Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Not Peralta

I read the article at Doheny Scientific Expedition, Hava Supai Canyon, Arizona and is a good stuff for a general sciences knowledge . But ...
When I search for a treasure , I don't thinking what existed first : the egg or the chiken . I look for the similarities in all the maps , all the clues and all the stories in relation for what I have interest , and I focus to the fastest and easiest way to find the treasure . I do not travel from Phoenix to Tucson via Los Angeles . Is good to have knowledge about history ,habits , plants , animals , to use a GPS , etc . , but can not help anybody to find a treasure .
Only a shape of a heart , a rock which looks like a priest , three vertical rocks and some petroglyphs make you to believe how the stones map have relation with the Spirit M . ? Or, is something else ?


azhiker they try anything to ruin some ones site , his partner that put the same mission of mine photo up on his site took it off, i put another up just to remind them, thanks have a good thanks for remembering phillip he was a great freind,glad theres still people around that actually know what there talking

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For those of you following this thread for the reason stated in the title. I have more information about the Grapevine Canyon petrpglyphs and their importance in history. Please take the time to go to:
Doheny Scientific Expedition, Hava Supai Canyon, Arizona
Something important happened here, to which the stone tablets may refer. Keep in mind all the different Native American tribe's creation stories that use Spirit Mountain as their origin. NP

Not Peralta,

You have a good memory.
The photo of the cabin is not Bob Wards cabin.
It's the old ranch house at Tortilla ranch on the east side of Tortilla mountain. Taken about the time Floyd Stone was getting ready to sell the ranch to the Forest Service.



You should not be in such a hurry to prove me wrong. It tends to make you look foolish. The cabin in Tom's picture is Bob Wards. Although it does resemble the bunkhouse at Tortilla Ranch. The ranch house was much larger.

It's never a good idea to set yourself up as an authority, over Tom. He has been there and done that while you are still trying to fabricate your own history. That being said, I will still buy a copy of your book, should you ever get it to market. Do you think you could sign it for me?:dontknow:

NP's memory is not so good anymore.......much like your's and mine.:laughing7: Here are some pictures to help you along:

Joe Ribaudo

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Why the long silence? Are you waiting for Azhiker.....etc, to send you some more made-up history? Have you ever really been to Bob Ward's cabin:dontknow: Tom has been there many times, as well as Tortilla Ranch. Are you confused?
Bob is sitting in front of his cabin on the H-K Claims. Do you know where they were?

Joe Ribaudo

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You asked if it was a picture of Bob Ward's cabin. Both azhiker and I told you it wasn't. Putting a picture of Bob in the same post doesn't change that. What's your point?
azhiker and I were there durng the time Bob lived in the cabin, WERE YOU? So now you're not just insulting me but azhiker as well.
All we have is "your word" that Tom Kollenborn told you that this was a picture of Bob Ward's cabin. Tom K is not a perfect source. Maybe he just gave you a picture of an OLD cabin. (Since there used to be a lot of old cabins around there.)
Again, what's your point?
Besides, I thought you weren't interested in Bob's cabin. Or, are you just trolling for information?
I'll ask again, why don't you post your theory about the stone tablets. Nit-picking my theory won't change what I have to say. And never will. NP

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cactusjumper, where are you with your theory? i thought you were in a hurry? np

You asked if it was a picture of Bob Ward's cabin. Both azhiker and I told you it wasn't. Putting a picture of Bob in the same post doesn't change that. What's your point?
azhiker and I were there durng the time Bob lived in the cabin, WERE YOU? So now you're not just insulting me but azhiker as well.
All we have is "your word" that Tom Kollenborn told you that this was a picture of Bob Ward's cabin. Tom K is not a perfect source. Maybe he just gave you a picture of an OLD cabin. (Since there used to be a lot of old cabins around there.)
Again, what's your point?
Besides, I thought you weren't interested in Bob's cabin. Or, are you just trolling for information?
I'll ask again, why don't you post your theory about the stone tablets. Nit-picking my theory won't change what I have to say. And never will. NP


Just to be clear, YOU are the one who brought Ward's cabin into this conversation. You are the one who brought a mission, which never existed into the conversation. I have no interest in either subject. I have never been to the Ward cabin. I never met Bob Ward and never wanted to.

[All we have is "your word" that Tom Kollenborn told you that this was a picture of Bob Ward's cabin. Tom K is not a perfect source.]

My word is a known commodity, as is Tom Kollenborn's. You have made some statements here, that you could not back up. In that respect, your word is also a known commodity. Azhiker's word is also well known. For that reason, neither of you can use your real name here.

I would agree that Tom is not a "perfect source". No one is. On the other hand, I would trust him with my wife and my dog.:dog: I would not leave either of them alone with either of you. You are what is known as a ghost. No past record, at least none that can be verified. Azhiker's......etc., history is an open book, and that is my point. You don't know that history, but you love it that he "likes" your childish digs at me. He would.

You also don't know my theory on the Stone Maps, even though it's been explained, with maps, on four different forums. Everyone who is anyone knows my theory. That puts you in a special place. My last trip into the Superstition Mountains was in 2004. I won't be going in again, so I'm in no hurry for anything.

"Or, are you just trolling for information?"

That's a real laugh.:laughing3::laughing3::laughing3: That's akin to trolling in the Salton Sea.

It's been fun.......

Joe Ribaudo

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cactusjumper or joe ribaudo,or what ever your calling yourself today, yes i brought wards cabin into this conversation. yes,i brought the mission that did exist,exactly were i said it was,, into this not meeting bob ward and a lot of other old timers,is your loss of knowledge and history.and now your comparing your word as a known commodity,the same as tom kollenborns,just who do you think you are.and you say ,i made some statements here that i cant back up,and in that respect my word is also a known commodity,for that reason i cant use my real name.and now you say im a ghost,with no past record. news flash for the all important you ,when i get ready, you will here my name loud and clear,then we will see who has a real past ,do you have any idea what real history is about ,i dont think so , trails and markers and signs,and all the things you have seen in the superstition mountains ,have been seen many times before,by a lot of different people, a lot have been placed there by a lot of different people, in my stone tablet theory know one can create the signs ,and symbols there all documented from hundreds of years ago and the monuments on the stone tablets are natural formations of nature ,that were chisselled in stone to last for a purpose,you have to be one with yourself and your surroundings,and be focused on what your doing, well let the world here your theory,and explain why you are not going back to the supes,did your word catch up with you ,or was it your ps,you said its been fun,to you its just a game you play with people.i think your annoying,and thriving for attention because your so iimportant in your own mind,so you say ,your a known

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Not Peralta,

As I'm sure you know, the cabin in the photo is definately NOT Bob Ward's cabin.
The photo is of the Tortilla ranch house. There is no question.
Look behind the house, the hill and bluff in the background, it is the bluff and cliff just to the east of the Tortilla ranch and house. That bluff was no where near Wards cabin.

I never tried to prove anyone wrong, I politely stated a fact. I never mentioned anyones names. Everyone makes mistakes and I assume someone thinking this photo was Ward's cabin was an honest mistake. However, the fact is, it's the Tortilla ranch house, 100% no question. There are other photos of the Tortilla ranch and ranch house in my collection, if I can find one and am able to post it I'll give it a try.

Cactusjumper (?) seems to think I'm someone else. I've tried to politely explain to him/her that he/she has the wrong person but he/she wont listen. It would be nice if Treasure Net would appoint a Moderator to it's forums so when the rules of conduct are broken on a daily basis by the same person(s) over and over, they could address the issue in the interest of the decent members who try to have meaningful conversations, stay on topic, and do not denigrate and defame persons real or imagined.

I'd like to hear more on your Spirit Mountain theory if you could divulge more about it. Thanks.


Not Peralta,

Going to try and post a photo of the Tortilla ranch house from a different angle. Having trouble so don't know if it will work.
Cowboy in the photo is Mickey Plemmins. The dog laying in the sun is Al Reser's dog tuffy.
Hope the photo goes through.


  • Mickey Plemens Tortilla ranch.webp
    Mickey Plemens Tortilla ranch.webp
    44.7 KB · Views: 169
I'd like to hear more on your Spirit Mountain theory if you could divulge more about it. ME too as i have a vacation house pretty close by , and spirit mountain is a huge area maybe bigger then the Sups .

Not Peralta,

Here's another photo of the Tortilla ranch, taken from up on the bluff you see in the photo mistaken as Ward's cabin. The view is looking down on the Tortilla ranch to the west, slightly northwest. The photo may be small but I think you can adjust it larger.
Everybody makes mistakes, it's easy when you have hundreds of photos and you get confused which one is what. Nobody is right or wrong or superior, certainly not myself. Why some people have to resort to name calling and disparaging others, calling them liars and everything in the book speaks of their character, not yours. Ignore the people who choose to be uncivil and disrespectful and concentrate on the members who are serious and want to learn something new. Bob Ward was at Tortilla ranch many times in his life, it's an easy thing to mix up. Hope you continue with the Spirit mountain theory because I'd like to hear more.



  • Tortilla Ranch 1.webp
    Tortilla Ranch 1.webp
    326.3 KB · Views: 227
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On Google Earth, get as close as you can to the coordinates on the picture. img130.webp On the left side of the image, look for the tailing pile on the west side of Spirit Mtn. The entrance faces west. Also notice the hidden valley below. I believe the map on the rock shows a trail to this place. Also from this view, look for the 2nd image on the rock. Look in the valley on the right of your screen. This could be a second marker or directional sign. After taking some time looking from here, zoom into the center of the image to approx 35degrees 16'45.84" N, 114degrees 43'02.78" W. Here you should see another entrance with tailings. (Could it go through the mountain?) Take some time to look around. Imagine being there and being able to see everything below. Everything, including the military trail to Ft Piute which is SW and only a few miles from Spirit Mtn. The Whipple Party stopped at Ft Piute, CA in the 1850's. Don't forget Ft Mohave. As I've said there's an awful lot going on in this desert mountain.
As I described in a previous post, this area is where, I believe the dagger rock points. If you pull back your view to include Christmas Tree pass, you'll see where the road takes a sharp left turn (about a mile past Grapvine Canyon). Right before this sharp left is where the dagger rock is located and the hasp points up the valley to Spirit Mtn. If you follow the road to the left you will be able to see the "3" and the "priest" rock to your left in the distance. It's an amazing confluence monuments, markers and stories all in a small area.
I wish I could post images from Google Earth but am concerned about copyright laws. Take your time, look, either from Google or go there yourself. You can see it's a tough hike up Spirit Mtn.
Acording to my theory, the stone tablets meaning is no longer secret. NP


Did you ever get over to Grasshopper Pueblo, or was that before your time?


azhiker thanks for the pictures, hope you and H-2 Charlie found the theory update interesting.
to secretcanyon: if it was easy, it wouldn't be a puzzle. np


Just to be clear, YOU are the one who brought Ward's cabin into this conversation. You are the one who brought a mission, which never existed into the conversation. I have no interest in either subject. I have never been to the Ward cabin. I never met Bob Ward and never wanted to.

[All we have is "your word" that Tom Kollenborn told you that this was a picture of Bob Ward's cabin. Tom K is not a perfect source.]

My word is a known commodity, as is Tom Kollenborn's. You have made some statements here, that you could not back up. In that respect, your word is also a known commodity. Azhiker's word is also well known. For that reason, neither of you can use your real name here.

I would agree that Tom is not a "perfect source". No one is. On the other hand, I would trust him with my wife and my dog.:dog: I would not leave either of them alone with either of you. You are what is known as a ghost. No past record, at least none that can be verified. Azhiker's......etc., history is an open book, and that is my point. You don't know that history, but you love it that he "likes" your childish digs at me. He would.

You also don't know my theory on the Stone Maps, even though it's been explained, with maps, on four different forums. Everyone who is anyone knows my theory. That puts you in a special place. My last trip into the Superstition Mountains was in 2004. I won't be going in again, so I'm in no hurry for anything.

"Or, are you just trolling for information?"

That's a real laugh.:laughing3::laughing3::laughing3: That's akin to trolling in the Salton Sea.

It's been fun.......

Joe Ribaudo
Jesus? teachings about greed | The Ugly Truth I`m not a religious man but I liked this story I found and thought I`d share it if I may. CJ, I`m in that special place also, could you PLEASE share your theory again with us dummies out in internetland?

Jesus? teachings about greed | The Ugly Truth I`m not a religious man but I liked this story I found and thought I`d share it if I may. CJ, I`m in that special place also, could you PLEASE share your theory again with us dummies out in internetland?


Anyone who is fairly new to LDM Forums, could easily not be familiar with my theories on the Stone Maps. Take a topographic map and lay a copy of the trail maps next to it. Start in Hieroglyphic Canyon and start drawing the bent arrow north and to the top of the ridge. You will come out very close to Superstition Peak. That's where I believe the first trail map was drawn from. Look at the washes that flow down towards West Boulder. There is one that matches the Stone Map trail.

If you start at Parker Pass, consider that the point of the dagger. Start drawing in the trails and canyons that flow from that point east, and see if you can match the Stone Map trail onto the topo.

If you need a map, I will be happy to send you one.

Good luck,


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