Dead on and I am fond of the avatar.gollum said:The main reason to throw away any research proving the origins of the gold!
Who cares about its' origin (other than knowing where it came from will help to find where it is). That knowledge can only bring about trouble!
Find the location and establish YOUR ownership, then let the chips fly!
gollum said:The main reason to throw away any research proving the origins of the gold!
Who cares about its' origin (other than knowing where it came from will help to find where it is). That knowledge can only bring about trouble!
Find the location and establish YOUR ownership, then let the chips fly!
Knowing that a person or group actually had that amount of gold, and had a motive to bring it into the U.S.
would be the reason to identify the people if possible.
Depending on how a person would dispose of the gold once they found it, a lot of bridges would need to be burned
behind then. But if the person go's public with it, after they have found it. Then it really wouldn't matter what information.
A person had. It would all come out anyway.
gollum said:The main reason to throw away any research proving the origins of the gold!
Who cares about its' origin (other than knowing where it came from will help to find where it is). That knowledge can only bring about trouble!
Find the location and establish YOUR ownership, then let the chips fly!
Roadquest said:Gary, Those are awesome shots of the runway. But, you did say they
didn't bring in the gold by plane? Doe's the runway relate to the site.
Don't answer this if you think it could give to much information
on your site.
Roadquest said:Gary, I was just going to suggest it may not be a good idea to put the landing strip
pics on here.
You said "The written accounts are full of truths and fictions"
This is what I have been saying from the beginning of this thread.
How many standard size transport truck (of that era) loads do you think it would have taken to move the gold?
Roadquest said:Gary said " Leon Trabuco did not exist " If this is a statement of fact. Then there would need to be
some verified evidence to prove it.
If it is simply what someone believes, then so be it.
Roadquest said:As you said, it go's around and around. Can't prove he exist. Can't prove he was a "Harvey".
Maybe the reporter with the L A Times. ( He probably is dead by now) but maybe he told
he's children about were he came up with the name Leon Trabuco.
Roadquest said:Could it have been the story in Argosy Magazine?