Woman Key

I am German and "Gar Nicht" means "No Thing" or nothing!

Re: "Uberhaupt ja gar nicht"

So Herr Partin misinformed us? The phrase means 'nothing' and not 'uh-uh' (no, or negative reply)?
Thank you for the clarification.

The sentence is still appropriate to the recent big news non-events, whichever meaning is accurate.

I only saw one shareholder in their new blog ask if the company has been diving in the calm waters.


Woman Key work resumes

Divers plan to continue exploring the sonar hits and also to do much more extensive work in the proven areas this season. These areas include but are not limited to:
1) Large possible ballast pile located by sonar
2) Ballast field located by Taz
3) High probability recovery site located by Old Charter Salvage
(under contract to Deep Blue)
4) Wide sweep inspection of anchor and cannon ball sites located by
5) Wide sweep inspection of area where Ed and Gary found silver coin
6) Surface and sub bottom search of the Kirby site located by Billy
7) Search of 2,500 sonar hits in a 15 square mile plus area.

Question: Supposing they do locate something of value at Woman Key. What is the likelyhood and proposed timeline that they will be able to get permits from NOAA (since its in the Keys sanctuary), Corp of Engineers, FL Antiquities, & FL DEP to move to the recovery phase of the project?

When was the last permit issued for anyone to work in the Keys other than the Fishers? Does anyone know of anyone that has been denied?


Ed can probably elaborate more on the recovery of artifacts from Woman Key. This wreck is older and hence is further along in the process with NOAA. They have the permission to recover artifacts for identification, although I do not believe it is a full recovery permit. But, pretty much still in survey and inventory stage.

You are correct. The permit is over 20 years old. Once they identify a wreck, they can proceed to the next step and apply to the Sanctuary for a recovery permit.

It's a beautiful day in the Keys. The weather is calm and warm, the seas are flat and the Deep Blue Marine fleet is resting peacefully in their slips.

Call me Nertz, Mike, but I just got some more Dip Blew stock. My pps is low, and they've indicated that some new contract is pending.
Of course, if they find some real treasure after busting through the Teredo crust (and don't blow themselves up playing with old ordnance during the salvage), I'll be fine about having thought ill of them in the past.

Fresh news on Woman Key

Deep Blue Marine Inc. Divers Find More Artifacts on Kirby Site
Thursday May 17, 11:38 am ET

KEY WEST, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Deep Blue Marine Inc. (Pink Sheets: DPBM - News) is pleased to announce that divers recovered several pieces of what appears to be oak, spent coal or charcoal, and also the remains of a metal bowl yesterday from the Kirby site. The items are currently being examined and are placed in the preservation tank.

The dive team included Capt. Billy Rawson, Robyn Frick, Harrell Thach (Taz) and Tammy Batschelet. The items were found in about 20 feet of water in the area where Friday divers had broken through a crust that appears to be what we refer to as the "Toredo Crust" that covers most of the site.

Capt. Rawson said, "We are so close to this wreck I can almost smell it, and that's pretty good considering Taz is with me. But all humor aside, this is a great discovery and we are excited."

Tammy Batschelet was equally as excited. "To hold a bowl in my hands that was last used in the mid 1600s and to find almost all the pieces of it is just incredible." She went on to explain, "The bowl was so fragile that the main body was split in two, and the metal is so far gone that the encrustation is all that holds it together, but it is a bowl and it is really old."

Wilf Blum, President of Deep Blue Marine, had this to say, "These divers work hard, and when they start bringing up metal it is always a great day. This bowl is so thin and oxidized that the metal detectors barely read it, but they saw the shape and recovered both halves. It is so remarkable to me that they are that careful and precise in their work. I could not ask for a better crew. The recovery of these fragile ancient artifacts has to be done so carefully, most people just would not be that careful. I can't praise them enough. Nobody knows that area better than Billy Rawson, and his knowledge is starting to pay off in spades. This is just the beginning of an incredible season."

For more information on Deep Blue Marine Inc. and photos of the recovered artifacts, please go to (DPBM), www.alldeepblue.com.

DPBM got a press release/news story for finding a completely oxidized bowl?



DPBM got a press release/news story for finding a completely oxidized bowl?

noooo they aloso found several pieces of what appears to be oak, spent coal or charcoal ::)

But they didn't blow themselves up...
Though I'm hanging my hat on the pending contract, I wouldn't mind if they found a few coins in whatever hull that appears to be. There's no $#@! turtle grass on it, anyway.
I can be wrong about their management all the way to the bank. It's better to be lucky than good in poker, so I hope they get lucky.

The Diver on the Left works for DPBM. The Diver on the right worked for DPBM last year . I'll post another picture of part of their recent find, the attachment was too big to go on one post. The coins were found metal detecting the beaches on the East Coast of Florida.


  • cPictures 007.webp
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Here's some pictures of what real coins look like . I hope you can find some this year.


  • cPictures 008.webp
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Old Man,
Lucky7 is bashing the hell out of me on in the deep. I thought some of the people in there would like to hear that you are bringing up coins. You would think that people could be happy for others success.
I am darn proud of you.
I also posted Deep Blues amount of stock in float that someone sent me in an email. I thought it said a half million. I was happy about it. Then I noticed it said one and a half million and posted oops.. Oh well. Nobody is perfect.
GL and keep the pictures coming.

My son told me I shouldn't use personal names so I edited this.

Way to go OldMan! Congratulations on your find! I hope DPBM takes a good look and this drives tom to go full steam ahead in the search for treasure!

if it looks like crap, smells like crap and in this case keeps sounding like crap, you have crap.

Ever notice real treasure hunters don't need to tell everyone about the imprint of a bowl they found. They wait until they have a real story. Just my 2 reales.


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