tangible An interesting word. It can mean many different things, and still be tangible evidence.

perceptible by touch.
"the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible"
synonyms: touchable, palpable, material, physical, real, substantial, corporeal, solid, concrete; visible, noticeable; actual, definite, clear, clear-cut, distinct, manifest, evident, unmistakable, perceptible, discernible
"I'd prefer a reward more tangible than praise—say, cash"

just my two cents. L.C. baker:thumbsup:

tangible An interesting word. It can mean many different things, and still be tangible evidence.

perceptible by touch.
"the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible"
synonyms: touchable, palpable, material, physical, real, substantial, corporeal, solid, concrete; visible, noticeable; actual, definite, clear, clear-cut, distinct, manifest, evident, unmistakable, perceptible, discernible
"I'd prefer a reward more tangible than praise—say, cash"

just my two cents. L.C. baker:thumbsup:
:coffee2:8-) 10-4

:coffee2:8-) Would be nice though, if someone had good evidence, and could get past the jeopardy aspect, to nail (Enhance) history... Be more fun than speculatin'... Indefinitely... Not for fame or praise... Some day when you get your book to a stopping point, and concerns are eased?... Another Mine Penny Thought... ~: CDS :~

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The first book is at the publisher now being indexed and edited. I have started compiling evidence for a second book that will expose the next several generations of the O.A.K. and their money at work. it will also include many names and companies tied to the first generation money and power that laid the foundations. These links, once exposed to the public should start a snowball effect of forthcoming information and evidence. I assure you there is very little speculation in the events that took place we have identified, but as for any others.......there may be speculations...LOL!

L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

The first book is at the publisher now being indexed and edited. I have started compiling evidence for a second book that will expose the next several generations of the O.A.K. and their money at work. it will also include many names and companies tied to the first generation money and power that laid the foundations. These links, once exposed to the public should start a snowball effect of forthcoming information and evidence. I assure you there is very little speculation in the events that took place we have identified, but as for any others.......there may be speculations...LOL!

L.C. Baker:thumbsup:
:coffee2:8-) Wish You Good Success, Please Put Me Down For An Autographed Copy If You Would... I'm Sure It Will Be A Very Interesting Read, And Historical Info... ~: CDS :~

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Funny....you spend years writing a book and when your done, you think it will be on the shelf......LOL! dealing with history requires indexing and further editing that you never thought about. A book with this many references takes months to be finished, even after you are finished writing it! As soon as it becomes available I will let everyone know. Believe me, I am very anxious as well. :thumbsup: Thanks for the interest.

L.C. Baker

Funny....you spend years writing a book and when your done, you think it will be on the shelf......LOL! dealing with history requires indexing and further editing that you never thought about. A book with this many references takes months to be finished, even after you are finished writing it! As soon as it becomes available I will let everyone know. Believe me, I am very anxious as well. :thumbsup: Thanks for the interest.

L.C. Baker

Success is never easy LC, but I sure want my signed copy as well!

Thanks for the kind words, but I feel that I will only truly be successful when historians have to change all the lies that have been written to the truth, and set history straight. To me, that could be a trail that continues in the right direction and will reveal answers to future questions we don't even know right now.

L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

On another note, why would they bother carving cryptic messages into the trees if all you needed was a simple template to locate all of the caches? I would have to say, "Don't believe all that you read about". There is truth and fiction and speculations in almost every book you can buy no matter who wrote it.

Just our 4 cents, L.C.

The KGC/??? is the least understood of all secret societies. They are very much still active and working steadily at their centuries old agenda. Probably we can discuss the KGC and THEIR treasure at length without fear of repercussions. But begin to talk about the real name of the organization and what they've accomplished in the past century and things might be different. Some on the internet pretend to have great knowledge of this subject and blow lots of smoke on treasure forums. The lies some tell thoroughly confuses people who get all their knowledge from forum posts. The true knowledge is found in old books that are becoming scarce and getting expensive. Sooner or later someone will expose the groups purpose, where they got their gold and what is going to happen when their treasure floods the market. Would you believe gold at 18 bucks an oz. again? But then again, I only know what some of the old (now inactive or dead) treasure hunters told me.

The way I saw the template used on the history channel, clues must be found in order to know where to begin placing the overlay on a map. The center of the treasure area must be known for the template to be aligned with far away clues. One show the old man telling about the template said it covered many miles. BTW a you tube video on Alchemy back in the 16the century showed almost the same exact pattern and in case you haven't noticed Washington, DC is laid out in nearly the same way.

I'm sorry, but I have no faith in the template. If you knew what I know about the k.G.C.'s methods of coding you would understand. A template could be used by any heathen to find what they carefully laid out. That is just not going to happen. Perhaps someone got lucky and found a line that produced by accident and then they thought the template was working...:dontknow:

Just my two cents, L.C.

The KGC/??? is the least understood of all secret societies. They are very much still active and working steadily at their centuries old agenda. Probably we can discuss the KGC and THEIR treasure at length without fear of repercussions. But begin to talk about the real name of the organization and what they've accomplished in the past century and things might be different. Some on the internet pretend to have great knowledge of this subject and blow lots of smoke on treasure forums. The lies some tell thoroughly confuses people who get all their knowledge from forum posts. The true knowledge is found in old books that are becoming scarce and getting expensive. Sooner or later someone will expose the groups purpose, where they got their gold and what is going to happen when their treasure floods the market. Would you believe gold at 18 bucks an oz. again? But then again, I only know what some of the old (now inactive or dead) treasure hunters told me.

Hello Stillcounting. I was just wondering which class you fall into. Do you have the forbidden knowledge or are you just blowing smoke? I do not mean to be offensive but it seems as thought it is a fair question. At least to me it does. It seems as though you have an opinion on who the mother group is and what they are up to. You know what they say about opinions. But if you have the time so do I.


Pinwheel was just going to ask the same question and you did it very kindly. I don't have a lot of knowledge about the K.G.C. but am trying to know more and perhaps get lucky and find a nice cache. What I do know a lot about are Secret Societies. The K.G.C. parallelled or mirrored the Freemasons. It appears that what happened was that in was out and up was down. They took the hermetic Freemasonry and turned it on its head. Some times you have to be on the inside in order to see what is on the outside. That may seem Cryptic but that is the best way to try to tell someone what is going on in the Mind of the K.G.C. A certain amount of esoteric knowledge is needed to understand some of what is going on on there maps and trails.

stillcounting I don't want to make you mad or attack you what I want to try to do is inform you and educate you so that you might find your part of the K.G.C. treasure. I am sure that if it is as large as what they say there is enough for us all. There are many things that I can make perfectly clear in plain words. Others I will have to be cryptic about and give you just enough information that you can go on the web and find the answer you need. Fair enough!!!!!!!! No blowing smoke just telling you what I know to be true.

Senior Deacon

:coffee2:8-)I am surprised, that the "Hard Evidence", supposedly is yet to be given, connecting Jesse directly to some of the secret activities he was thought to have been part of... That is, tangible evidence beyond any doubt... But then, could "they" have seen everything, as we can see through the benefit of pics, compressing and then magnifying? I'm sure one group could recognize some of what had been previously done, and may also choose the same spot, if it was convenient, desirable, or necessary, etc., ... ~: CDS :~

Now that the book is published I would like to say that Jesse W. James was part of the Nebraska City castle and visited Logan Enyart many times and others at that city. he would drop off a deposit to his superiors and pick up info for his next deed to be performed for the organization. Ever wonder why Jesse and the gang never robbed anything in Nebraska? If you want hard evidence, that is as hard as I believe you will find. Guilt by association and repetitive visits between robberies and God only knows what other deeds that were performed by Jesse and the boys for the good of the cause. I believe they were not just a gang of outlaws, the K.G.C. / O.A.K. had many schemes and operations that they more than likely had a hand in. I think of them more like a team of special operations seals or Green Berets.


Strange Pinwheel, I don't know you as a treasure hunter in the area where you reside. I am acquainted with most JJ/KGC hunters in NW AR and NE OK. You must run in tight company.
You question is fair and a good one at that. Problem is it can't be answered in a public discussion. I just made a statement here so those seeking knowledge will keep researching till they discover the truth about what we call KGC. The knowledge is out there and not all that difficult to find. It takes plenty of reading and being able to retain what is read in order to tie hints together. Don't expect much useful info on a treasure forum. Most there are fishing and nobody with what they seek will ever talk.
I know some posting on this thread. The smoke is coming from them and not I.
Pinwheel I could send you to a real KGC depository likely within 25 miles of where you live. Problem is the "watchers" would greet you there in about 15 minutes. They don't take kindly to anyone messing around the site. Can you spell CO-OP Prairie?
Sorry, but you who sent PM, I don't answer them. Note:Always read between the lines of anything you read, clues you know.

"watchers" ???? I have seen none in over 35 years of exploration and digs.....IMO.. Anyone Watching only wants what you are after and they are not capable of finding it themselves. The real coded ciphers are not on trees, they are in the ground. If they (Watchers)claim to be anything different, they have elected themselves. The true coded relics of the inner sanctum of the K.G.C. and O.A.K. have been in the ground since 1896 or sooner.......that is six 20 year generations or 118 years minimum. There is very few secrets that have been kept that long unless they were lost to the ages and remained secret by accident. There were 7.046 billion people on the face of this earth in (2012).........1,668,000,000 in 1900. That is a lot of births, lives, and deaths.

Just my two cents, L.C.

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Strange Pinwheel, I don't know you as a treasure hunter in the area where you reside. I am acquainted with most JJ/KGC hunters in NW AR and NE OK. You must run in tight company.
You question is fair and a good one at that. Problem is it can't be answered in a public discussion. I just made a statement here so those seeking knowledge will keep researching till they discover the truth about what we call KGC. The knowledge is out there and not all that difficult to find. It takes plenty of reading and being able to retain what is read in order to tie hints together. Don't expect much useful info on a treasure forum. Most there are fishing and nobody with what they seek will ever talk.
I know some posting on this thread. The smoke is coming from them and not I.
Pinwheel I could send you to a real KGC depository likely within 25 miles of where you live. Problem is the "watchers" would greet you there in about 15 minutes. They don't take kindly to anyone messing around the site. Can you spell CO-OP Prairie?
Sorry, but you who sent PM, I don't answer them. Note:Always read between the lines of anything you read, clues you know.

I think it is the same organization it has been since the beginning.......they are called "THE WEALTHY"

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