jeff of pa said:
diving doc said:
Of course, it is pretty funny in a way but I have to question why TN Admin never takes a close look at what is being said.
Cheers Jim,
You want Me to Clean it Up.
I could delete almost all the posts for the Last couple weeks or So.
Including Yours. as they would be Out of Context
This is where we should have a good load of gratitude to Moderator Jeff and the people who pay
for and run this site we all enjoy and sometimes abuse. (This will go to cache hunting and be
very relevant.) Like Jeff I also have 2 chat sites I run on a major system (not mentioning the
company) and like I exchanged e-mails with Jeff, when you run a site, it is judgement calls and
you have to deal with a lot of personalities.
NOW here relevant to cache hunting and if you learn no other principle than what fallows, learn
this one.
A cache is commonly a grouping or clustering of many valuable things (except kittens and
puppies which you will keep because their family).
When a group of men go looking for Cache Treasure, they laugh, yell, sit around the camp fire
and talk of good times. BUT remember, if that group ever finds a cache, the true nature of each
man will come out. Often the worst of all will come to the top. That is not to say the man is all
bad, but it only takes a moment for someone to stand behind you in the jungle and then pull a
Every man you work with must come down to this point. Are you willing to be in a hole, face
down digging up bars of gold in your hand AND trust that man to stand behind your back with an
M-16 ??
I have seen it and it is as old as time. When 5 men find 2 bars of gold in the bottom of one hole,
that is when it all comes to a head. Just because something was buried 50-100 years ago, does
not mean it is valuable today. Counterfeiting is as old as time (an imposter Virgin in Cairo,
200AD) what would you say if you purchased a counterfeit virgin?
Study personalities on this chat site. How people respond and what they say. This site gives a
very good cross section of human nature. In your mind evaluate every one of them and say, is
this one for my team and would I trust him behind me. Is he an antagonist, a peace maker,
courteous, a loud mouth, does he think in what does (dynamic thought) or is he unwilling to
evaluate what is before him (crystalline thought).
Digging up a cache of treasure is one thing, if you or your brother can’t get off the mountain alive
then what is the point. Human nature, personalities, truth, fiction, illusion and delusion are all
part of it. The best treasure hunter is also a psychologist.
And again, Thanks to Moderator Jeff for tolerating us all here.
Zobex i agree everything you said,and lots of interesting thing ,value of information thanks man Ed