Seems that no one really knows the full story about San juan county nm. I have done many searches on the history of this area and no one seems to care about anything older then the oil and gas boom. I have hiked these hills for years and seen a lot of these so called markers, but didn't know there meanings till I looked other places for history. I am investigating some specific markers and some leads that others are looking at, which is what got me started in the first place. I first saw a Spanish marking with my uncle when I was about 12, hiking near the Colorado border,off the animas river. I know of some Druid markings in Durango,and possibly else where. My grandpa was part of an archeology society here, and would go survey ancient Indian sites all around here. Got to help on a few digs as pipelines were being routed around significant sites. Really cool stuff in the area. Will try to post pictures from my next outing. Great forum, but I would be carefully searching Ute land since rules have changed since I was a kid!