17 Tons of gold in New Mexico

Please forgive some of this as I haven't looked at this stuff for quite a while now. If you have ALL of the investigators' reports (including the reports from their bosses to the higher ups still), you will find ONE mention of Trabuco's Son in Los Angeles.

Also, Trabuco may have owned cattle and bought some of the gold, but from what I remember, the Mexican Miners' Gold made up the bulk of the cache.


Mike, just so I get it clear:

A few questions

It was the son who was questioned in 1952 ?
Because his father who was a lawyer/attorney was dead by 1952 ?
And they were both Mexican ? or Just the father ?
And was the son a lawyer/attorney also ?


Peerless67 said:
Mike, just so I get it clear:

A few questions

It was the son who was questioned in 1952 ?
Because his father who was a lawyer/attorney was dead by 1952 ?
And they were both Mexican ? or Just the father ?
And was the son a lawyer/attorney also ?


The son was questioned in 1952

I don't know for certain because the document does not specifically say one way or the other.

Don't know if they were both Mexican

Doesn't say anything about the son's occupation (at least nothing that is not redacted).

Remember, all I have is one paragraph that just briefly summarizes the investigator's description of the results of the interview. Its the same as the Holmdahl Interview. Holmdahl's name is redacted, but from the description of his personal history, if you know about Holmdahl, you know its him.


Mike there was a lawyer with the name (TrabuCC0) in LA at the right time. However he was alive and kicking in 1952, infact he was with us until 1972. He was also an American citizen.
So I am at a loss to why his son would have been questioned in 1952 and not him.
It is quite possible he was questioned, however the redacted paperwork does not show his name the only time the word trabuco and not trabucco appears is Trabuco Canyon.

All the ifs, buts and maybes aside, if he was indeed the original lawyer who was asked to act as an intermediary prior to Prentiss Moore being approached, then even more weight has been added to my theory. Because once again we are dealing with a Californian, the one thing that surprises me more than anything is why he was not subpoeanaed since he/or his son was questioned ?


You're assuming it was the same guy. It may well not have been. I will say that it is possible that particular investigation summary may have been misplaced over the years. Mine very specifically states "the son". I have nothing in any of the investigators' summaries that say anything about the father.

It would make more sense if Leon Trabuco were an American Lawyer instead of a Mexican One. If I were a group of Mexican Miners who wanted to sell gold to the US Gov, I think I would prefer a US Attorney over a Mexican. Know what I mean?


Mike, Yes I agree it would make sense to use an American lawyer, but again its a Californian lawyer.
Actually it is more specific than Calinfornia, it is a tiny area of California with all the players being no more than a stones throw apart.

Why not choose a lawyer in the 4 corners area ? or washington ? why concerntrate all efforts in So Cal ?

"I" believe the feds were closer to the truth than they knew when they stated they believed the gold was within 40 miles of Ontario. :wink:

Think about this, "one" time when questioned, McEachen indicated that the gold could be in the 4 corners area.
He did not state it was, he answered a question posed to him along the lines of " Is the gold in the 4 corners area ?" to which he replied something along the lines of " thats a possible location".
From that single quote has been spawned more books than you can chuck a stick at.
It led to an influx of treasure hunters to the area, and in turn, as is the way in NM the locals told them all they wanted to hear, for a price. And lets face it, thats all we have about that part of the story....hearsay.


Peerless67 said:
Roadquest said:
I've been out of commission for a while with some health problems.
But, I am now back in the saddle again, so to speak.

There have been some major development's involving this project.
And I am bound by my word. To not talk about, at this time.

I have a question for the more serious researchers on this treasure.
Some of the information that we have all held back, is that there is
more that one place where this gold was buried.

Would anyone care to say how many sites, they believe this gold is
buried at.

Clayton Ramey

Hi Clayton, glad to hear your health has improved.

If you consider me one of the "more serious researchers" I will indulge myself.

I do not believe there was more than one place this gold was hidden away. However having made that statement I should make it clear that I mean the original deposit site.
Since it was deposited on the original site, I know some, or perhaps even all ? was removed by those involved.

I guess some of this has been touched on in the archives of this thread, but quite possibly there are 2 stories that have become entwinned. And this could be the source of the "more than one deposit site theory".
The only other possibility for the "2 deposit sites" could be that if the gold really arrived in the US prior to the 40s-50s, then it may have been moved from one site to the other by the group who appeared at the grand jury hearings in 1952.
I believe the latter could hold water if indeed Emil Holmdahl was the original importer, but even then the 4 corners area is distictly unlikely for an original deposit site.
I still believe there are only 3 people who could confirm that as being truth, sadly all 3 are no longer alive to verify.

Gary, I do indeed consider you one of the "more serious researchers"

Clayton :coffee2:

wretchedsave said:
i have a need for pictures of the three gold bars asap.


I can think of literally dozens of other people who have said the exact same thing. I have been told that THEY have found the remaining bars. One of their family members found the bars years ago and sold them, but if I sent them pictures of the three bars they may be able to help because they remember the engravings. They have divined the remaining maps and if shown the three found they will give information that will lead to the cache.

I will say this again: The bars are not mine. I didn't find them. Unless I am shown proof positive that a claimant has found anything worthwhile, I will not put them in touch with the owners.

Thanks for your interest-Mike

thank you for giving me the information i need. do you know the name of the person that possessed them last. i would be a fool to claim i have one or two of the bars too much heat. your e-mail has harmful virus too do you know that? key log software?

are you realty willing to throw the hole thing to chance. i think you might be a fed.

but you don't believe anyone ells could of found them hu? don't be naive. the map i true and i think you have the bars i could tip off the government too harass you but i think you are more involved with them then you let on because of the fact your ip address says so.

You are indeed wretched.

Lots of people here know me. I don't need to prove anything to the likes of you. I'm not throwing anything away. I am just saying that before I tell anybody that I know about someone I have never met before, they had better show me something that backs up what they say.

Your ignorance of anything pertaining to do with email is glaring. The only way a keystroke logger works is if it is installed on your computer. My email address would have no way of knowing what you typed on your computer. Put the pipe down!


sorry your wrong key loggers do not half to be installed on a computer. most anti virus wont pick them up but mine do like magic lantern and the famous carnivore. but when i click on your "e-mail me" it sends you to a sight to complete. on this sight your ip is government and it is trying to install a key logger eather between my network or on my computer. so maybe you don't know that its doing that but it is. so you or someone is able to get into anybody's computer that e-mails you. you keeping tabs? oh and maybe you should pick up the pipe might do you some good.

Couple more posts and this chap may be posting on the same site as KentuckyKache .

wretchedsave said:
sorry your wrong key loggers do not half to be installed on a computer. most anti virus wont pick them up but mine do like magic lantern and the famous carnivore. but when i click on your "e-mail me" it sends you to a sight to complete. on this sight your ip is government and it is trying to install a key logger eather between my network or on my computer. so maybe you don't know that its doing that but it is. so you or someone is able to get into anybody's computer that e-mails you. you keeping tabs? oh and maybe you should pick up the pipe might do you some good.

Actually, YES they do have to be physically installed on your computer as either software or a hardware dongle.

There is absolutely no place on my website that says "e-mail me". If you are talking about the Contact Me Page where it says:

I can be reached at by email at the following addresses:


If you want to have pictures of your site evaluated, please contact me at:


The only thing that happens when you click on either of the email addresses, is whatever email software you have on your computer starts up and my email address automatically populates the TO: Line.

There was one link on my links page that used to lead to the history hunters website. That website fell apart, and whomever bought it is using it to plant viruses on anybodys computer who visits the site. I have removed that link from my site.

There's also nothing governmental (in your case heavy on the mental) about either my website or IP Address.

You should really learn how the Internet works. You wouldn't look so foolish. You also have no clue how Carnivore worked (I say "worked" because it has been in existence for many years), neither do you understand how Magic lantern works currently. Both of them captured emails between the user and their ISP (Internet Service Provider). They could do that the same way they can capture your cell phone calls because that since they are signal that are flying through the air, there is no legal expectation of privacy.


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