Clayton there is nothing to admire, my ability to do the research while in the states was only possible due to my inability to do anything else. I did get to see some amazing places and things though, in that I feel blessed.
As for Nixon, well the watergate saga is the only time his name was associated with any treasure in NM and was specific in that the treasure was located on the whitesands missile base.
F.Lee Bailey claimed that with a chopper and 1/2 hour he could locate 200+ bars of gold on whitesands. of course he never did take that chopper ride and other than that which was mentioned during watergate there is no evidence to yet add another Presidents name to the 17 tons cache.
The only president who would in all likelyhood have had any dealings with the 17tons story would be Truman, he was a personal friend of George Luckey and Prentiss Moore. And I have shown evidence of them meeting with the president in 1951 this was 1 year before the grandjury hearing and 1 year after the group had met at Moores offices
The only other President who played a distant part was FDR who implimented the gold order.
I have also heard the theory about Nixon and misleading information. Here is my take on that, as you know I have writen you with the name of an employee which I will not mention here as is would not be right.
However I will say this, and it is a matter of fact and I would be happy for anyone to check this for themselves.
The Grand Jury hearings were held in 1952, there were 4 subpeonas issued in LA. there were no indictments. I have seen with my own 2 eyes the sealed box file for that hearing, it is not availiable for public viewing, the box has a seal on it which is unbroken and obviously very old.
When a Grand Jury hearing takes place it is behind closed doors, if no one is found guilty of a crime and there is no subsequent court case or any indictments issued that case remains privilaged and private.
The only persons with access to that file would be lawyers, and there is a great deal of legal paperwork and a court hearing before it can be released. That has not happened in this case since 1952.
I have also seen the 4 subpeonas, Klepper, Hougan, Nobel and Clews. And none for a mexican national in connection with this case within a 6 month period before and after september 1952.
As for the Hougen pushing the barrow claim, the only evidence I have is that of someone who worked with the group, I only have his statement, I do not have a photograph or video evidence of the event taking place.
However in support of that claim I have a newspaper article and court document that do indeed show that the group had leased that property from the father of the guy who told me about the barrow. (could these documents be construed as physical evidence?)
Further more I was given the name of the pilot who landed his stearman biplane at the location, and indeed there is an obvious overgrown runway on the property. I also checked out the pilot and the profile is perfect.
Walter F (Bud) Fountain owner of a crop spraying company and a stunt flyer, but not even his 450hp stearman could lift 1 and a half tons of gold at a time lol.
I am actually looking for some trustworthy people to carry out a search of the area I believe the gold is/was hidden in 1956, personally Id be happy with a single bar for posperity.
Blackfoot I saw that post you put up, greed seems the way of the world today, karma will bite them back, your honesty will pay off in the long run. good luck