remember the 1960's and the slogan "Power To The People !!"



the picture does look like our place........i hope is it....so we can get those treasures :o :o.....but i am sick of this....i been doing TH for many years and it eats up my time, energy and money....and end up nothing.....(some end up being crazy).....look at some of those guys here.... ;D ;D....i dont know why im still here...hehe. ;D :D....but, i'll be back with revenge... ;) ;).....with my GPR and other stuff........i grow up in davao and all of our three properties has history and signs of japs treasure......not to mention other many sites that i know....Zobex, i can see that you already have treasures (you are the treasure).....your story....lets make a book and market it tru internet....wait for me i have someone to finance your book......look at this guy Bob Martin, he is earning around U.S. $10,000 more or less a month by just by posting his blogs and his e-commerce (selling his book tru internet). Look at hes sites:
Take note this website too are earning due to our topic are the most visited thread of all.....(right jeff?)
anyway, reading all the posted messenges here really makes my time travel (i havent finish yet).....i just can feel how filipino TH feel.......zobex, will be the leading man hehe ;) ;)......you haven't PM me yet.....


OK GPR, now you can call me Zobex The Great, I can see things that others can't !!!

I knew that was your family's place. BTW I have here at my place the American GI shovel and broken rice bowl that was found only a few meters from this photograph where the skeletons were found.

I also know where the goods are, ;D a GPR machine won't work here, it's too deep.



Te be honest Forokawa plantation/property is really wide and our property is just part of it. Im not 100 percent sure if that it is our property. I just hope it is. I almost believe you......But when you said a "GPR machine won't work", is it because you can see deeper than the GPR right? (that means i save thousand of dollars for that statement) haha.... :D :D...just making fun of you.....well....Let see how great you are...lets make a book....file up your ducuments, pictures and other stuff.....what do you think Zobex?


GPR said:
Te be honest Forokawa plantation/property is really wide and our property is just part of it. Im not 100 percent sure if that it is our property. I just hope it is. I almost believe you......But when you said a "GPR machine won't work", is it because you can see deeper than the GPR right? (that means i save thousand of dollars for that statement) haha.... :D :D...just making fun of you.....well....Let see how great you are...lets make a book....file up your documents, pictures and other stuff.....what do you think Zobex?

OK OK, History lesson. Davao was a major Japanese national site BEFORE WW2. So much that the US Military ran out of the area when the japs first attacked. The jap navy came to Davao, unloaded and occupied the town with ZERO resistance. The jap nationals formed welcoming parties lining the roads through town, set up picknicks and handed out refreshments to the jap military as they went marching by through town. Things reversed at the end of the war and after the US military reoccupied Davao, one of the first things the US military did is declare all lands owned or held by japanese military personnel, as private property and all other property held by japanese nationals (citizens) to be open for a land grab rush. This was done as a form of land reform or redistribution, retribution, retaliation and to drive the japs out of Mindanao. The minuet that order was announced, Filipinos went rushing around town and out of town pounding wood stakes with names on them claiming whole or parts of various lands. That is how Forokawa's major land holding was split up into many fragments.

As you know a plantation has MANY houses on it. Like the main house, summer house, reception house, workers houses, military reception and command house etc. So when the Son of Forokawa said in the 1990's that it was buried at the house, he did not specify which house. Your father should have let him say his shinto prayers and watched where he did it.

When I was there 2.5 I was told when walking the property that the son had come to say prayers there but the old man owner would not let him. There had been an argument about distribution of the treasure etc. Also given other details of the meeting. Apparently your father really did not like this jap, that is how it was presented to me.

This site is beyond 50 feet to markers so a GPR won't work. I spent a great deal of time up and down the hwy in front of this property and in the various valleys off of each side. There is also a tunnel in one of the valleys between this site and Davao, just off the hwy. The tunnel is sealed and it looks wet in the area in front so I bet any trucks, if in side, will be total rust buckets now. Too bad, I have found 4 trucks so far, and those were either beyond saving or so far into the mountains it would be a pain in the ass to get them down.



interesting.....very interesting.....dont print any futher......others may copy this..... ;).....(and they will make a book out of it)......anyhow...more expensive GPR can go 80 feet.... :P......i also prefer smaller items like few bars of gold....not those huge deposits....unless if it is just few feet deep......my life are more important than those huge truck loads of deposits that your after......beside im not going to be full time doing TH....this is just a hobby...right guys?......i am really glad you know the history.....thanks teacher Zobex... ;)



I watched local news last night on tv, policemen was called up by Larious hotel staff coz there was a thin attache case left by a certain person. the hotel staff thought it was a bomb, the policemen examined immediately to knw the content of that attache case. the thin attache case that was found in one room of that hotel it looks like the attache case posted in zobex website. the policemen found old papers inside the attache case and some gold bullion certificate... zobex, when u found that attache case that u posted in ur website is there any gold bars? ;D ;D ;D


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