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šŸ„‡ BANNER Civil War canteen with soldiers name etched in! (Native American Civil War unit)

Civil War canteen with soldiers name etched in! (Native American Civil War unit)
Oh man if this thing could talk.

I have been searching around a newer permission in the Northeast corner of Michigan (lower peninsula) and unearthed a round, smashed item. I watch a good amount of Aquachigger's channel on YouTube so immediately recognized it as a Union civil war canteen. Now aside from the occasional coat button I rarely encounter any civil war finds so was beyond excited when I pulled this item from the dirt and roots.

I headed home and, after giving a good rinse, noticed a name "JOHN SHOMIN" scribed into the pewter neck. I recognized the last name...

šŸ„‡ BANNER My smallest point and largest point in the same day -Epic too small a term

My smallest point and largest point in the same day -Epic too small a term

I drove to one of my far away places yesterday, I was trying to get there between rain storms as the corn...

šŸ„‡ BANNER Bahamian pirate gold

Bahamian pirate gold
Just got back from the bahamas !! Wow !! What a trip we had. I spent 3 weeks fishing tuna, wahoo, and blue marlin !! It was go go go with the fishing and I barley had time to break out the metaldetector. But when I did it was an unbelievable ride !! Im still getting my voice back and licking my wounds. When you find a treasure spill like the one I found you hoot and holler until your voice is gone !! You guys will have to grit your teeth and get through this post it'll probably take a page to explain it all. There's alot to cover. Ill dive right in to the good stuff that came from the far...

šŸ„‡ BANNER Rare Charleston Slave Tag Fisher #1

Rare Charleston Slave Tag  Fisher #1
Went out with mbcuce today and found a pretty special relic. Things started out slow. We were finding a few plain flat buttons and then he found a War of 1812 script I button, which is on my bucket list. I was hoping there would be another one.... There wasn't, but I did find a #1 Fisher slave tag from 1814. The extremely wet environment has a strange effect on brass and copper. Brass buttons come out looking like gold and it takes a while to get used to. On the first few, you think you're digging gold coins.

Whatever is keeping the buttons from turning green seems to have...

šŸ„‡ BANNER A beautiful 1746 colonial silver spur and a few other finds

A beautiful 1746 colonial silver spur and a few other finds
Was able to finally get out and make some good finds from an old plantation landing by working the mud flats and shallows. My best find was a hallmarked solid silver spur that was made in London in 1746 according to the hallmark research.
I have searched for a match to the silversmithā€™s initials ā€œWCā€ but havenā€™t found one yet. Any ID help would be appreciated! Also found a half reale and a few buttons...


I never thought Iā€™d ever find anything like this! I am so truly thankful and grateful.

I got a 20-30 signal on my minelab equinox 800. It sounded wayyy to good to be true. I figured it was going to be another can lid, or piece of sheet metal. But it was 15 feet from where the eagle breast plate was uncovered. I dug the hole not expecting to find anything. Just enjoying the moment of being alive and being in the beautiful great outdoors. I flipped the plug and saw a small green rectangle leaching out into the surrounding dirt. I wiped off some of the dirt and saw three hooks and...

šŸ„‡ BANNER Failed Oil-Seed Rape - Day 2 - CELTIC GOLD & even more Fibulatastic...

Failed Oil-Seed Rape - Day 2 - CELTIC GOLD & even more Fibulatastic...
On Monday I felt a Celtic gold coming after a few good signs & then when Cru'dad got the silver towards the end of the hunt, I knew we stood a better chance. So yesterday I booked today off as holiday, stating to my work colleague that I would find a Celtic Gold today. Not something I normally throw about, so I'm very happy with the result of nearly 6 hours gridding a huge area.
We only targeted 1 Celtic Gold for the year, so job done with a really good looking RARE type that I need.:icon_thumright:

2 Scrappies
Medieval Leather Mount (Beast head)
6 mostly broken 1st C AD Fibula

šŸ„‡ BANNER Mass Silver Surprise - 1652 Pine Tree Three-Pence!

Mass Silver Surprise - 1652 Pine Tree Three-Pence!
I found my first Mass Silver back in 2006, an Oak Tree shilling beauty (my avatar). Two more coins followed - a cut piece from another shilling and an Oak Tree two-pence sadly holed. Last weekend, I pulled my fourth coin, a 1652 Pine Tree three-pence from a farm field, and this coin had thankfully been lost before suffering any awful disfigurement. I had pulled a few musket balls, a lead disc and other lead fragments, an ox shoe, and a thick piece of brass of obvious age over the course of a 3+ hour hunt. I observed lots of surface finds where I started at the far end of the field -...

šŸ„‡ BANNER My first George Washington Inaugural Button!

My first George Washington Inaugural Button!
Joe and I went out for a little while to a cellar hole we've been at before, we were up to 9 assorted coppers including a nice Fugio. The wind was blasting at 40 mph, kept away from the big trees but still it was freaky up on the hillside. Found two more coppers today, and going slow along the edges in-between nails I found what I think is my first GW button:


Found this one on one of the collector sites:

Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 5.20.13 PM.png

Not quite the same but I think it's in the ballpark. I figured you guys would know. Shank is...

šŸ„‡ BANNER INSANE pocket spill.

INSANE pocket spill.
Hello everyone, I am currently on my trip and wanted to share with you all a very fun and great find I made. Some of you are aware of my rev war camp site I found a few years back. Throughout the area we found a lot of 19th century coins. Well, anyway, searching a new area I got a real nice silver tone and popped out a 1875 seated Liberty dime. I scanned again, and yet another silver signal! I called my friends over and but the time they arrived I got the other silver out, another seated 1875 seated dime. We scanned another tone, and another, and another. I ended up pulling 2 Indian heads...