Would you want to be on your own?

I'll think of something,my squash has been busy as of late.

well if I'm dead then I don't care

well if I'm dead then I don't care

LMAO,dont worry you can still help out if youre dead.If theres people with you they can cannibalize your body.


I'll be back in a couple of hours guys,got to go to work.

How about stick a stick covered in sap into the hole in the tire. Push the tire off the bead on one side of the rim and do the starting fluid trick? No starting fluid? Some gas fumes should do the trick...

sent from a potato...

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speaking of which, MY lawn mower tires keep losing air. what should I put on the bead for it to seal?

red probably uses fresh bear grease

speaking of which, MY lawn mower tires keep losing air. what should I put on the bead for it to seal?

Jeff, if it leaking at the bead go to a parts store and you can buy a tub of bead sealer. Just paint it on there. Sometimes just a good cleaning is all that's needed though. In a pinch grease will work...

sent from a potato...

I worked at a shop that had a lot of construction equipment. And they used starting fluid all the time to seat the beads. It always made me nervous, but there are tires where that is really the only way! I would imagine tractor tires are the same.

We do this all the time as well. Some tires can launch in the air. Scary ain't the word for it.

sent from a potato...

The real scary tires are the old split rims...

sent from a potato...

LMAO,dont worry you can still help out if youre dead.If theres people with you they can cannibalize your body.

That just might be some good eats!

Jack the car up.take your pocket knife(which you should have) and cut a flap in the side wall closest to the indented part of the tire(if it stays that way).Reach in push the indent out and start stuffing the tire with leaves,grass,the blanket you should be carrying anyway,even the clothes off your back,rip the seats apart if you need to,use the carpeting.Stuff it good and it will support the cars weight.

I knew you could stuff it with rags and drive on it, but I was thinking you had to have a way to get the tire off the rim, didn't think of cutting a hole in the sidewall!

At the very least wrap a chain around the tire and rim to contain it if she comes apart.

sent from a potato...

That just might be some good eats!

If anyone is a vegetarian, switch to a mixed diet...we need you all to taste better when the cannibalism begins! Lol

sent from a potato...

And if you would happen to get eaten by bigfoot, he will have a well rounded diet!

Lol!! If he eats me I can guarantee he will have the worst case of case he ever had!

sent from a potato...

In some area's in the country the probes might be welcomed. They might even "bend over backwards" for them!

sent from a potato...

Yep, This is a run away train right here!lol

I think your right. The train might just be gaining speed.

sent from a potato...

In a survival situation would you pack you and your family up and get as far away from population as you could?

As far away as possible, hungry and lazy people will do whatever is necessary to survive, including gouging out your eyes and having a little fun with your skull when they are done.

I'm just curious. I read some survival articles and cringe! Some other questions I personally think about.

Would I be able to take another life?

Already been there and done that. The first one is the hardest. After that, it's just like stepping on a cockroach. When your hungry, morals go out the window and it becomes kill or be killed.

Would I be willing to steal?

Most will have to in order to survive. Just for the simple fact that they have become to dependent on having everything they want at their fingertips instead of having to work for it.

I wouldn't really know until it came down to it!!Some people I talk to make me think they just look at it like a fairytale. I think the first people that will get hit are the people that have stockpiled!

It would be a REALLY good idea to stay away from my place. Of course bodies and blood do make the grass grow. The wife, kids, and I are well versed in bushcraft, firearms, and hand to hand combat, including S.C.A.R.S and Krav Maga. If you don't know Krav Maga, look it up. It's what is taught to Israeli Mossad. S.C.A.R.S. stands for Special Combat Aggressive Reactionary System. Between the two, your gonna get your head handed to you.


So.......Would you rather be out on your own in the middle of nowhere or with a large group?

I also have a rather tight circle of friends. We trust each other implicitly. We understand that no one will survive alone and you have to sleep sometime. We all share and we all survive. It's called a mutual aid group. Kinda like what the communities used to be like back in the day. Neighbors took care of neighbors. Wanna guess what I brought to the table?


You wanna know how bad it will get? Research the Sudan and Rwanda. You'll find all you need to know about "humanity".

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