17 Tons of gold in New Mexico

purchase said:
We had trucks that looked like oilfield trucks that had false bottoms and the trucks left loaded to Salt Lake City every other day. The truck were met at the gate by the Fed's and receipts were given on each truck. A total of 18 tons was moved over a months time. It was kind, a slick we had high tension steel cable that the bars slid down to the trucks, the truck all had government plates on them.


So the "feds" were aware that the United Steel Corporation were moving and storing the gold at Johnson Mathey in salt Lake, to be stored until the gold price went up, and were even manning the gates?


purchase said:
We had trucks that looked like oilfield trucks that had false bottoms and the trucks left loaded to Salt Lake City every other day. The truck were met at the gate by the Fed's and receipts were given on each truck. A total of 18 tons was moved over a months time. It was kind, a slick we had high tension steel cable that the bars slid down to the trucks, the truck all had government plates on them.


So USC had no problems with the Feds. trying to confiscate the gold. Did they cut a deal with the government?
Like, we know where the gold is, we want to keep it legal. Lets cut a deal. Do you know what percentage the Feds.
took? Nick, Now that you have already removed the gold. I'd be interested to know where it was hid at in the
United States, Where you move it from, to transport it to Johnson Mathey.
The Indian friend of yours, He must have work with USC to know the location. So it worked out well that you knew him.

That was high risk work you were involved in transporting something of such great value. You deserve to be paid.
With the Feds. involved in this, You may want to let them know USC has not paid you for you part in the transition.


US Steel was waiting for the gold price to go up? It went over $1000 per ounce, wouldn't you expect they would think that was a good price? That is just a little strange, that they didn't sell it then don't you think? Perhaps they are holding out for the prices that some are predicting - $40,000 per ounce, if things go horribly wrong in the world economy.

Purchase - my apologies if I sound a little skeptical, you must know how many folks have claimed to have already recovered the gold yet no one of them seems to be able to prove it. Do you have some kind of verification for your story? Thank you in advance,

All I know is that the indians move it from where it was to wild horse mesa. I went to my lawyers in New York and they knew the USC and so they worked it all out. My attorneys at an account at the Bank of New York and the contract was telexed to the bank and then it was signed in the bank by myself and the attorneys. I have been getting some money from the deal and the rest was going to my son. How do you think I am able to purchase some of the equipment that we use to find this stuff.


Oroblanco said:
US Steel was waiting for the gold price to go up? It went over $1000 per ounce, wouldn't you expect they would think that was a good price? That is just a little strange, that they didn't sell it then don't you think? Perhaps they are holding out for the prices that some are predicting - $40,000 per ounce, if things go horribly wrong in the world economy.

Purchase - my apologies if I sound a little skeptical, you must know how many folks have claimed to have already recovered the gold yet no one of them seems to be able to prove it. Do you have some kind of verification for your story? Thank you in advance,

Oro, that would have indeed been a good price, well over three quarters of a billion dollars US

purchase said:
All I know is that the indians move it from where it was to wild horse mesa. I went to my lawyers in New York and they knew the USC and so they worked it all out. My attorneys at an account at the Bank of New York and the contract was telexed to the bank and then it was signed in the bank by myself and the attorneys. I have been getting some money from the deal and the rest was going to my son. How do you think I am able to purchase some of the equipment that we use to find this stuff.


Nick, did you recieve a copy of the contract yourself ? or is it with your lawyer ?

Also do you recall the aprox weight of each bar?


Peerless, does this change your plans to recover the 17 tons? Where did YOU think it was?

purchase said:
All I know is that the Indians move it from where it was to wild horse mesa. I went to my lawyers in New York and they knew the USC and so they worked it all out. My attorneys at an account at the Bank of New York and the contract was telexed to the bank and then it was signed in the bank by myself and the attorneys. I have been getting some money from the deal and the rest was going to my son. How do you think I am able to purchase some of the equipment that we use to find this stuff.


Nick, You said the Indians moved the gold from where it was, to wild horse mesa. That had to be a tremendous effort,
for them, to move that much gold. How did they say they transported it?

So, I believe you are saying USC did not pay you in one lump sum. But, they are making payments to you.
Did they tell you what their reasoning was for doing it that way?

beale said:
I don't believe any of this recovery story by purchase. Attorney F. Lee Bailey made a deal with government officials a long time before 1990. The party he represented turned in the gold about 20 years before this claim. The gold is gone, but it was not recovered and moved from an Indian Reservation in 1990. If I am wrong, post documents to verify your claim. You said you signed a contract in a bank, show a portion of the contract to verify?

Beale, I know F. Lee Bailey was deeply involved in this. Would you be at liberty to say who the party (people, names)
were that Bailey represented in turning over the gold to goverment officials.

Do you have a theroy on where the gold was hid, before it was turned over to the goverment?


Yes I know that F. Lee Bailey was involved he got the Federal Court in Los Angeles to let me look at the court documents. F. Lee Bailey was also involved in my project at one time as well as the Victorio Peak. As I have stated I do not know where the gold was moved from I only know that it was around the Farmington/Shiprock area. I just know that it was moved to wild horse mesa. The attorneys that represented me one was a district attorney for Manhattan and the other was Federal prosecutor in Manhattan as well. They latter became private attorneys for varioius mob people. They have all my paperwork and copies of the contract that was signed by me, United Steel Corporation, and the U.S. Government.


You believe what you want but if you know anything about any contract that is countersigned by our government could result in prison time. What I have in my safety deposit box is for me and my attorneys. Because it was removed from an Indian Reservation could lead to a lot of problems that I don't need. I have told you where it was removed from and where it went. It is still there in Salt Lake. You would be surprised what the government knows about where treasure is located and how they have already removed. I am protected to a certain degree but I am not stupid and for those that know me I don't just go around making things up. Believe it or not. That is not my problem but you can go ahead and keep looking for it or you can believe the misinformation that has been put there by other. Like I said I have my own hands full at the moment with my Tesoro project which has held up to all types of investigations that have been conducted by the Government. I will tell you this the Government only gives you a hard if it is there, if it is not there then they will let you dig to your heats content. I have been doing this job for over 30 years and I have made a very good living at it and have made some friends in very high places. As I have said I really don't care if you believe it or not but I do know what the truth is and have seen the proof.


scubasalvor said:
Peerless, does this change your plans to recover the 17 tons? Where did YOU think it was?

No it does not change my plans scubasalvor, as a matter of fact because Nick claims the gold was moved from the 4 corners area to wild horse mesa, I am even more happy to continue since the gold I am dealing with never went to the 4 corners area of NM

purchase said:
Yes I know that F. Lee Bailey was involved he got the Federal Court in Los Angeles to let me look at the court documents. F. Lee Bailey was also involved in my project at one time as well as the Victorio Peak. As I have stated I do not know where the gold was moved from I only know that it was around the Farmington/Shiprock area. I just know that it was moved to wild horse mesa. The attorneys that represented me one was a district attorney for Manhattan and the other was Federal prosecutor in Manhattan as well. They latter became private attorneys for varioius mob people. They have all my paperwork and copies of the contract that was signed by me, United Steel Corporation, and the U.S. Government.


Hi Nick are you claiming that you saw the court papers from the 1952 hearings?


Were the Jicarilla Apaches informed when the gold was removed?


18 tons of gold ?

Moved over the course of 1 month, with loads being taken every other day.

18 tons divided by 15 days equals 1.2 tons per load

Oil field trucks with false bottoms used to move it. note "TRUCKS" plural?

Lets say 2 "trucks" 0.6 tons per truck.

Could that not have been moved in a decent sized family car?

The answer to you first question is yes I saw the court papers. I was in the courthouse with F. Lee Bailey. It took 6 months to get permission to look at the file and it was very interesting from what I remember. The answer to you second question is there was an agreement between the Government and the Indians for us to remove it. I was never shown a copy of the agreement but I do know that there was one.


Funny I said that they looked like oilfield trucks. They were furnished by the Government so that they would not have to go through the scales and would not attract attention. Each truck carried about 2 tons. They were not in a hurry to move the product.


Nick. It would stand to reason, that if you know the Indians moved the gold to wild horse mesa.

You would know where they brought it from. And how they transported it. If you were to take a guess.
where do you think they brought it from? Mexico, New Mexico, Texas, Colo. Utah.


purchase said:
The answer to you first question is yes I saw the court papers. I was in the courthouse with F. Lee Bailey. It took 6 months to get permission to look at the file and it was very interesting from what I remember. The answer to you second question is there was an agreement between the Government and the Indians for us to remove it. I was never shown a copy of the agreement but I do know that there was one.


Nick, Could you confirm what year it was you saw these papers?

The reason I ask is that I have visited 2 NARA facilities, I posted the responses I recieved from them on another thread along with all the corespondence I recieved from them. Along with those posts were the names and email addresses of the people who I was in communication with. In september and october of 2007 I visited the 2 NARA facilitities. As I have mentioned on this thread I have seen the box file with my own eyes, I promise you that that box file has not been opened for many many years, it still has the original unbroken seal on it.
As I have done for other members I am happy to PM you the email address and telephone number for the lady in charge of the court archives if you wish to check my story.
The fact is no one will likely ever see those papers because NO indictments were issued following the hearings.
However if someone did get the courts permission to access those files, that court hearing would be a matter of record, and using any information you can give me regarding F. Lee bailey's access to those files I could have it checked out on Monday. Do you recall the year you saw the papers? even a rough time frame will be enough.


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