perhaps best to reveal a little info
people who review aterial I write over at other Forums which are somewhat Conspiracy orientated
Find that I have a wealth of Knowledge in the Psy-Ops arena .
Technology used in the projects were tested , using unsuspecting Civilians who years and years of their lives were spent
as project targets or live lab Rats is the name I give us .
we were first Hypnotized By intel , usually at a very early stage in life .
We exist , we are real , and of my generation , there were indoctrinated over 40,000 of us .
I began years ago to release factual statements concerning these projects
One of the more interesting Technological developments I witnessed , was a Laser projected 3-D Holograph
of a UFO .
it appeared to be a solid craft , and I swear at the time I saw it , I would have bet my jewels it was as real
as the pain in my bones .
The next two days , I spent in that Desert seeking anyway it could have been anything other that an actual Craft .
I hiked over a ridge
and down below in a Canyon , I found the tracks of a trailer and vehicle .
I set and pondered until the answer came
that answer was when I recalled that people had seen such craft that appeared to be opaque , and you could see stars
that were behind the image , through the craft .
I got on t5he internet and released my suspicions
and , lo ,,, heh heh , I was sent a message : Guessed it ,,, but how ? "
Obvious was they thought there was a leak of info to me
I played that on them for awhile longer .
What does this have to do with the subject of Treasure ?
Answer is quite simple
The teams asigned to recover treasure that citizens may find , use such technology to get the job done
everything you ever feared about spy apparatus will be used on you .
as I type at the moment , this is being monitored , of that i know well , I use a program that tips me off when they hack in .
hardly ,
tis just the way it is actually .
Now the point of this missive .
In this legacy of Victorio Peak and manhy other treasure legends
You can be assured the inteligence community seeks out info on the goodies .
get close to a discovery and recovery
You just made the list .
They're List
here is a true life story straight out of my Book " Sex on Silk "
A stage prop was set up
on the stage was a cave like room
in the room ,,,,, filled with what I believed was treasure and artifacts
I was prompted by people to take photos of it , once i was inside .
I did so .
POOF,,, all photos , a few of me holding a Bar of Gold and some of me with an Ancient appearing sword ,,, were in
the group of Photos .
where the photos went you wonder ,,, right ?
to what were these to be used for ?
bait my Boy ,,, bait .
Bait for whom ?
a group of people ,
why ?
heh heh ,,,
They questioned authority ,,, and that ,,, is not how these God Like Producers allow their baby Rats to act .
That is enough for now
Acquire the gestalt from this hint I give .
Funny too
The people involved had a Team to spy on other treasure Hunters
Myself inclusive .
heh heh .
lesson to learn folks
It's not there , the Gov't has the tech to spot it from drones even
they sit in a cubicle and find what cannot be seen by you while you stand on it .
They may watch as you look
and if you open anything
I assure you ,,, you'll never want to know what happen to it .
Ignorance is Bliss in some events in life .
The only happy you get treasure hunting ,,, is the hunting .
It was a Fun and exhilarating ride while it lasted man ,,,, then I wised up to
the fact that it was all theatrics
that no , my old man , good old dad was full of Whiskey Dents to his mind by being an Operative for
the Intelligence Community .
was I livid about that Epiphany ?
At first , a bit disgusted with him , but he was dead at the time I woke to the truth .
On ONFP, Jerry Cheatum , Oren ,,, Aarron , Dave and Terry , the rest .
Jerry was close to losing his mind with failure at the end .
Well , He moved his self in on it , no one to blame but himself .
The rest of the group ??
Com'on Man
How could they be so willing to be played with by the Intel ?
You see
how it is in life
we mostly do to ourselves what we deserve . and what we allow others to get away with .
I bailed out on my Dad after a couple years of putting up with the Illogical way he wanted to move on
anything concerning treasure .
walked away from the The little Theater set up by Intel .
Take our experiences to heart
stay off that base
chase nothing
You were born without treasure
you now without it
and even if you got some
no one will leave you alone afterwards .
you can live , eat , enjoy life so easy .
why bring a curse into your life ?