Roadquest said:
I've been out of commission for a while with some health problems.
But, I am now back in the saddle again, so to speak.
There have been some major development's involving this project.
And I am bound by my word. To not talk about, at this time.
I have a question for the more serious researchers on this treasure.
Some of the information that we have all held back, is that there is
more that one place where this gold was buried.
Would anyone care to say how many sites, they believe this gold is
buried at.
Clayton Ramey
Hi Clayton, glad to hear your health has improved.
If you consider me one of the "more serious researchers" I will indulge myself.
I do not believe there was more than one place this gold was hidden away. However having made that statement I should make it clear that I mean the original deposit site.
Since it was deposited on the original site, I know some, or perhaps even all ? was removed by those involved.
I guess some of this has been touched on in the archives of this thread, but quite possibly there are 2 stories that have become entwinned. And this could be the source of the "more than one deposit site theory".
The only other possibility for the "2 deposit sites" could be that if the gold really arrived in the US prior to the 40s-50s, then it may have been moved from one site to the other by the group who appeared at the grand jury hearings in 1952.
I believe the latter could hold water if indeed Emil Holmdahl was the original importer, but even then the 4 corners area is distictly unlikely for an original deposit site.
I still believe there are only 3 people who could confirm that as being truth, sadly all 3 are no longer alive to verify.
Gary, I do indeed consider you one of the "more serious researchers"