SWR said:
krugger said:

I watched local news last night on tv, policemen was called up by Larious hotel staff coz there was a thin attache case left by a certain person. the hotel staff thought it was a bomb, the policemen examined immediately to knw the content of that attache case. the thin attache case that was found in one room of that hotel it looks like the attache case posted in zobex website. the policemen found old papers inside the attache case and some gold bullion certificate... zobex, when u found that attache case that u posted in ur website is there any gold bars? ;D ;D ;D

I see all the "grin" faces at the end of your post, but you do know that case posted on Zobex's website is not real, right?


I hope your not suggesting anyone here on TreasureNet
is Lying.

You Do know we do not Do that here ?



ive seen this stuff....took picture of it....they have serial numbers and it has a big U.S. seal engrave out side the case. The funy thing is, they dont look the same. The design and size of the attache case. I see one source from a private house somewhere in ecoland (a middle class housing area), one from a military group and the other one from a squater house both located at Boulevard area in Davao. Some look real and others looks like real ;). Later on i heard that some does reproduce fake boxes somewhere in Butuan. So, when i did some digging (surfing the net) four years ago before the notice was release by the Feds. There was a case about it the U.S.. Later on i heard, there was a buyer looking for a specific serial number. In fact, after a year one filipino american from U.S. did call me and ask to look for this stuff and other bank notes. That was the time i've read this notice from the Feds. And now i know know that Zobex was the one defending the case in U.S. about it. In my opinion, I think there was a real Federal Reserve notes and bonds that was printed somewhere in the 30's. But, as what i heard that the Japs did make a fake one (war strategy). So, when some TH find one and later on other crazy guys did make another fake one to mess it up and to cheat someone. So, it is not easy to figure it out ::) ::). Now the Feds are denying it. Well, they have to. They have the right to deny it.


GPR said:
ive seen this stuff....took picture of it....they have serial numbers and it has a big U.S. seal engrave out side the case. The funy thing is, they dont look the same. The design and size of the attache case. I see one source from a private house somewhere in ecoland (a middle class housing area), one from a military group and the other one from a squater house both located at Boulevard area in Davao. Some look real and others looks like real ;). Later on i heard that some does reproduce fake boxes somewhere in Butuan. So, when i did some digging (surfing the net) four years ago before the notice was release by the Feds. There was a case about it the U.S.. Later on i heard, there was a buyer looking for a specific serial number. In fact, after a year one filipino american from U.S. did call me and ask to look for this stuff and other bank notes. That was the time i've read this notice from the Feds. And now i know know that Zobex was the one defending the case in U.S. about it. In my opinion, I think there was a real Federal Reserve notes and bonds that was printed somewhere in the 30's. But, as what i heard that the Japs did make a fake one (war strategy). So, when some TH find one and later on other crazy guys did make another fake one to mess it up and to cheat someone. So, it is not easy to figure it out ::) ::). Now the Feds are denying it. Well, they have to. They have the right to deny it.

I like to watch people think and react. You think about it. A FAKE is a not authentic REAL. COUNTERFEIT (counter feit) is the reverse of an original. Like counter clockwise or counter rotate. We've had some fun times arguing with the USG FBI DOS etc. They can't charge someone with having a "counterfeit" item if it is not a illegitimate copy of an original. Three years ago I spent a half day at the NBI HQ forensic lab examining some box's. Strange that the USG trained the forensic team how to discern between a counterfeit and a authentic box. Like the lab told me then, they had some near 1,000 box's stuffed at the Central Bank and she/he laughed and said only about 60 or so were real. I found the number 60 to be mind boggling.

Also consider that in the islands it is NOT the NBI that does the investigation into any such alleged counterfeit FRN box's. Guess who, it's the PSG. Presidential Security Group. It is the PSG that handles all investigations and recovery of any "fake" 1934 money. Also any "fake" FRN box's. So why is it the PSG which the personal security detail of President Arroyo that runs the investigations, arrests, authentications etc.

That should make you ponder.

I posted that pic. on the web for a specific reason. Funny, when I meet with and talk with these people, they act as the pic. does not exist. Funny, that item has been documented to Senator Joesph Biden, Senator John Kerry and Senator Harry Reid. By me. Funny no one wants to talk to me. The box in that pic was the subject of a dragnet in Metro Manila in Aug to Oct. 2002.

Life is full of wonderment.



now this is another chapter of our book...hehe "our"....... ;) ;)


Thank you for your concern. As I said "i did some digging (surfing the net) four years ago before the notice was release by the Feds". That means I already read all of this stuff. I've read many anlysis with this case. But I have the edge, because I see the stuff and read the news and the articles and analysis about it. So, I have my own conclution. But, I am not so attached with the case. Not like Zobex, he will fight with you, just like what he did facing the real court in U.S.. I glad you brought it up, or else I wont discover Zobex. As long as you dont buy this item. Why bother? As Zobex say "Life is full of wonderment". Step back and try to look at the bigger picture.


GPR said:
Thank you for your concern. As I said "i did some digging (surfing the net) four years ago before the notice was release by the Feds". That means I already read all of this stuff. I've read many analysis with this case. But I have the edge, because I see the stuff and read the news and the articles and analysis about it. So, I have my own conclusion. But, I am not so attached with the case. Not like Zobex, he will fight with you, just like what he did facing the real court in U.S.. I glad you brought it up, or else I wont discover Zobex. As long as you don't buy this item. Why bother? As Zobex say "Life is full of wonderment". Step back and try to look at the bigger picture.

I enjoy this site and " I tip my Chapeau (hat) to one and all. "

That box is not for sale or trade, it is at this moment, literally, an inside door stop. In an office, on a wood floor.

My ironic snub to the Great Cabala of the economic world.

Lets all look for the cache and follow the stories and leads we thrive on. What is life without focus or purpose. Many gold hunters/miners of the great North West gold rush sites circa 1900 were there for the life and the wealth was only secondary. Did Don Quixote really have that bad of a life??



‏2 לְהַקְ שִׁיב לַחָכְ מָה אָזְנֶךָ תַּ טֶּה לִבְּךָ, לַתְּ בוּנָה

‏3 כִּי אִם לַבִּינָה תִ קְרָא לַתְּ בוּנָה, תִּתֵּן קוֹלֶ ךָ

‏4 אִםתְּבַ קְשֶׁנָּה כַ כָּסֶף וְכַ מַּטְמוֹנִים תַּחְפְּ שֶׂנָּה

‏5 אָזתָּ בִין, יִרְ אַת יְהוָה וְדַ עַת אֱ לֹהִים תִּ מְצָא

.....let say this is the treasure code..who can read it? the first who break this code is the winner...lets try your skill in treasure hunting.....let play indiana jones......first, what is the treasure? second, what then you should understand? the winner will have a surprise gift from Zobex...hehehe ;D....this is just a game.......to lighten you up guys....
;) ;)


guys you dont have to be a CIA....i mean a Jewish-American CIA (expert in hebrew) to solve this one.....(hint) just cut and paste and google it.....i put space in between the word, so try to join it back... ;) ;)


can you enlighten us about the (website) pictures you have?


"Click on the website link that is tied to my TH identity of ZOBEX. On that web page at the top you will see a pic. of a group of Japs. That pic was taken between Carmen and Malaybalay in 1945 at the surrender. That pic was taken by a friend of mine, Paul Tillery. These are some of the japs that buried the material you are referring to.

One of the japs, then an old man, an officer, was a friend of mine. He was killed in Mindanao working with me tracking the sites they had buried, was shot in the neck by muslims about 3 years ago. After he was killed and buried on the mountain, we balanced the piston."

so this was the group of japs....what about the middle guy the atavar your using? who is this guy?



I understand that you have problems in locating treasure sites in Mindanao....i think the best man that can help you is my treasure partner Richie (cliffhanger- Ming forum). He is the most well known treasure hunter in Davao/Mindanao areas....ask anybody or old timer treasure hunter in Davao about Richie....100% they know him.

Simply bcoz he has the most extensive research in treasure sites in Mindanao....300 + treasure sites with 20 treasure maps...and lots of treasure hunter friends that he can ask infos...meaning if there is a "God father" in Mindanao treasure sites...he is the man.

He knows hundreds of suspected treasure sites, knows almost all syndicates and its modus operandi, knows the fake/orig docu/cert boxes,knows almost all foriegners who operate in Mindanao /davao areas since 1970's....including Micheal Meiring (our orig maps was given to him)....he even know the japs in the latest incident...Mr. Fumiyoshi Sato, japs treasure hunter being charge for murder in davao last week...etc.

He is Richie (cliffhanger-Ming forum)....grandson of Maj. Gen. Inami Murakami...he is 53 years old, His father Ricardo, in 1970's is also a member of japs salvage team locating shipwrecks in davao Gulf......Richie had lots of treasure experience....again ask old timer treasure hunter in davao....they know him.....in fact his gold bar pictures w/o his knowledge was used by Al Umali (Pres. of THAPI) in his Book regarding Rogelio Roxas , Golden Budha...Al Umali make it appear that the gold bar picture was part of Golden Budha recovered in Baguio, while the truth is, it came from Mindanao....

Meaning....anybody who need a Japs treasure consultant in Mindanao local or forigener...he is the man...(he is the only lucky few...who ACTUALLY was able to see 4 chamber, GOLD BARS STOCKPILE inside a treasure cave, ....unfortunately in 1980's he is not the owner of the treasure cave...it was armed Bilaan chiftain(au holder) who let him inspect the treasure hoard.)

Richie/Cliffhanger is in Sierra Madre right now, just post your inquiries and questions, hopefully someday he will be able to read your post....


thanks gboy.....i am not more into digging all sites in mindanao.....i already have....we own three properties with possible japs treasure.....i am an overseas filipino worker (OFW).....i plan to stop working abroad and start a small business in davao.....one of this will be a netreprenuer...i wan to put a website about mindanao treasure hunting....sell some items, like books and other mindanao products...just like this american guy who is staying in davao for many years...hes name is Bob Martin..he said he is earning more when he stay in davao than when he stay in U.S. by promoting mindanao and davao....http://mindanao.com/blog/?page_id=290
davao is such a nice place....there is more in davao than treasure hunting....



I understand, anyway my partner Richie and I will write some treasure hunting book someday....but these time the book will be different among other japs treasure books written by ex: seagraves ( Gold warriors), Charles Mcdougald (Asian Loot), Al Umali (Golden Budha), etc.....
We are planning someday to expose everything in Phil. treasure hunting, meaning it must be complete treasure book, guide and info. We wanted it to be shared to filipino people and complete guide to would be treasure hunters...that if the picture of the site is near your place , you can easily dig for it...thats our dream...to share our treasure knowledge and research someday to our fellow filipinos, so that the book can guide them in recovering treasure.
We wanted to include in the book:
Japs treasure tunnel (PICTURES),Japs treasure signs (and ACTUAL JAPS ROCK MARKERS), Japs unrecovered/recovered treasure sites (in ACTUAL PICTURE OF THE TREASURE SITE AND ITS contact land OWNER), different type of treasure sites (in ACTUAL PICTURES) like concrete vault, treasure caves, treasure inside tree, cliffwall caves treasures, underwater sub/shipwrecks, boulders with treasures, japs treasure maps (ACTUAL PICTURE OF UNRECOVERED TREASURE SITES WITH JAPS MAPS), hi-tech GEO EQUIPMENTS/contacts.....and pictures of ACTUAL TREASURE CHAMBER and treasures......
We have compiled enough treasure datas already (20 years research)...except for the actual treasure chamber pictures and treasures....but we are working on it...also... ;D ...regards...


thats interesting Gboy.....i like to read that book......but please include in your book on how to help those poor filipino communities.......try to finish next year..who knows i can help.....if it is a downloadable book type..then you can easily get money......help fund your projects.....you may write first the part I (before the "actual treasure chamber pictures and treasures")..... :D :D... :o :o


=Edchato i let you guys know soon no matter what, if i don't , we'll you can figure out. nice to hear from you Bro. Ed
Ed, no way mention it in here, or anywhere, that you found anything, NO WAY!! We can live without that knowledge but you may not. The ego or wishing to share trip isn't worth it.

Tropical Tramp


Gboy, i have new set of pictures not uploaded on the net..this picture will be used for our web site and the book that you will be writing...About last week 3 drums were recovered in Alicia, Isabela, the content SECRET!!! hehehehehehe.......



My dream for my fellow poor filipinos....is to alleviate them from poverty.... providing them jobs, small businesses or basic needs is not my expertise. I am a treasure hunter/researcher,
What i can probably help my fellow filipinos is EXPOSE THE JAPS TREASURE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE FOR THEM TO RECOVER IT ON THEIR OWN...that way, whoever lucky land owners or treasure hunters that recovers the treasure, will became rich, put up businesses, put up jobs, in other words became a local investor to speed up the Philippine economy and development in the countryside...
Meaning ...for titled private land owners, i will give them enough treasure info in their land....and for those jealous local politicians....i will give them also treasure sites infos on gov't land....so that the gov't/authorities will no longer bother/envious on the neighbor diggings....bcoz EVERYBODY WILL BE BUSY ON THEIR OWN PROJECT or haaving their own diggings also...it would be FREE FOR ALL TREASURE DIGGINGS.... WALA PAKIALAMAN KANYA2 HUKAY.... ;D ....and whoever recovers the treasure... became instant billionaire... ;D
And if everybody recovers hundred tons of gold....OUR NATION WILL BE GREAT AGAIN.......
Again...its just a dream... however, just like the sayings "shoot the moon, if i miss, i might hit the stars" ;D


I am breaking off my silence! Just to let you know that my timetable is pushed for 2nd week of February. By the grace of God, and the insights I got through many sources, including this forum, the puzzle is completed. Certainly, I would tell you what the final outcome shall be. Yes, Gboy, a nice book documenting the experience will be handy. Regards to all



gboy said:

My dream for my fellow poor filipinos....is to alleviate them from poverty.... providing them jobs, small businesses or basic needs is not my expertise. I am a treasure hunter/researcher,
What i can probably help my fellow filipinos is EXPOSE THE JAPS TREASURE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE FOR THEM TO RECOVER IT ON THEIR OWN...that way, whoever lucky land owners or treasure hunters that recovers the treasure, will became rich, put up businesses, put up jobs, in other words became a local investor to speed up the Philippine economy and development in the countryside...
Meaning ...for titled private land owners, i will give them enough treasure info in their land....and for those jealous local politicians....i will give them also treasure sites infos on gov't land....so that the gov't/authorities will no longer bother/envious on the neighbor diggings....bcoz EVERYBODY WILL BE BUSY ON THEIR OWN PROJECT or haaving their own diggings also...it would be FREE FOR ALL TREASURE DIGGINGS.... WALA PAKIALAMAN KANYA2 HUKAY.... ;D ....and whoever recovers the treasure... became instant billionaire... ;D
And if everybody recovers hundred tons of gold....OUR NATION WILL BE GREAT AGAIN.......
Again...its just a dream... however, just like the sayings "shoot the moon, if i miss, i might hit the stars" ;D

what i meant was if you write a book, try to encourage treasure hunters to donate and help the poor communities. Like purchase a land and donated to built schools, sponsor scholarships, make a foundation to help the poor, donate to bantay bata, medical mission, avail loans to poor farmers etc etc....This is just an example....its easy let me know if need help, i have a friend who can write well.....it would be best to attract the american market, fil-ams and europeans....most of them have a credit cards....so it would be easy for us to sell your book.....part of our proceeds will be donated to who ever organization you want (like bantay bata, medical mission etc.,).......keep in touch....


OHIO Gboy, Go go, write the book. I will buy one even though I will never look for one of them, providing you autograph it for me..

Incidentally, I have just received the Sonora State's evaluation of one of my mines, La Escondida. You once questioned it's values, as you see, it is not a 3-6 gram mine.. If you wish to verify this data, I will either post the state site or send it to you.

Luck my friend.

Tropical Tramp


  • State of Sonora geological report on the Escondida©.webp
    State of Sonora geological report on the Escondida©.webp
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