<2 thumbs up!>
If I already gave you a welcome, just put me down for the forgetful one here, but the welcome stands. Your points are very good ones in my opinion, and a certain amount of source information without much documentation to support it. I don't go trusting someone claiming he found a stack of gold bars just on his word, regardless of how well I might respect the person. You can even ask my wife, for I would not believe it when she found a small metal tobacco tin box (cache) of gold nuggets just a few years ago until she showed it to me. I shook it and it sounded like a pack of pebbles in it but felt a bit heavy, and she was telling the truth. I could give an example of a somewhat similar case to the stories in circulation about Trabuco's gold in my own area, a rather famous stagecoach robbery of gold bars, which the locals will tell you that all the gold was found and recovered a long time ago; on doing some research on this, the truth was that some particular treasure hunters were seen digging in a likely area, and those who saw them made the assumptions about the gold was found - they found nothing. It took me twenty years to get at the bottom of this but that common knowledge has stopped quite a few treasure hunters from bothering to look, and it did not help things that one member of the team that supposedly found the gold, on learning what was being said of him, played right along with it. He is well off financially due to owning several oil wells on his property, not for any treasure found, and gets a good laugh out of it when people think he got that gold. Several bars of this one were in fact recovered, but the majority have never been found. (Two were taken in a bank in Nebraska where the robber's father worked, put on display, a third one was found sticking out of a river bank along the route of the bandits.) In this case, the jewelry was mostly recovered, and in the retelling the jewelry part of the loot getting found was taken to include everything, which was not the case. So, not trying to tell you what to do here but until we see some of those gold bars, we should at least hesitate before accepting that 16 tons of gold was found and recovered.
I don't know when this story grew an extra ton into 17 tons, the earliest version I have had it as 16 tons; I see now that the retelling of the story has now inflated it to 28 tons on one web site. Not that this is a large point to pick, but when such error starts creeping in, we can end up chasing our own tails and ending up with nothing. Sixteen tons of gold is a LOT of gold, and works out to a set number of flights by plane which was worked out in advance by Trabuco.
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I realize that some of our experts here will take issue with everything I just said but I will point out that it is my
own opinions and experiences with treasure stories; we can not believe everything we hear, regardless of how popular it may be among people. I am convinced 100% that 16 tons of gold is still out there and equally sure that no one has found it, certainly not moved it. If we all stop looking, that will guarantee that it will not get found either. So again good hunting to you all, I am not hunting this one and I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
PS - if you do find it, please snap a few photos, I will get almost as much kick out of that as if I found it myself to think one of you got it!