17 Tons of gold in New Mexico

dheroux said:
Thanks Peerless

Well once i have researched the treasure a little more im hoping on getting out to the Shiprock,Navaho Site with a group of about 10 .Right now im going over a 1934 topo map of the shiprock ,Navaho area it's very well detailed im hoping it will give me some insight.I'm going to be out there during July if everything goes accordingly anyone looking to get there hands dirty are welcome to come along the more people the more land covered.

Also I've heard that this particular treasure could be part of the LUE or is it a coincidence that they were brought in around the same time in the same area?


D. Heroux

Are you still planning on being there this month ?


Roadquest said:
I would like to read some theory's, facts or other information on the 17 tons
of gold in New Mexico, Any stories anyone may have heard about it.
If you believe in this treasure, thats find give your thoughts on it.
If you don't believe in it, thats fine also, tell us you thoughts on it.
This is an interesting treasure, real or not real. And if its real, it may
have been found. What do you think?
If we could keep the subject on the 17 tons of gold, and not turn it into
a Dowsing topic. I think those that are interested in it would enjoy it more

Clayton... Roadquest

Two words "Red Bluffs"

Would you care to expand on the meaning of "Red Bluffs"?


Ah! yes, I was still thinking New mexico


There is more than just Mceachen's mentioning of NM that places it there. Remember that a couple of the people from the Grand Jury Trial moved to the Farmington Area after it was over.

If you know where Conger Mesa is, then you should know which ranch originally held the gold. As of at least the early 1990s, the depressions were still in the ground from where the caretaker dug up the gold and moved it in 1952.


Roadquest said:
He's referring to Calif.

No, I was referring to New Mexico.
Heard a story about a huge gold cache that was moved there by an ex-confederate solider that was at the time, a local sheriff that was "allegedly" a KGC member. I think it was in the area of several millions. I'll look it back up and get back to you. But the cache was near the "Red Bluffs" of New Mexico.

gollum said:

There is more than just Mceachen's mentioning of NM that places it there. Remember that a couple of the people from the Grand Jury Trial moved to the Farmington Area after it was over.

If you know where Conger Mesa is, then you should know which ranch originally held the gold. As of at least the early 1990s, the depressions were still in the ground from where the caretaker dug up the gold and moved it in 1952.


Mike, I believe we have talked about this before. McEachen never said the gold was in NM and the quote has been taken out of context.
I have posted the source of that quote before so I will refrain from doing it again as its already available on this thread.
When McEachen was questioned by several reporters around the LA Grand Jury hearings the question was posed to him "is the gold in NM" to which he replied "that is a possible location"
However he also stated that he believed the gold was within 40 miles of Ontario Ca.
That just happens to be where the first national bank was located where klepper worked. It is also very close to where all the known people who were involved lived.

I know as well as you do that none of the people who were subpoened ever moved to the 4 corners area. Now I am not saying that others who were involved in the case did not move there but none of those who were involved directly with the gold did.
Those involved were not idiots and certainly would not have given the actual location of the gold away to uncle sam. They were smarter than that, and obviously much smarter than the average "modern day" searcher, otherwise it would have been uncovered already.

I hate going over the same stuff, but everyone involved was from California without exception.
The gold was arranged to be delivered to the SanFrancisco mint. The bank that held the affidavit and was dealing with the escrow was in California. All 3 possible pilots were from California.

Now I hate to say this but those depressions could have been from anything, I once removed an old brick shed and its foundations from my garden the depression is still there.
In any event I personally do not believe the gold was ever in the 4 corners area. I appreciate some think it was and wish them the best of luck finding that gold out there.


Now I hate to say this but those depressions could have been from anything, I once removed an old brick shed and its foundations from my garden the depression is still there.
In any event I personally do not believe the gold was ever in the 4 corners area. I appreciate some think it was and wish them the best of luck finding that gold out there.

As I have said to others before, this is the United States of America, and you are absolutely free to believe anything or anyone you wish (at least for now).

I know for an absolute fact that the family of the caretaker of the ranch near CM was spoken to and they confirmed that the gold was there at one time. What happened to it after that is anybody's guess. Maybe our buddy did find it (I don't believe it, but maybe). Maybe it is still out there. Maybe it is in SoCal. Hell, if I knew, I damn sure wouldn't be sitting here at work typing this! HAHAHA


I know for an absolute fact that the family of the caretaker of the ranch near CM was spoken to and they confirmed that the gold was there at one time. What happened to it after that is anybody's guess. Maybe our buddy did find it (I don't believe it, but maybe). Maybe it is still out there. Maybe it is in SoCal. Hell, if I knew, I damn sure wouldn't be sitting here at work typing this! HAHAHA


Mike I have no doubt that the family were spoken to. What I do doubt is that they "confirmed" anything.
Not trying to be picky but look at your sentence, all it really says is that you know for a fact the family were talked to, and they may have claimed the gold was there.
Confirmation I believe would be a little different than a simple "yes it was there"

The amigo who claims to have found it also claims to have found the largest gold deposit (hoard) in the USA. My personal opinion, and im sure this will get deleted as my replies to him did, is that he is nothing more than a scam artist. I cant be bothered to go into his cock and bull story about how the government still owe him money because they were waiting for the price of gold to go up before selling it. I mean when was gold ever more expensive than it is right now ?

I agree with you regarding our buddy.

When I say the family were talked to, they confirmed what the caretaker had told them in the 1980s before he died.

Believe what you want. I know what I know.

Even with that, it doesn't get me one step closer to the gold. I don't have a clue as to where it was taken by the caretaker (or if it was moved after that).

There are some people that have spent 20-30 years and a smal fortune getting access to a lot of information. I have access to some small part of it. Much of the private info will never be released (unless the cache is recovered legally).


gollum said:
.... I know for an absolute fact that ....
.... Maybe it is ....
.... Maybe it is ....
Hell, if I knew, I damn sure wouldn't be sitting here ....

Uh huh. Be careful what you accept as fact. Be especially careful if there's money involved (yours).

I believe that there may well be a large cache in the 4 Corners area, but that the information in the public domain, including the court proceedings, are most likely red herrings designed to keep outsiders on the outside. I acknowledge that true believers will sacrifice decades of time and money to search for a legend like this, but unfortunately, their 'facts' are frequently 'beliefs', 'misconceptions' or 'fantasies'.

Springfield said:
gollum said:
.... I know for an absolute fact that ....
.... Maybe it is ....
.... Maybe it is ....
Hell, if I knew, I damn sure wouldn't be sitting here ....

Uh huh. Be careful what you accept as fact. Be especially careful if there's money involved (yours).

I believe that there may well be a large cache in the 4 Corners area, but that the information in the public domain, including the court proceedings, are most likely red herrings designed to keep outsiders on the outside. I acknowledge that true believers will sacrifice decades of time and money to search for a legend like this, but unfortunately, their 'facts' are frequently 'beliefs', 'misconceptions' or 'fantasies'.

Hey SF, you are far to sensible for this thread.


Anybody that has known me for any length of time can attest to the fact that I never mix up "FACTS" and "POSSIBILITIES".

1. There are a few people in this world that I accept whatever they tell me at face value. If they tell me they had, did, or saw something, I don't question it. I accept it as fact.

2. There are others that when they tell me something, I take it in, but need something evidential to back up their story before I would spend time or money researching it.

3. ..... and there are others that if we were outside standing in the rain, and they told me it was raining, I would have to look up. HAHAHA

4. And there are the things that I have personally seen, had, found, etc.

I am always very careful to differentiate between those four things. I don't just throw out the word "fact" lightly.


Roadquest said:
Peerless67 said:
Amazing it only took 786 posts for someone else to get out of NM.

Some people are just hard headed, I guess. Whats not in the story, in Emile C. Schurmacher's
Lost Treasure's. and how to find them. speaks "tons"

Clayton :clock:

The lazy red fox jumped over the sleeping brown cow ... --- .. -- . .-

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