From the Deep Blue Blog
From WIlf
There is a lot happening right now, and we are on the verge of some great stuff.
Update on the sonar search: We went over the Kirby site and at first we were only hoping with our fingers crossed, but every Mag hit that Billy had was verified after we intigrated the 2 overlay maps. We will be airlifting again tomorrow weather permiting, and the deep water guys are out again tomorrow.
Capt Joe and the crew are laying down fibewr glass as I write this, Kerri and Step and Peter are working over there. Slovak Joe ( SloJoe) new diver who used to work for Fishers and Karli are working on the boat I had to get ot replace the mako. We lost a motor on the Mako and it will take several weeks to have it rebuilt, so I picked up another boat to work the Aqua Gems Survey in 2 weeks. It was not in the budget, but we gota good deal on it, so that is life.
We picked up another 185 compresser for the air lift on the Miss Delania, Cohwen will be setting that up next week and then we will have 2 airlift boats, the deep water guys will take over the new fast boat once Cohwen gets the Mako back on the water. We got a lot of use out of that boat and it has served us well.
I need a name for the new boat, any suggestions? I was thinking about maybe Deep Diver, but give me some ideas, I want the name by Friday night.
On the stock issues. I put 50,000,000 shares of my stock back into the treasury to rasie money with, I needed to make sure that there was enough to get everything finished, I have sold another peice of property, but the cash won’t hit the bank for at least 60 day, so we need to keep going forward. I know it’s hard to watch this at this time, but this price will lift, every day it gets better here and we are going to put stuff on the deck soon. Also the DR contract is really good for us.
Now about the treasure wreck vs non tresure wreck. Look at the articles about Tracy Bowden in Natiional Geographic. Two of thoase 3 wrecks are not tresure wrecks, but all the best gold, silver and artifacts came from them. The estimated value of the wrecks we are going after is very high, almost as high as the Atocha, when you consider all avenues.
Also the other side of this thing is the value of the stock. If we pull up anywhere close to the Atocha over the next 5 years this stock will be much higher than it is now.
I will write more about values of recovery on a different day. I honestly think we are just knocking on the door and the handle is being turned from the other side to let us in.
Deep Blue is going to be one of the most successful companies in this industry soon.
As far as the question about Tracy Bowden not bringing this wreck up himself if it was any good. Mr. Bowden is 69 years old and ready to retire in a few years. He is committed to 3 other wrecks right now, and as he says, there isn’t enough time left for him to get to everything he has found. He has worked these waters since 1975, and has discovered more wrecks than any other man alive. He has had the exclusivve contract for his area which covers over 1200 miles of shoreline since 1975. He can not possilbly do it all in the rest of his life, and I know I won’t do it all in the rest of mine, but no one else can recover a wreck in his areas, they are protected by the Navy and if you pick up one thing from the ocean floor in his area you go to jail. It is estimated there are 1200 wrecks in the waters in his area. We have the equivilent of a level 7 permit there. we dive it. Film it, Map it and bring it up. It then is logged as our discovery by the Navy officer on board our boat, it then goes to the government head reclamation and restoration facility, they restore it, and we pick up our share ( and it is significant but not to be released to the public) every 30 days, or every 60 days or every 90 days which ever we decide. the government gives us an export certificate and a cetrtifacte of authenticity and ownership, and we bring it home.
I love this deal, and I want to see our shareholders diving with us and loving it to.
This is the best possible deal in the world for us at this time, we will all be working hand in hand with the absolute best wreck diver in the world today.
He has done it all and still does it all every year. Somebody on the blog said is this the big news we have been waiting for? There is none bigger, we were chosen over several other companies, and we are very lucky to have gotten this contract. This is the best possible thing in the world for Deep Blue Marine Inc. and her shareholders.
Love my Job
Wilf Blum President DPBM 801-201-4691 Personal Phone