Would you want to be on your own?

ya I wasn't sure what had the frames that were tough as can be. but can't really be welded. at least with a mig.

Seems a shame to do that much surgery on my frame where it is not even Rusty. I have religiously oiled if for years.

sent from a potato...

I always wondered who would be married to ann coulter

I do believe, that she believes, like I believe :) And I, in my fading eyesight, do believe she's quite a looker :)

Sorry Jeff, my weakness revealed.....


sent from a potato...

Well....I didn't listen! But would not change a thing!

That's how good memories and storys are born!

sent from a potato...

Yes, for sure! When your a charter member do the replies come in faster! sometimes it takes me awhile. And I have to keep refreshing.

There is a window you can open that shows replies in real time. I don't use it though. I get alerts on my potato (phone) when a new reply posts to a thread I am subscribed to. Usually I am fairly fast to reply unless I am busy.

sent from a potato...

Ok Because I sent. And the like popped up. And I thought man I couldn't even get that, that fast! lol I guess I should learn how this site works. lol

It comes in time. The more you stumble around on it the more you learn. Kind of like a first girlfriend!

sent from a potato...

what does the end of the world have to do with gold prospecting and metal detecting, every coupe of years people get the superstition the world is going to end they thought the world was going to end in the year 2000, and recently a guy came out of a bunker where he had hidden fearing that disaster, and there was an entire movie on what was thought to happen in 2012, so at this point saying the world is going to end to me and you will have to live off the land is like crying wolf

what does the end of the world have to do with gold prospecting and metal detecting,

You cant do none of the above if youre a deadman now can you.:laughing7:And what happens if you decide to ignore things and just go on your merry way in LA LA land without a care in the world,and again,a deadman cant do any of the above.Do you ignore it when your check engine light comes on?Or,do you look into it to see whats going on?

I know you are Nitric lol.Just a lot of people that dont know this countries check engine light is on.

I just hope it's not too soon! I want to pan and detect this summer!! You know...That would be my luck too! I would find this awesome place to find gold or coins and the shtf! lol

Oh, I think you will get the summer. The question is how many more summers...

sent from a potato...

Got to figure how many times in this countries history has it already happened.What makes >NOW< so special that it couldnt happen again?

Anyhow! we might be in the wrong thread to get to far into this! lol

Just got to do a little maneuvering around the unmentionable :laughing7:

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