Woman Key

NC Brad,
Your correct. Our company is privately funded and have no intentions of asking for investors. We do not need them and you have never heard me say that the company is looking for investors. We have all the company support we need and the near future will be even more secure.
I know my boss's are not ones to brag or have to prove anything to anyone, I am not sure they will allow anyone observe their equipment and have just cause. Honestly, I don't care if anyone believes this works or not, it doesn't change anything or our ability. There is a lot at stake with this equipment and I, for one, can't take any chances of comprising my job to prove anything. I am under confidentiality clauses that stops me from commenting on anything too specific. But I will ask if observers will be allowed.
This is not, in anyway, voodoo or anything, it is a scientific procedure and if I went into specifics you would understand more, but I can't.

No one said my employers were uneducated.
We also deal with Geotech, our mag came from them, and if ask, I am sure Jim (the boss) would demonstrate our equipment for him.

Guys, no one is trying to pick a fight. I'm not the forum police. Bottom line - use forum etiquette. No one wants to censor you. Good grief - stop playing the "censorship" card to smoke screen your sarcasm and negativity.

I've disagreed with tons of folks on this forum. I've even gone too far with it at times. But there's a difference in getting emotional once in a while and developing a pattern of attacking that runs people away from this forum. Sad to say, I've got one friend in particular who left a while back due to the attacks. If I said his name, everyone would recognize it immediately - he was on here for years. He had a lot to offer. I wish he'd return. Not everyone's feelings are as steeled as perhaps yours are.

But more people will leave than say something about it. I'd prefer to ask for the courtesy that I think you've got within you to "disagree agreeably." Stop calling people's opinions BS, stop questioning the character of someone who disagrees with you, and stop coming off as the know-it-all.

Having said that, I hope this post has been courteous, but clear. Fair enough?


A quote from our web site

Florida Research and Recovery Group is organized and equipped to conduct both land and sea operations. Running double-blind tests, FRRG has demonstrated the ability to successfully locate large items (shipwrecks) at distances of 106 miles. On land, the equipment has greater sensitivity due to antenna and receiver design. Equipment operation is currently restricted to FRRG personnel, both because of training experience required and because of the extremely high operating voltages involved. An interesting element in FRRG's operation is a unique antenna system, designed and developed by Larry Turbeville. This antenna system can distinguish between gold, iron. silver, emeralds and diamonds. Actually, almost anything!!


Cornelius said:
Long Range Locators eh' . These guys should team up with Peg Leg ;D .Talk to the web-master of Geotech and you will hear a different story . There was an argument on this forum a while back .A bar of gold was promised when the result of this guy's greet invention worked . A lot of water passed under the bridge but no proof was forthcomming . Cornelius
I am sure glad that you put the Smily Face on you statement concerning me amd of course my DOWSING. One thing is for sure I cannot dowse anything from miles away and in fact unless I pass right over the spot I cannot pickup a single thing :-\ ;D ;D
I HAVE been asked by several Pro THers about certain locations and after giving them the exact cords they have never discussed this with me again >:( >:(.
BUT I AM having fun putting Xs on spots along the East Coast AND A FEW OTHER LOCATIONS AS WELL ;D ;D ;D.
OH, BTW I am just a part of a group that does this type of work. WE WORK AS A TEAM.
Peg Leg

Hey what about the results of this double blind test?

I love the frrg web site gallery. Buch of guys and equipment. With being "The first to find 3 new sites" you'd think they'd have something like artifacts or treasure to show. They did have a photo of "blast stone" from the Margareta. Must have used that blast stone antenna and detected it for 106 miles!!!

diverlynn said:
We also deal with Geotech, our mag came from them, and if ask, I am sure Jim (the boss) would demonstrate our equipment for him.

This would have to be a different "Geotech" as I do not sell mags.

diverlynn said:
This antenna system can distinguish between gold, iron. silver, emeralds and diamonds. Actually, almost anything!!

This statement alone tells me BOGUS. There ain't no such thing in RealScience that can distinguish hidden gold from diamonds at an appreciable distance. Plus in looking at the web site gallery, I see some folks holding dowsing rods. That positively absolutely definitely screams BOGUS.

- Carl (Geotech)

SWR said:
naw...just a old LRL proponent taking a poke at Carl ;)

That's OK... my primary goal is helping folks separate fact from fantasy when it comes to treasure hunting equipment. THer's face overwhelmingly difficult hurdles, and starting out with bogus equipment is a sure recipe for failure.

FRRG appears to have some serious equipment, but their diversion into the world of LRLs will only end up wasting a lot of their time and money. I would be more than happy to meet with them, and help them properly test and evaluate what they are doing. In 2 hours or so, either they will convince me that they have defied the laws of physics, or I will convince them that they have deceived themselves.

- Carl

I'll bet Lynn and the gang can see Emerald City from clear up north,and even the Bank of Spain! ;)

Carl-NC said:
SWR said:
naw...just a old LRL proponent taking a poke at Carl ;)

That's OK... my primary goal is helping folks separate fact from fantasy when it comes to treasure hunting equipment.

- Carl
So, do these side scan sonar's work or are they bogus?

Side Scan Sonar is not bogus, it works very well, and is fairly inexpensive. The manufacturers also tell you exactly what it will and will not do. Side scan is a mature technology with plenty of proof that it works.

Thanks scuba finder. I heard that University of South Florida were using the side scan technology. I have not heard anything more, good or bad about the accuracy of this equipment.

Rusty Sailor pulled this quote from Carl:

That's OK... my primary goal is helping folks separate fact from fantasy when it comes to treasure hunting equipment

Carl was not refering to side scan sonar, magnetometers or metal detectors, he was referring to LRL's specifically and he was correct in his assessment of them.

Rusty Sailor said:
So, do these side scan sonar's work or are they bogus?

SSS and mags are a wreckhunter's two best friends.

I'm still looking for the website with the fantastic images of all the sunken warships in Scapa Flow. Here's a link to a site having a few images of HMS Royal Oak, showing what modern sonar can do:

Thanks Admiral De Salee.
I was curious because they used SSS at Woman Key.
The images on the link are very sharp images. Are they 3D?

Rusty S.
I can tell you from experience that the same type of SSS was not used at woman key and the images are not as clear as the ones posted by admiral

Thanks Old Man. I was trying to figure out the difference. I saw the images that were posted on the blog (of woman key) and they looked like ink blots to me, nothing like the ones on the above link. I was looking at another thread in this forum also. I guess you have to be trained to see what they see. I just don't see it.

"Rusty", the Scapa Flow wrecks were surveyed with high-resolution multi-beam sonar. I think multi-beam is the key difference (guessing) between the equipment used for these big ships and the more common type of SSS towed units used for TH. There's a link on the Global site to Roper, a mfr. of the latter type.

I'm trying to relocate the thread I saw about Ole Grubstake's fantastic Dutch coins. I'll email it to you if I do, likewise when I collect and stack my LT mags I'll tell you what issue has his article about his solo dive site.

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