cptbil said:Roadquest/Sabre15
I should have should have references for "The 17 Tons" Story in my "files"
If/when, I run across them, I'll publish a few here !
Roadquest said:I've been out of commission for a while with some health problems.
But, I am now back in the saddle again, so to speak.
There have been some major development's involving this project.
And I am bound by my word. To not talk about, at this time.
I have a question for the more serious researchers on this treasure.
Some of the information that we have all held back, is that there is
more that one place where this gold was buried.
Would anyone care to say how many sites, they believe this gold is
buried at.
Clayton Ramey
Peerless67 said:Mike, I believe that Wild horse mesa has had its name changed to Wild goose...
I do have a serious question though, From this quote.
"If you take a ruler and draw a line from the Mesa where Purchase said he found his gold straight North, your line will run right over the Mesa where the gold was initially buried."
I am sure all will agree, that statement pretty much pin points the original place the gold was buried ?
If we go along with the 17 tons story as published, that would mean its pretty close to the caretakers ranch ?
With such a small target area, would you agree that locating an air strip should be a fairly easy exercise ?
gollum said:I know he said it was on Jicarilla Res, but there is another Wild Horse Mesa in NM, and it is directly South of hideout #1.
I knew that the gold was taken South from where it was in 1952. I looked for another Wild Horse Mesa, and found one. Not on Jicarilla Res. When I found more than one WHM in NM, I didn't give the story too much thought until I saw that one of them was EXACTLY South.
HINT: Its' in Gila National Forest. A place where it would be illegal to remove the gold without Treasure Trove Permit. HHHMMMMM.
..............OR...............it could all be BS. HAHAHA
Peerless67 said:Springfield, I do not know if your post was serious or not. However I have plotted the 3 WHMs we were talking about and plotted lines to form a triangle. From my findings I am assuming you have at least one different WHM than me as I have no right angle triangle.