Why is the CZ3D so expensive?

Please no insults or talking down to members..

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Merry Christmas to all on T-Net! Nice finds and thanks for sharing!

We have chatted about the Cz Series on the Teknetics forum and in PMs.
I know you love those machines, as do i... over the 18 years i keep a CZ 6-a two coils and on and off Cz 5s a couple of times...and just sold my last Cz 5 4 days ago.
I bought the new T2 Ltd. the enhanced one and that machine is everything the Cz is but Dual Frek.
I have an old foundation cerca 1834, 400 ft. from the house, and i have pounded it for 24 years with every machine i sold was tested there by me and my hunting partner.
That new T2 has brought that site back to life, i have found so much more in one day there...than in the last 4 years.
You owe it to yourself to try the new DST models Tek. T2 and Fisher F75....so many modes to hunt in and all effective at their purpose.
If you hunt in parks you will love 3b the bottle cap mode i,tried it at a house where they have been throwing out caps for 30 years off the porch...it told me where the bottle caps and worked on the very old and the more recent caps.
Along with all the other modes and scary deep,lite weight ... i will not miss the Cz.


Thanks for the info....I have been too set in my ways and find it difficult to give up my CZ5...Perhaps I will eventually look into the T2 and F75 in the near future...Actually I am considering the F70 and on my list of machines to purchase this year.....Happy New Year Everyone!...

Belly buttons. Some people gots innies and some people gots outties. Mine's an outie. I've been worrying myself half to death wondering why?, why?, why? O LORD have you done this mysterious thing? Even twisted the preach's arm trying to get 'im to find the answer in the Bible, but the cuss said he ain't wastin' his time on that project, it doesn't matter. So I posted on a kinda kinky forum thinking they might have some clues, but they just told me if it's an outie they don't care whether I push it or not, doesn't make no never mind to them. ........ So I push it every now and then just to verify it's still an outie, but nothing else still happens, I guess that's why the folks on the kinky forum who were into G-spots and such weren't interested in this one. .......I finally decided the preacher was right, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference anyhow, so I stopped worrying about it.

preacher and "hillary" outta get married they kinda
parrott" each other when she stated "what difference does it make?"
almost laughable if it wasn't so f**kin' sad!..i'm just sayin'


Why does the button push? Same reason as George Costanza's shrinkage problem. It just does.

It could be that the older analog CZ's work better then the newer digital machines. Ive been using the CZ's since its introduction in the early 1990's, they just work better. I'e done many head to head comparisons with simular priced digital machines on staked out deep coin signals in the San Francisco parks. The expensive new digitals would not pick up any of the deep coin signals I could get with my CZ6. I have 5 CZ's, three of them I purchased as used machines on ebay for about $300.00. I've tried a lot of machines since my purchase of the CZ6 in 1994 and still keep going back the the CZ. Just make sure you purchase a Los Banos Fisher, not a Texas First version.

Not really on topic, but I've read some bashing of the "Old Fisher" metal detectors...

I bought my 1260X in '83-'84. At the time I had Garretts & Whites & Tesoro. I put them in the closet after getting used to the 1260X.

I still have the "working wonderfully" great 1260X sitting right in the corner here. I thought today's technology would be so good that even the "mighty" Ace 250 would blow it away....

Not, gave the Ace away instead.

It could be that the older analog CZ's work better then the newer digital machines. Ive been using the CZ's since its introduction in the early 1990's, they just work better. I'e done many head to head comparisons with simular priced digital machines on staked out deep coin signals in the San Francisco parks. The expensive new digitals would not pick up any of the deep coin signals I could get with my CZ6. I have 5 CZ's, three of them I purchased as used machines on ebay for about $300.00. I've tried a lot of machines since my purchase of the CZ6 in 1994 and still keep going back the the CZ. Just make sure you purchase a Los Banos Fisher, not a Texas First version.

Could not have said it better myself.....I have been looking at the Fisher F75 and to be honest, I don't think it will even compare to my 20 year old CZ5 when it comes to depth and stability. It is my primary detector even now..Bells and whistles does not make a detector. Others may beg to differ but the old CZ line by Los Banos are probably the best detectors ever made by Fisher...They were simple, no-nonsense metal detectors and built like tanks...The 12XX line was great as well...Wish I still had my 1266X...Wonder how many Fisher F75s will make it to 20 years? Not too many..if any will..JMHO

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I think its a decent price. The CZ21 is currently $1500. Flip this into salt mode and its a non waterproof CZ21 - perfect for the wetsand for $800. Any beach hunter that isnt going into the water can use this machine and compete the CZ21s/Excals that are out there on the beach. There are people out there that can mod the cz3d to make it crazy hot too.

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Actually, I paid that much ($800) for my CZ5 back when I first purchased it back in the 90's. To me, if the technology isn't keeping up with the times, I just thought the price would be cheaper. However, as Coinstriking Michigan just stated you don't see too many people swinging CZ3D and what worries me as another member just stated is the quality as good as the old Fishers before being bought by First Texas?...He bought one that didn't work, brand new!! I just want to get the best bang for my buck...I do like the CZs. If you check out the Youtube vidoes, it seems like the CZ3D is not a bad machine..

BTW Dave (aka Woof)...I was just asking a legitmate question...If you don't like it, don't insult another member...

My main hunting partner purchased a brand new TF CZ3D about 3 years ago. On our first hunt the machine would not work at all, it sounded off like it was stuck on battery test.. He sent the machine back to Texas and had another new machine sent back to him. On our second attempted hunt the 2nd new machine failed on the first time out! It had the same problems as the first one. Both of these machines sounded like the battery check tone was on when they were turned on, you could not get either machine to quite down. My hunting partner was done with Fisher after this experience. I felt bad, I was the one 'who recommended a CZ, I thought the CZ3D would preform like the old CZ6. My old trusty Los Banos CZ went 20 years before it needed its first repair.

My main hunting partner purchased a brand new TF CZ3D about 3 years ago. On our first hunt the machine would not work at all, it sounded off like it was stuck on battery test.. He sent the machine back to Texas and had another new machine sent back to him. On our second attempted hunt the 2nd new machine failed on the first time out! It had the same problems as the first one. Both of these machines sounded like the battery check tone was on when they were turned on, you could not get either machine to quite down. My hunting partner was done with Fisher after this experience. I felt bad, I was the one 'who recommended a CZ, I thought the CZ3D would preform like the old CZ6. My old trusty Los Banos CZ went 20 years before it needed its first repair.

That is the reason why I wanted to stay away from the CZ3D.. The quality isn't the same as the Los Banos detectors....My CZ5 is 20 years old also...and would never part with it...and my backup Tesoro Vaquero and Cortes cannot compare when it comes to depth. Just hope my CZ5 can last another 20 years...

I think it's sad to see the direction Fisher went....The Los Banos Fishers were great. What do you get now? Noisy, flimsy, plastic crap that look and feel like toys.

Kinda like that stuff coming out of China eh? :icon_scratch:

Nope, all it ever was, was a thumb-twiddling feature. We didn't have to mention it in the user's manual since the kind of customer who would need that feature is the kind of customer who will find it on their own anyhow. ....That's my story and I'm sticking to it. At least until I can think up a better one to replace it.

well Dave that certainly sounds a lot better than "None of your business" which call me a noob, but I find quite rude - with respect

I have never in my life told any of my customers to do that - even if its got nothing to do with them - sure fire way to lose customers

This is like a car manufacturer saying to the customer, we put a brake pedal in your car but it only works at the factory. Sorry you had any expectation that it did something. Which it does, but that is secret. But hey keep pushing that pedal cause we are more entertained by car accidents, over the loss of proprietary info. Either that or you prominently displayed your ineptness in the design process for all users to see.

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This still going on?

Brake pedals in your car are a necessity. The mystery function on the knob is more like the hanger fixture on your car engine that the factory used to drop it in when the car was on the assembly line, but will likely never be used again unless someone needs to lift the engine out.

Keep pressing it and you'll go blind. ;-)

Just don't want you to be bored Charlie.

Aww, i was enjoying this thread, and now it's stopped, it's a bit like Fox studio's, leave you on cliff hanger at the end of the series and cancel the next series.

I've been considering purchasing a CZ3D before they are no longer produced...That day may come soon. But if it is older analog technology why does it have a $800 price tag? I have even checked sites from the US as well and they list it at the same price. What gives?
Quote from Jerrasic Park to the kid with the night vision goggles" lawyer ask,are they heavy,kid says Yes,well then put them down because there expensive ".
A CZ doesn't have that toy feeling about them.
They do hold up well and work land and saltwater wet sand.
Really deep and accurate,if they would ad target I.d numbers,wow.
Try taking a single freq.machine to the beach,cz's will work some really screwed up ground.

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