Because the issue of "1934" money is an ongoing daily event in the Philippines, is in total related to Japanese War Treasure and because this subject will contine to come up, following is a lengthy reply. If the moderator wishes to delete this that is OK as well, it is their site. If nothing else at least follow the two links below.
The $100,000 gold certificate was part of a series of gold
certificates used by the banks in exchange for the gold the banks
turned over to the treasury. The printing on the bill includes the phrase,
"This is to certify that there is on deposit in the Treasury of the
United States of America One Hundred Thousand Dollars in Gold
payable to bearer on demand as authorized by law."
Check the following links on United States Representative (House of Representatives
US Congress) Louis T. McFadden's. After these two speeches and his report to Congress.
On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON. The petition for Articles of Impeachments thereafter referred to the Judiciary Committee in 1933, subsequently it was placed under "lock and key" and not moved on, it is still there in 2006.
First page of Congressional Record for Speach.
Following his filing of charges there were THREE assassination attempts on his life while in office. 1) At a Capital dinner via poison 2) By snipers bullet on the Capitol steps 3)By poison, that time successful, he was killed.
People have no concept how the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank is structured. It is a commercial bank that makes investments, conversions, holdings gobally. The Fed Res has since 1915 purchased commodity contracts, joint ventures, co-signs, under writes etc gobally. Russia, China etc. They leveraged their existing gold deposits 100 to 1. That is $100 leverage for every $1 of gold in reserve. Foreign banks were under written using paper currency US Dollars printed by the federal reserve, shipped in safes to foreign nations and taken in exchange contracts for business. e.g. hold warehouse receipts for Egyptian cotten in warehouse Palestine. In 1934 the Federal Reserve was shipping out of the USA 900-1,000 metric tons of gold a month in exchange for previously issued paper currency. Redemption's to foreign governments were not regulated, only private citizens. In exchange the Federal Reserve was holding paper contracts that were issued against not existant goods in Europe that the European governments were return shipping the Gold Certificates back to the Federal Reserve to then be redeemed in Gold billion which was then being shipped out of the US to foreign banks that were acting as the fiduciary bank to the foreign governments. That paper that was being shuttled back and forth was Gold certificates and that is where the true use of the $100,000 was for. No need to ship vaults full of $1 bills. The Japanese government was the biggest single export recipient of gold from the Federal Reserve Bank. Repeat, the gold was shipped from the Federal Reserve to Japan.
In 1934 all gold holdings of the USG were shipped from USG vaults to the Federal Reserve Bank for which the Fed Res issued paper Gold Certificate currency back to the USG. Remember the Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned corporation with a mix of American and Foreign nationals on the board of directors. After the gold was shipped from the USG to the Fed Res banks and received in return Gold Certificate currency, the gold that was underwritting that currency was shipped out of the USA to foreign governments. THEN the Fed Res replaced that outstanding Gold Certificate money with Federal Reserve Notes that had no backing but good faith and the American Tax payers.
Do you follow this slight of hand here
