Gold Member
There was an incident at a local food store, right out side their door yesterday at 3 in the afternoon, in front of everyone. It all went down it seconds! A car whips up 4 people hop out yelling and shove a woman pushing a shopping cart of groceries to the ground. They throw the food & themselves into the car and take off, fish tailing out of the parking lot.
This is not to add to any ones anxiety but to let you know to be aware of your surroundings & people. Look around before getting out of your car or a store.
The woman was ok a few scrapes, I hope the store replaces her stolen items.
The store has a police officer in the store. I think they now need one out side too.
Unfortunately Beeps, that has been happening in our small city for several weeks. These morons have NO idea on how many have a permit to carry in our state. They are taking a huge chance of "Cart Jacking" the elderly. Our state also allows those with a permit to take action if we, or those around us, are threatened. My little sister is in her 60's and she is armed. Just no end to the amount of stupidity and the lowlifes in our society.
This kind of action will probably only increase. Reminds me of when we had gas shortages and the lowlifes would take buckets and during the night punch a hole in gas tanks in order to steal gas.