GPR said:
are you talking about Toril area? humor says trucks are buried along with the treasures.....we have farm properties in that area previously own by a Japanese guy name Furokawa....our farm have been visited by many treasure hunters few years back....two american treasure hunters mention 200 feet deep....can you believe that? why so deep? .....i remember one japanese treasure hunter ask my dad to start the digging in our farm....but has to do some rituals which my dad refused.....why the rituals?.....i know most treasure guides believe about spirits....that is why i understand why you post that photo with the shadow ghost....and yet it was just a camera trick or a photo shop effect.....i have no doubt about japanese treasure buried in the philippines..... but those treasure hunter who tend to be so extreme....just like one TH guy who said that he can see deep down by letting his spirit travel...

.....three years ago another treasure hunter talk to me about communicating with "another world"....i also have no doubt that some treasure hunters are crazy or they are "possessed".........i always like to be an indiana jones.....hehehe........but please no spiritism....lets be scientific.....right Zobex?
GPR I laugh. Is that your Dad's property?? Ask if they find skeletons in a hole near the site of the old house now just the cement foundation site, under the Mango Trees. A lot of scrap metal found there, but it is POST WW2 water pipe fittings etc. That is all I saw. The scraps of broken bowl were both pre and post war. They can stop digging around the foundation, it is not there.
I have been there and walked the site. No I was not the gringo with the weird stories. BTW there is nothing now or ever in that small tunnel in the rock wall where the water falls over it. That is not the site but a former Shinto prayer room.
Furokawa did bury stuff there but so far no one knows where, or maybe they do !?!?

It might be just under your feet.
1/3 plus ceramics plus the set of swords buried in water proof chest. It would cost approximate 85,000usd to extract.