Well that was the point of my post, do you believe that with so many knowing where it is they have left it there?
loads of people have been selling stories or maps over the years, not one single piece of evidence has ever been shown to collaborate the claims. Its always "he said, she said"
The truth is out there, here is a challenge to anyone. Find one piece of evidence prior to 1950 of the 17 tons story.
It simply does not exist, 1950 is the year the escrow was set up, 1952 is the year the story became public knowledge. the rest is make believe, stories made up to get the government off the scent.
How do all these story writers know so much about what went on in 1933?
I found many Leon Trabucos, not one of them fitted the profile, not even close.
All the mexican names are common names, but the profiles of all them simply do not match.
The story writers couldnt even get the name of the university right, it was just poor research from treasure story writers.
They all knew so much about the pilot, his name, where he was from, what he owned, how he died, how much money he recieved from trabuco, where he met trabuco. All made up. Elliott did not exist.
EVERY person in this story was from California, the rest is a fairy tale.
Last year I spent 9 months in the States, every day of that 9 months with the exception of 5 days, I spent researching, I have posted a good fraction of that research on here (removed now) I traveled far and wide, I went to NARA facilities, court houses, librarys, interviewed the few that still survive who knew the group, collected more than 200 newspaper articles, court papers, lease agreements.
I have asked before for evidence of a 440hp stearman that could lift 2 men and 1 1/2tons of gold, no such plane exists. yes the stearman 440 hp does exist and the pilot Walter (BUD) Fountain owned one (450 hp).
the plane still exists today, as a relic on a Californian ranch. but it was never used to move gold.
I have papers that show the group leased land, in the middle of nowhere, I have pictures of an airstrip on that land. I have a witness statement claiming Hougen was on that land in 1956 pushing a barrow with a gold ingot in it. None of the gold "owners" lived past 1967 in 1956 Hougen was 79 years old, that explains the barrow if those bars were upward of 60lbs a piece.
If I had a 17 ton hoarde of gold in california and the government were after taking it away from me, I to would claim it was in NM or SC or NC or Tx infact anywhere but California.
I believe I know the final resting place of the gold and yes its in Alaska, honestly