Roadquest said:
Gary, In your post #221 Question four has puzzled me for some time. I have two names of Mexican
Nationals that are connected to the Trabuco gold or 17 tons of gold. Pre 50s I will not release the names, in that
I can"t produce written evident of their connections. I have something in my possession. That leads me to
believe they were connected.
You have differant theories of who brought the gold to your site.
I only have two on who brought it to mine.
You have differant theories of how the gold was transported to your site.
I only have two on how it was transported to my site.
You have an abundances of information. But, I'm beginning to think we are talking about two differant
" treasures "
Clayton there could be a very real chance we are dealing with 2 different treasures. I am only dealing with the treasure that Hougen was trying to sell to the US government in 1950, he had set up an escrow account at the First National bank in Ontario California where Bernard G Klepper was the escrow officer and vice president.
He had set the account up after advice from Prentiss Moore,whom he had communicated through Bruce Clews.
They had on 2 occasions tried to sell the gold to the US treasury, but failed to turn up on both occasions at the San Francisco mint as advised. The reason they never turned up is that the government had not deposited the $20,000,000 into the escrow account. The group knew the government were going to shaft them so they left the gold where it was. This in turn led to the Treasury department handing the case to the federal grand jury, and the secret service were already involved and had been asking questions.
This made the group lay low for a while.
To understand the story I have been researching you have to really ignore everything prior to 1950.
Everything I have stated that is post 1950 is 100% based in fact.
Now for my own research I set out to find out where the gold MAY have come from that Hougen was trying to sell the treasury in 1950.
So I looked at possibilities, one of the possibilities is that Emil Holmdahl who was actively seeking Villas loot, had indeed found it.
Emil Holmdahl was questioned by the secret service in 1951 about the 17 tons ($20 million) of gold.
Emil Holmdahl was an aquaintence of Noss.
Noss, it is claimed had found church artifacts, gold coin, gold bars, jewels, armour, wells fargo boxes, colonial manuscripts.
BUT, where are all these reported finds of Noss

well we have seen armour, jewels, and artifacts but the rest?
Villa had stolen such things, there are 100s of reports of him doing so.
No gold has been recovered from the Noss site at VP. Why
My claim is not that the 17tons is Noss's find, my thought is that Noss and Holmdahl had an arrangement, Noss was paid for his "help" in jewels, artifacts, etc etc.
Noss could not claim he had found these things he had been paid with near the site the gold had been buried.
So he used the story of a hunting trip to VP to explain where he had come by these things, well away from the gold deposit site.
Holmdahl was also an aquaintence of Hougen and Nobel, who were both gold mine owners/engineers.
They would dispose of the gold but not jewels, church artifacts, documents, armour. (this is what Noss had)
Noss gets shot in 49 and so we will never know for sure how he came by the stuff he had.
Now to understand how Villa MAY have created a stash, anyone who believes Villa did not have access to large quantities of gold ingots needs to do some research.
Yes I am sure he used some of the 100s of millions he stole to pay troops and for weapons and ammo, infact it is documented that he did.
But think about this, who would he have paid with a 60lb bar of gold? who would he have paid with jewel incrusted chalices? who would he have paid with armour? who would he have paid with colonial documents?
I can just see it, a hot friday afternoon in Mexico during the revolution.
Pancho Villa: "hey my little peon fighter here is your pay"
Pancho's Peon fighter: " gracias amigo thankyou for the 60lb gold bar it will feed my family for many centuries to come"
Pancho Villa: "you are welcome my little peon fighter, same time next week I will have another for you"
Cmon get realistic Villa never paid his peons with gold ingots, he had his own money printed "constitutionalist currency" and had no need to pay his troops in gold or jewels.
Do you actually know how much was paid to Villa in US gold coin? and that it was shipped to him in wells fargo boxes?
Odo B stade had bought 14 million dollars worth of bullion into the states on Villas behalf.
Emil Holmdahl had bought Millions of dollars worth into the states on Villas behalf.
Villa had stolen 100s of millions of dollars of gold from various sources in Mexico.
I have found documentation that he took over 10 million from Terrazas alone. Terrazas was said to be worth some $200,000,000 in gold.
Villa had treasure, did he cache some of it over the years? Holmdahl believed so, and spent years searching, but then he stops his search, and low and behold, he is an assosiate of people trying to sell gold to the US.
Maybe coincidence, maybe not.
Of course that is just another theory, I have several, but that one is my favourite as it concerns the people who were trying to sell gold to the US in 1950. and how they may have come by the gold.
Like I said its all pretty irrelevent now, the group were selling $20,000,000 (17.7 tons) of gold to the US in 1950, they never did the deal, I have a nice site, one that I know 100% was leased by the group from a land owner, on that land there is a runway. where BUD Fountain used to land his stearman biplane (450hp)
I have enough evidence to support that this is the land where the gold was moved to and stored, I have no idea if it is still there, but I am convinced it was.
Maybe there are 2 stories that became intertwined but all the "real people" from the published 17 tons story appear in my version, with legal documentation to prove it. I have no idea why the Mexican names were added, other than a theory which seems reasonable, and that is that the names were added to get the feds off the scent.
But just remember this Villa was a real person, so was Noss, Holmdahl, Hougen, Nobel, Clews, Stewart, Luckey, Moore, Klepper, Carli, McEachen, Fountain and 4 other Californian business men and 1 land owner who's names I will keep private were real. The court papers are real, the subpeonas are real, the archived documents relating to the story are real, the land lease documents are real.