buscadero said:
??? Wayne: There is NO such thing as a $100,000 FRN! Only 1934 Gold Cert.


A Federal Reserve Note is a Promissory Note issued by the Federal Reserve Bank and or its 12 Branch Bank. It is Fiat Currency. Rip off description as;;

Federal Reserve Notes are printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP), a bureau of the United States Mint within the Department of the Treasury. Like coins minted by the United States Mint, they are provided to the Federal Reserve at nominal cost.

A commercial bank belonging to the Federal Reserve System can obtain the notes from the Federal Reserve Bank in its district (one of the 12 district banks) whenever it wishes. It must pay for them in full, dollar for dollar, by drawing down its account with its district Federal Reserve Bank.

The commercial bank can purchase the Notes in a variety of ways and commodities. The same goes for foreign Governments. The Federal Reserve System is a PRIVATE bank network.

A Gold Certificate 1934 is a Certificate of Deposit for Gold. That is why it was drawable in Gold when delivered in person.

The 1934 $100,000 Gold Certificates were open negotiable between any and all banks, Federal Reserve Network and also Commercial Members. That is how they were issued. They were delivered "in hand" to a Federal Reserve Bank and hard gold was drawn out for shipping or export. When the Federal Reserve Bank then had the Gold Certificate in hand they would again sell back out on the market that certificate and cycle the redemption again.

That is how they wound up in Asia.

We don't have to repeat the posts how it was a scam and sent through out the world.



diving doc said:
But the number of these certificates is known, is it not?


YES and NO. Dummy Books.

Do you actually think the books kept by the USG betwen Title 18 Corporations, off record accounts and funding, special accounts and military and intelligence accounts and balances are in the official bound copy of the congressional record ??

Also we are talking about 1934 practice. Scamming outside of USA proper was very easy in those days.

I, myself, have sat in the USG Embassy in Manila and had these exact same conversations with the USG staff over what has been found in various stashes of Jap war treasure.

There is the truth and there is the truth they say. What ever it is, the Embassy wants the stuff out of circulation.


A commercial bank belonging to the Federal Reserve System can obtain the notes from the Federal Reserve Bank in its district (one of the 12 district banks) whenever it wishes.

This is a false statement in regards to the $100,000 Gold Certificate

The commercial bank can purchase the Notes in a variety of ways and commodities. The same goes for foreign Governments.

This is a false statement in regards to the $100,000 Gold Certificate
A Gold Certificate 1934 is a Certificate of Deposit for Gold. That is why it was drawable in Gold when delivered in person.

This is a false statement in regards to the $100,000 Gold Certificate

Regarding the above statements,
What is then the correct statement in regards to the $100,000 Gold certificate?

Does the U.S. Govt. really doesn't want to acknowledge the existence of these certificate?



SWR said:
angel_09 said:
Does the U.S. Govt. really doesn't want to acknowledge the existence of these certificate?

If you have a specific question regarding the $100,000 Gold Certificate that you cannot find utilizing “google” or another internet search engine, please feel free to ask. My purpose was not to banter, but help educate a poster that had a question.

If, by chance, you cannot accept the well-known fact, that all forty-two thousand Certificates are accounted for, I am sorry, but I cannot help you. Please do not try to place fault on the US Government for your lacking of knowledge on this subject.


Actually what the original question was, how and where could the individual who first posted the question could have authenticated and redeemed a $100,000 gold cert. . The answer I posted to that question included the specific names of three FBI agents and the name of one Homeland Security agent, located at the USG Embassy in Manila Philippines with which to negotiate, all personally known to me. Including in one case the phone number to call. Rather than expending so much time with arm chair travelers here, that person should talk directly with those agents or other such as they will be directed to.

No one has total knowledge of world events, but unless they have had specific real life experience in a matter, all they can expound is heresay or reconstituted verbage picked up from pamphlets or the talk show circuit.

I only gave information from which I have had personal experience working outside and inside the USG over the past 25 years. If you wish to continue to believe in Weapons of Mass Distruction and a Heart Beat away from an Iraq nuclear attack that is your state of mind.

As I posted, those gold certificates were shipped internationally. Here is a link to a Wells Fargo shipping invoice from a shipping safe that I cut open in the Philippines several years ago. The gold certificate and supporting documents were redeemed at the embassy after a lot of hot words on both sides and a lot of hollow threats from their side. Had the certificate been fake, they would not have paid out. Is this something hard to comprehend ??

Unless you have mechanically done the same and have in person first hand experience, it is best you stick to what you are experienced in. Your arm chair traveling.




That image is the Certifiacte of Wells Fargo?

The US$100,000 Gold Certificate I saw is just like an ordinary dollar bill but the amount is US$100,000.


as for me i have no question about the wells fargo......

zobex, sir, i understand that you are a WWII veteran, are you familiar with the potential projects here in pangasinan? specifically, the mangatarem area?
i will appreciate any infos regarding this sites. thanks n mabuhay!


This is all one very interesting read. Might take me a month to follow all of it, but seems it must be worth it with this many responses.




No need to argue in these forum regarding your knowledge of these gold certificate....both views have been heard already, maybe both of you HAVE A POINT...and i think its enough, to go back to real treasure topic....
My only experience with these kind of "documented gold certificate" (from buried docu or marcos orig gold cert.)...these "gold documents" no matter how original it maybe....IT IS NOT HONORED DUE TO ITS VERY HUGE AMOUNT.....they will always denied that it existed....even the original marcos gold cronies/trustee had difficulty recovering their gold deposits abroad...even PCGG had difficulty recovering it....much more if it is american gold document...definitely they will deny its existence.....meaning not redeemable...
My humble suggestions...concentrate on your argument/debate/efforts on realistic "gold".......THE BURIED GOLD/TREASURE...
BCOZ no matter how hard they will denied the yamashita treasure existence.........HE,HE,HE,....IT DOES EXIST.....meaning if we recover huge gold treasure.....its already beyond their control....MEANING NO NEED FOR THEIR AUTHENTICATION... oks?....;D


gboy said:

No need to argue in these forum regarding your knowledge of these gold certificate....both views have been heard already, maybe both of you HAVE A POINT...and i think its enough, to go back to real treasure topic....
My only experience with these kind of "documented gold certificate" (from buried docu or marcos orig gold cert.)...these "gold documents" no matter how original it maybe....IT IS NOT HONORED DUE TO ITS VERY HUGE AMOUNT.....they will always denied that it existed....even the original marcos gold cronies/trustee had difficulty recovering their gold deposits abroad...even PCGG had difficulty recovering it....much more if it is american gold document...definitely they will deny its existence.....meaning not redeemable...
My humble suggestions...concentrate on your argument/debate/efforts on realistic "gold".......THE BURIED GOLD/TREASURE...
BCOZ no matter how hard they will denied the yama#@!$%#@!a treasure existence.........HE,HE,HE,....IT DOES EXIST.....meaning if we recover huge gold treasure.....its already beyond their control....MEANING NO NEED FOR THEIR AUTHENTICATION... oks?....;D
i agree, now i need someone to id these thing , that has been engrave in hard cement ,or stone the place where i found these well known that the Japs have medical station in the area thanks Ed


  • C rock.webp
    C rock.webp
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diving doc said:
WTG Jim,
Truth in History is what it's all about.

We smile at your ignorance. I smile for I have seen such blatant self pity. Why are you so
dogmatic in discouraging someone from asking advise on how to redeem or make value of what
they have found. Jealousy ?

Let the person who found something pursue it. If he fails, that is his path. President George Bush
was recently documented in a white house press conference that he had to continue to present his
view of the truth for only by continuing to repeat it would the public begin to believe it.

The ignorant continue to expound the truth that there never was any vast quantities of gold or
treasure buried in the Philippine Islands by occupying Japanese forces. General Y a m a s h I t a
never had anything to do with it, for he only occupied Luzon for some few months. Yet, this
forum continues to providing misleading information literally within the name of this thread by
referring it to it as Y a m a s h I t a ‘ s treasure. Never belonged to him or under his control.

In the case of the United States Government vs Maria Fe Hunter, Federal District Court in Las
Vegas (Case No. MJ-S-03-1113-RJJ), the Federal Judge Kent J. Dawson declared that there
never was anything such as a Japanese War Treasure and further declared from the bench that
there is less than 5,000 Metric Tons in the entire world. For three years, from 2003 to 2006 Fe
was held in Federal custody. Fe Hunter refused to declare to the court the non existence of any
such war treasure and denounce her claim to ownership of a specific quantity of gold bullion
from the Philippines. Not once but twice the Judge Dawson ordered her to be either committed
for mental incompetents or shipped to Los Angeles for psychic evaluation to be declared
mentally incompetent for her claim. However, in neither case would the court appointed
examining doctors willing to declare her “insane” for holding claim to that specific quantity of
Japanese War Treasure her husband had acquired. The case went to trial in May 2006, Federal
District Court, Nevada. She had been indicted by the Grand Jury United States District Court Nevada under
Daniel Bogden, United States Attorney and Daniel Schiess, Assistant United States Attorney.
The prosecuting attorney was Daniel Schiess. I (ZOBEX) was the key witness for the defense.
The trial lasted not over 15 minutes. When Fe refused to plead guilty to the charges, within 15
minutes, by order of Daniel Bogden United States Attorney, all charges were dropped, within 4
hours from the opening moments of the trial and after 3 years of detention, Fe Hunter walked out
of Federal Court with all closing documents signed by Judge Dawson.

For those who have a lot of time on your hands, you can search the federal records for this case
using the case number I sited here.

So the “truth” must be repeated long enough so that the public will be educated in the “truth”. If
we believe Bush and Rumsfeld, the war is nearly won and the street rabble are falling apart
“Mission Accomplished” is the phrase.

There are many treasure hunters, some treasure finders and very few treasure keeper’s. For you
arm chair travelers, stick to your experiences. On Pompano Beach every 5 year old with a sand
bucket and tin shovel is a treasure hunter.



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diving doc said:
Of course, it is pretty funny in a way but I have to question why TN Admin never takes a close look at what is being said.

Cheers Jim,


You want Me to Clean it Up.

I could delete almost all the posts for the Last couple weeks or So.

Including Yours. as they would be Out of Context ;)


There are genuine wells fargo.........but there are also fake.

If those UNEARTHED wells fargo in the PI are fake,
then BLAME those American soldiers and officers (and leaders)
who brought these things (nobody else)in the Phils. during their occupation.


kaloy said:
There are genuine wells fargo.........but there are also fake.

If those UNEARTHED wells fargo in the PI are fake,
then BLAME those American soldiers and officers (and leaders)
who brought these things (nobody else)in the Phils. during their occupation.

Your Probably Correct on this.

And if you can date those Certificates to the Period.
They have Collector Value.

No where near Face, except maby on EBay.

But, They would Not be Worthless.

However, They may still be Illegal to own here in the States.

But whether Illegal to Collect ? I don't know.
There are some Stupid laws on our Books.


OHJIO I must agree with SWR (surprised?) I never knew a GI that could have afforded one even IF they had been available in that period. Furthermore, why would he take such a thing into a combat zone if it actually had had any real value? Would he use it for?

See accompanying picture for a typical GI in the Philippines.

Tropical Tramp


  • Typical GI in the Phlippins after the combat..webp
    Typical GI in the Phlippins after the combat..webp
    38.2 KB · Views: 1,793

jeff of pa said:
diving doc said:
Of course, it is pretty funny in a way but I have to question why TN Admin never takes a close look at what is being said.

Cheers Jim,


You want Me to Clean it Up.

I could delete almost all the posts for the Last couple weeks or So.

Including Yours. as they would be Out of Context ;)

This is where we should have a good load of gratitude to Moderator Jeff and the people who pay
for and run this site we all enjoy and sometimes abuse. (This will go to cache hunting and be
very relevant.) Like Jeff I also have 2 chat sites I run on a major system (not mentioning the
company) and like I exchanged e-mails with Jeff, when you run a site, it is judgement calls and
you have to deal with a lot of personalities.

NOW here relevant to cache hunting and if you learn no other principle than what fallows, learn
this one.

A cache is commonly a grouping or clustering of many valuable things (except kittens and
puppies which you will keep because their family).

When a group of men go looking for Cache Treasure, they laugh, yell, sit around the camp fire
and talk of good times. BUT remember, if that group ever finds a cache, the true nature of each
man will come out. Often the worst of all will come to the top. That is not to say the man is all
bad, but it only takes a moment for someone to stand behind you in the jungle and then pull a

Every man you work with must come down to this point. Are you willing to be in a hole, face
down digging up bars of gold in your hand AND trust that man to stand behind your back with an
M-16 ??

I have seen it and it is as old as time. When 5 men find 2 bars of gold in the bottom of one hole,
that is when it all comes to a head. Just because something was buried 50-100 years ago, does
not mean it is valuable today. Counterfeiting is as old as time (an imposter Virgin in Cairo,
200AD) what would you say if you purchased a counterfeit virgin?

Study personalities on this chat site. How people respond and what they say. This site gives a
very good cross section of human nature. In your mind evaluate every one of them and say, is
this one for my team and would I trust him behind me. Is he an antagonist, a peace maker,
courteous, a loud mouth, does he think in what does (dynamic thought) or is he unwilling to
evaluate what is before him (crystalline thought).

Digging up a cache of treasure is one thing, if you or your brother can’t get off the mountain alive
then what is the point. Human nature, personalities, truth, fiction, illusion and delusion are all
part of it. The best treasure hunter is also a psychologist.

And again, Thanks to Moderator Jeff for tolerating us all here.



Zobex said:
jeff of pa said:
diving doc said:
Of course, it is pretty funny in a way but I have to question why TN Admin never takes a close look at what is being said.

Cheers Jim,


You want Me to Clean it Up.

I could delete almost all the posts for the Last couple weeks or So.

Including Yours. as they would be Out of Context ;)

This is where we should have a good load of gratitude to Moderator Jeff and the people who pay
for and run this site we all enjoy and sometimes abuse. (This will go to cache hunting and be
very relevant.) Like Jeff I also have 2 chat sites I run on a major system (not mentioning the
company) and like I exchanged e-mails with Jeff, when you run a site, it is judgement calls and
you have to deal with a lot of personalities.

NOW here relevant to cache hunting and if you learn no other principle than what fallows, learn
this one.

A cache is commonly a grouping or clustering of many valuable things (except kittens and
puppies which you will keep because their family).

When a group of men go looking for Cache Treasure, they laugh, yell, sit around the camp fire
and talk of good times. BUT remember, if that group ever finds a cache, the true nature of each
man will come out. Often the worst of all will come to the top. That is not to say the man is all
bad, but it only takes a moment for someone to stand behind you in the jungle and then pull a

Every man you work with must come down to this point. Are you willing to be in a hole, face
down digging up bars of gold in your hand AND trust that man to stand behind your back with an
M-16 ??

I have seen it and it is as old as time. When 5 men find 2 bars of gold in the bottom of one hole,
that is when it all comes to a head. Just because something was buried 50-100 years ago, does
not mean it is valuable today. Counterfeiting is as old as time (an imposter Virgin in Cairo,
200AD) what would you say if you purchased a counterfeit virgin?

Study personalities on this chat site. How people respond and what they say. This site gives a
very good cross section of human nature. In your mind evaluate every one of them and say, is
this one for my team and would I trust him behind me. Is he an antagonist, a peace maker,
courteous, a loud mouth, does he think in what does (dynamic thought) or is he unwilling to
evaluate what is before him (crystalline thought).

Digging up a cache of treasure is one thing, if you or your brother can’t get off the mountain alive
then what is the point. Human nature, personalities, truth, fiction, illusion and delusion are all
part of it. The best treasure hunter is also a psychologist.

And again, Thanks to Moderator Jeff for tolerating us all here.

Zobex i agree everything you said,and lots of interesting thing ,value of information thanks man Ed


Zobex said:
jeff of pa said:
diving doc said:
Of course, it is pretty funny in a way but I have to question why TN Admin never takes a close look at what is being said.

Cheers Jim,


You want Me to Clean it Up.

I could delete almost all the posts for the Last couple weeks or So.

Including Yours. as they would be Out of Context ;)

This is where we should have a good load of gratitude to Moderator Jeff and the people who pay
for and run this site we all enjoy and sometimes abuse. (This will go to cache hunting and be
very relevant.) Like Jeff I also have 2 chat sites I run on a major system (not mentioning the
company) and like I exchanged e-mails with Jeff, when you run a site, it is judgement calls and
you have to deal with a lot of personalities.

NOW here relevant to cache hunting and if you learn no other principle than what fallows, learn
this one.

A cache is commonly a grouping or clustering of many valuable things (except kittens and
puppies which you will keep because their family).

When a group of men go looking for Cache Treasure, they laugh, yell, sit around the camp fire
and talk of good times. BUT remember, if that group ever finds a cache, the true nature of each
man will come out. Often the worst of all will come to the top. That is not to say the man is all
bad, but it only takes a moment for someone to stand behind you in the jungle and then pull a

Every man you work with must come down to this point. Are you willing to be in a hole, face
down digging up bars of gold in your hand AND trust that man to stand behind your back with an
M-16 ??

I have seen it and it is as old as time. When 5 men find 2 bars of gold in the bottom of one hole,
that is when it all comes to a head. Just because something was buried 50-100 years ago, does
not mean it is valuable today. Counterfeiting is as old as time (an imposter Virgin in Cairo,
200AD) what would you say if you purchased a counterfeit virgin?

Study personalities on this chat site. How people respond and what they say. This site gives a
very good cross section of human nature. In your mind evaluate every one of them and say, is
this one for my team and would I trust him behind me. Is he an antagonist, a peace maker,
courteous, a loud mouth, does he think in what does (dynamic thought) or is he unwilling to
evaluate what is before him (crystalline thought).

Digging up a cache of treasure is one thing, if you or your brother can’t get off the mountain alive
then what is the point. Human nature, personalities, truth, fiction, illusion and delusion are all
part of it. The best treasure hunter is also a psychologist.

And again, Thanks to Moderator Jeff for tolerating us all here.

WTG ZOBEX,the truth and nothing but the true history,so HELP US GOD.

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