17 Tons of gold in New Mexico

Roadquest said:
But, the fox did not cry wolf

.-- --- .-. -.- .. -. --. / --- -. / ... --- .. -- . .- / .. -. - . .-. . ... - .. -. --.

Clayton your post confused me, ??? if there is something you would rather keep to yourself its probably best to just keep it to yourself rather than post riddles. :-X I wish you a happy and prosperous new year.


Peerless67 said:
Roadquest said:
Peerless67 said:
Amazing it only took 786 posts for someone else to get out of NM.

Some people are just hard headed, I guess. Whats not in the story, in Emile C. Schurmacher's
Lost Treasure's. and how to find them. speaks "tons"

Clayton :clock:

The lazy red fox jumped over the sleeping brown cow ... --- .. -- . .-

Gary, You know what I'm talking about here.
Yet, you responded with a ''riddle'' I'm not sure why.
I took your dot's and dashes to be Morse code.
The word was not familiar to me.
My response was. Checking this out, interesting.
If I have something. that I want to share with the
forum, it will not be in a riddle form.

I wish you and your family a healthy happy New Year.

Clayton :coffee2:

Clayton I can promise you I have absolutely no idea what you were talking about. Which is why it appeared as a riddle to me.


Gary, when I said " speaks a ton " it was just an idiom.
What I was saying is there's good information in Schurmacher's
story. If one would leave out pre conceived ideas. And put more
attention on the people he referred to as Mr. X and John Smith.

quien sabe, Clayton :coffee2:

wanted to say that ive enjoyed reading everyones theories and opinions about whether or not there is gold in the 4 corners...only recently have been introduced 2 the Treasure hunters scene and figure itd b a good way to spend sum quality time with my kid...Ryan

Sir_Digs_Alot35 said:
Hey Road quest I live in New Mexico and have been following yalls chats on the topic..............Its very interesting and I would be happy to accompany you there if not for anything but just safety and knowledge. I have been researching this area and there is many interesting tales out here......Im in Deming New Mexico.......does any one know of any treasure tales about the Florida Mts or cooks peak mt. Range......Ive explored many Indian caves around here and got pics of carvings and Crosses carved here and there but the Indians wouldnt do crosses would they...or is that from Coronado or other spanish expeditions traveling through here???

But if your serious about going Roadquest.........Im your Huckleberry!!

Sir Digs; I have heard of several tales of treasure in the area of Cooks Peak. I lived in Silver City for several years. There is of course the Map cave, which is located on private land east of the Kneeling Nun, and I met a man while living there who claimed to have followed the map to several sites only to find depressions in the earth where he believes treasure was buried. On the north side of the City of Rocks Park is a pair of rocks with Crosses carved into them. I used to have pictures, but lost them when my computer crashed years ago. I was told by a park ranger years ago the crosses were once dated to around the 1600s if I remember correctly. I do know of course that the Spanish mined copper at Santa Rita and It is highly possible there were other mines and perhaps even caches or lost loot as Indian raids on the trail from Santa Rita to Deming were common. A police officer I knew while living there told me his brother found a pair of colt revolvers (old and rusted) under a ledge up on the mountain that runs east of Bayard. I hope to some day come back and do some searching in the area.

RDUBR said:
wanted to say that Ive enjoyed reading everyones theories and opinions about whether or not there is gold in the 4 corners...only recently have been introduced 2 the Treasure hunters scene and figure itd b a good way to spend sum quality time with my kid...Ryan

Glad you and your son and enjoyed the thread. It's a treasure story, with many differant takes on it. My son is 20 now.
And I have been researching this treasure since a couple of years before he was born. Have enjoyed going out to New
Mexico, a few times. Searching for the gold. This " story " has been verified. It's good to know that my thread has peeked
you attention, and that you son enjoyed a good treasure story.

Roadquest :coffee2:

yea,there is still a lot of open country out here. i wouldnt be suprised if XTO already found it putting in a well location or a pipeline...lol. any ideas where the conger mesa theory comes from??? seems like an odd place to start

RDUBR said:
yea,there is still a lot of open country out here. i wouldnt be suprised if XTO already found it putting in a well location or a pipeline...lol. any ideas where the conger mesa theory comes from??? seems like an odd place to start

The Conger Mesa theory is an interesting one, it comes from the idea that gold was flown into the Farmington/Shiprock area and buried on a ranch out that way.
Its unwritten and unconfirmed but some people believe there are still depressions on the ranch where the gold was buried and then removed.


This is an interesting story that has some variations that made me wonder if it was true. I know part of it is true. I consider Glenn Carson a reliable researcher and a good treasure hunter. He had some doubts about this story, but ran into a first hand account about 38 bars buried on the edge of Whits Sands. After much delay and having to give location to get permission he was escorted to the site. He found a freshly dug hole! Need I say more?

Frankn said:
This is an interesting story that has some variations that made me wonder if it was true. I know part of it is true. I consider Glenn Carson a reliable researcher and a good treasure hunter. He had some doubts about this story, but ran into a first hand account about 38 bars buried on the edge of Whits Sands. After much delay and having to give location to get permission he was escorted to the site. He found a freshly dug hole! Need I say more?

There's empty holes by the thousands all over the Southwest. A strong possibility is that there was never anything in the ground where the hole was dug. Another possibility is that the goods are still there, but under the dirt pile that came out of the empty hole. You better go check to be sure.

:laughing9: :laughing7: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright:

Good one amigo, I am going to quote you on this one in future, with your permission? If you would rather I don't, I will understand.

Springfield, Carson was a pro!

Oroblanco said:
:laughing9: :laughing7: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright:

Good one amigo, I am going to quote you on this one in future, with your permission? If you would rather I don't, I will understand.

My mind is an open book - too bad there's so many blank pages! You may claim the statement as your own if you wish.

Springfield said:
Oroblanco said:
:laughing9: :laughing7: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright:

Good one amigo, I am going to quote you on this one in future, with your permission? If you would rather I don't, I will understand.

My mind is an open book - too bad there's so many blank pages! You may claim the statement as your own if you wish.

It would hardly be fair to claim such a gem of a quote and fail to acknowledge the source of such wit! :notworthy: I have to respectfully disagree on the status of your mind amigo, it is as sharp and keen as ever and I hope to have the chance to pick your brain some time around a campfire. :thumbsup:

Oroblanco said:
Springfield said:
Oroblanco said:
:laughing9: :laughing7: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright:

Good one amigo, I am going to quote you on this one in future, with your permission? If you would rather I don't, I will understand.

My mind is an open book - too bad there's so many blank pages! You may claim the statement as your own if you wish.

It would hardly be fair to claim such a gem of a quote and fail to acknowledge the source of such wit! :notworthy: I have to respectfully disagree on the status of your mind amigo, it is as sharp and keen as ever and I hope to have the chance to pick your brain some time around a campfire. :thumbsup:

Sounds good - I've got a few true good stories to share. Let's try to do in in the lower latitudes - last time I was in SODAK I drove through what turned out to be an 83" spring snowstorm in the Black Hills. Thank goodness it was downhill into Rapid City where I was stranded for days.

I agree - lower latitudes and altitudes. We are getting plastered with the white stuff yet again here, 12 inches in Custer and more expected, haven't measured our total here but looks like a little less. The dogs are loving it, but I can't share their enthusiasm. I look forward to meeting you in person some day my friend. :thumbsup:

Many great stories, some true, some not. I live in Bridgeport, Connecticut and have no plans to search for these treasures. Best of luck to all of you.

Connecticut Danny wrote
I live in Bridgeport, Connecticut and have no plans to search for these treasures. Best of luck to all of you.

Danny I hope you will change your mind about that, and at least once take a trip to the west for a treasure hunt. It will be a real adventure, and worth the trip if for no other reason than to see what a beautiful country we live in. The odds are against making a big find of course but you will never regret having gone out and tried.

<begin philosophy rant, ignore if you prefer>
Most people at the end of their lives, regret the things they never did, far more than the things they did. I don't have masses of wealth to show for having gone treasure hunting and prospecting, but would not trade a moment of the experiences for a million bucks. Just a personal thing, but I really believe that everyone ought to go out on a pure treasure hunt at least once in their lives. At the least, you will have a great story for the great-grandchildren.
<\end philosophy rant>

Thank you for the good wishes amigo and "ditto" to you too - I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

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