Although it is possible I think it unlikely. Again its just hearsay.
Where it would be silly to dismiss anything you would suspect at least some of the claims to be validated or at least have some material to back them up.
Many people like to play their cards close to their chest, fair enough. No one should give up what they believe to be good leads or info, but on the other hand if it was so secretive to begin with why even mention it or post on the matter.
One of the worst kept "secrets" is the story of the plane being flown to conger mesa. The gold was then meant to have been moved to a nearby ranch.
Further accounts mention that the caretaker of the ranch moved the gold.
Mike made mention of a 5 gold bar map made by the caretaker that leads to the hiding place.
Purchase (Nick Flemming) claims to have recovered the gold from Wild Horse Mesa in the 90s.
Now considering so many people already know of these stories does it not strike anyone as strange that not one piece of evidence exists to support any of them.
And now we are back to the Trabuco thing, why is there not any evidence of his existence. A wealthy man like that even in Mexico would have left some kind of trace of his existence and yet there is nothing but stories writen about him after the 1952 grand jury hearing and the earliest account I have noted was in Schurmachers book in the 60s.
I know at least one other poster here has the redacted secret service paperwork, and I can tell you that although the names are missing there can be no doubt who they were talking about when the Mexican was mentioned, it was Pancho Villa and the link was through Holmdahl.
The other interesting thing is that the NM link only came about as a result of a quote made by McEachen in 1952 and after that NM or more specifically the 4 corners area became the mainstay of any publication surrounding the story. I will have to dig out the article to get the exact quote but a reporter when questioning McEachen posed a question along the lines of "is the gold in NM" and McEachen replied something along the lines of "thats a possible location"
The same article mentioned that the Secret Service belived the gold was in the LA area within 40 miles of Ontario.
I suspect there is a reason behind wanting the public to believe that the gold was ever in the 4 corners area and also that the gold was flown in prior to the gold enactment. Or it may just be the case that some took the Schurmacher telling as the holy grail.
