Why did Travis Tumlinson Fake the Stone Maps as a Hoax?

The Way

Hello Sarge,

As I said I wish you all the luck in your efforts, but the Library of Oz is not for Sesame Street.

Perhaps you can help me again. I understand in your theory of everything the Latin Heart is a fraud. At least that was the last known position of the one who can not be named here claims. Would you care to explain?

Have to say Al Reser has a far better understanding than I have heard any of you folks provide.



Ive never mentioned or talked about the Latin Heart. Anywhere or anytime. So how could I have a theory for you to understand.

The Way

Hello Sarge:

Perhaps I should have shared with you the second part of our friends position. That is that not only is the Latin Heart a fraud but that Travis did not make it. It was made by someone else.

Since you do not have a position on the Latin Heart do you have an opinion on the impact of our friends position on the entire argument regarding the creation of the stone maps?


It's great living on Sesame Street. I just had a view of Travis T photo collection that was just uncovered. The original negatives and prints of the bumper photo and other interesting stone poses. R did a great job uncovering them. They are dated and no question that there are differences with the museum copies. A select few that live on Sesame Street will get to view them.

Tell us about OZ again Starman and the hidden library. Bill you can chime in with the Masonic shadow signs.

Masonic Shadows hide the Library. Bring a flashlight.

But first you need to climb the beanstalk. R has some of those magic beans. The more we eat the more we toot. He shouldn't have shown us his "beans" before he planted them in Texas. It gave us all post-Travis Gas.

I just hope he can cook his "Frijoles De La Olla" to perfection. We could all use some Frijoles with eggs thrown liberally in our faces. Great for breakfast along with a side of Crow. Tell him to try some Tapatio in the pot. It tastes good on the way in but burns your arse on the way out. He's good at doing that.

Amazing isn't it Frank. Both the journey and those you meet along the way.

My role in this is small but I enjoy every bit of it. Its a collaborative effort by many, both old hands and new. To those that have genuine interest and the internal spark of curiosity, your support and encouragement is most appreciated by me and I'm sure by others. I don't think you will be disappointed. Whether you are pro, con or neutral on the subject there is new material for everyone.

I come away with a different feeling as to those that would wish to use me and those I hold as friends as your door mat.

Discovery and the journey goes on. It is its own reward. The door of welcome has been held open for you, time and time again. Your choice.

As the wise Cardinal John Henry Newman said;

"Knowledge is it's own reward."

Among others;

"To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often."
"Growth is the only evidence of life."
"A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

I highly doubt that anyone, even here, is so foolish as to think of you as a doormat, Old.

I stand at the door and knock.

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Hello Sarge,

I wish you and the cast of Sesame Street only the best. And i am sure you will have many revelations that will add greatly to a wider audience`s appreciation of the Superstitions.

Perhaps though there is an R rated interpretation of events that serious investigators might consider.

To take this trail the following question needs to be asked. And assume for the moment that the Tumlinson expedition of the 1890`s did occure. And assume there is a Tumlinson Diary that paints a totally different view of events than is currently being presented. Perhaps an arrangement can be made to sale the diary along side the other book at the Galaxy kiost.

Why is it did the original expedition and Travis`s efforts ultimately fail?

I will help a bit. The original expedition and Travis failed because they lacked a critical bit of information. To understand that information you have to appreciate two things. First the trail maps in the public view are not complete and are coeval with the six stones. This would suggest there are other trail maps out there and there are. Neither Travis nor the original expedition were aware of those maps. Those maps were left in the range and have been found.

These two trail maps pick up where Mr. Ribaudo`s interpretation of the maps ends and takes you to the end of the trail.

One final point. It seems your group can add nothing to a discussion of the Latin Heart nor is there a resolution of Mr. Kollenburn`s observations. That in and of itself is very revealing. Perhaps the wisdom of Al Reser is something you folks should tap into. I reference you to Thomas Glover`s work Treasure Tales of the Superstitions, page 339:

"For Al the Stone Maps covered an area from south of the present Superstition Wilderness to north of the Salt River. He had correlated almost all the mountains, and some hills to the Stone Maps. He said the key was the Latin Heart."

So who do we believe Al Reser or the one that cannot be named. My money is on Al.

Hello Old,

Perhaps you should branch out and view things a bit different. Sometime folks who are new to all of this can see things others miss. I for one have never viewed you as a doormat and have overall enjoyed your efforts. Maybe it would be a good thing if members of your group could be respectful to the folks who take the time to post here also. I would suggest that the people who post here are not nut balls, and not deserving of the kind of disrespect shown to Matthew and Joe. But at the end of the day that is the decision of your group to make. I also hope you folks will bring back up you site. It had some good and fascinating information. Sorry your folks elected to take it down.

Sesame Street? Perhaps you folks should look into the mirror. That is exactly how you treat folks on this site who do not agree with you. How does it feel?


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Hello Sarge,

I wish you and the cast of Sesame Street only the best. And i am sure you will have many revelations that will add greatly to a wider audience`s appreciation of the Superstitions.

Perhaps though there is an R rated interpretation of events that serious investigators might consider.

To take this trail the following question needs to be asked. And assume for the moment that the Tumlinson expedition of the 1890`s did occure. And assume there is a Tumlinson Diary that paints a totally different view of events than is currently being presented. Perhaps an arrangement can be made to sale the diary along side the other book at the Galaxy kiost.

Why is it did the original expedition and Travis`s efforts ultimately fail?

I will help a bit. The original expedition and Travis failed because they lacked a critical bit of information. To understand that information you have to appreciate two things. First the trail maps in the public view are not complete and are coeval with the six stones. This would suggest there are other trail maps out there and there are. Neither Travis nor the original expedition were aware of those maps. Those maps were left in the range and have been found.

These two trail maps pick up where Mr. Ribaudo`s interpretation of the maps ends and takes you to the end of the trail.

One final point. It seems your group can add nothing to a discussion of the Latin Heart nor is there a resolution of Mr. Kollenburn`s observations. That in and of itself is very revealing. Perhaps the wisdom of Al Reser is something you folks should tap into. I reference you to Thomas Glover`s work Treasure Tales of the Superstitions, page 339:

"For Al the Stone Maps covered an area from south of the present Superstition Wilderness to north of the Salt River. He had correlated almost all the mountains, and some hills to the Stone Maps. He said the key was the Latin Heart."

So who do we believe Al Reser or the one that cannot be named. My money is on Al.

Hello Old,

Perhaps you should branch out and view things a bit different. Sometime folks who are new to all of this can see things others miss. I for one have never viewed you as a doormat and have overall enjoyed your efforts. Maybe it would be a good thing if members of your group could be respectful to the folks who take the time to post here also. I would suggest that the people who post here are not nut balls, and not deserving of the kind of disrespect shown to Matthew and Joe. But at the end of the day that is the decision of your group to make. I also hope you folks will bring back up you site. It had some good and fascinating information. Sorry your folks elected to take it down.

Sesame Street? Perhaps you folks should look into the mirror. That is exactly how you treat folks on this site who do not agree with you. How does it feel?


Nice attempt at a fishing expedition

Starman, I believe you landed yourself one of those famous Arizona Chub's.

Hello Sarge,

The best way to answer your question is with another question.

Whatever made you think that the Trail maps Travis had in his possession were the same Trail maps that the expedition of the 1890`s had?

Perhaps our magician left Travis some stone maps. Could it be our trickster was tricked.

Did you know there is an archaeological dig going on in the Superstitions right now. Understand they will be there till June. Who knows maybe all of this was never about gold. But a good magician would play to that.

Good luck in your efforts.



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Hello Sarge,

The best way to answer your question is with another question.

Whatever made you think that the Trail maps Travis had in his possession were the same Trail maps that the expedition of the 1890`s had?

Perhaps our magician left Travis some stone maps. Could it be our trickster was tricked.

Did you know there is an archaeological dig going on in the Superstitions right now. Understand they will be there till June. Who knows maybe all of this was never about gold. But a good magician would play to that.

Good luck in your efforts.


Uplifting to learn that digging in the range is being conducted by professionals.

Hello Sarge,

The best way to answer your question is with another question.

Whatever made you think that the Trail maps Travis had in his possession were the same Trail maps that the expedition of the 1890`s had?

Perhaps our magician left Travis some stone maps. Could it be our trickster was tricked.

Did you know there is an archaeological dig going on in the Superstitions right now. Understand they will be there till June. Who knows maybe all of this was never about gold. But a good magician would play to that.

Good luck in your efforts.


You aren't the first to question the truth behind many of our treasure legends.

What ever made you think Travis failed?


I suppose the first thing that would make me think Travis "failed", is the fact that his family is still looking or wants to look for the end of the trail.:dontknow: Then there is the fact that his wife sold the Stone Maps and the possibility that Travis made copies.........For possible sale? :dontknow:

Hope all is well with you and yours,


You aren't the first to question the truth behind many of our treasure legends.

Hi Steve,

Starman.....etc, have been pushing this story for many years now. They have offered to show proof many times and to many people, including me, but have never showed up with anything. We are still waiting for some pictures of the library at OZ.

Late49er tried to peddle this picture as proof once:

It took little time for me to find out where the picture was taken (Nevada) and that it's an old mine that is a tourist attraction now. They tried to remove the picture, but it's available on line which, I believe, was where they first got it. Once it was exposed, their story took off on another tangent to explain the Nevada connection. That's what happens each time a valid argument is presented to question their "facts".

On the other hand, it's been a fun story to follow.

Take care,


Oz 2

Hello Mr . Ribaudo,

Just sitting here getting ready to catch a flight an what do I see. Imagine at our age memory is a problem so I will assume that is the driving issue. Probably was the same thing that happened with the confusion on the identification of artifact 13 from the Tucson Artifacts.

For anyone interested in the truth of what went on years ago you might find this of interest. Believe this was posted wow seems like at least 7 years ago but could be wrong.

Also it seems to me that years ago you were offered to join us in Eldorado Canyon to help participate in a dig and meet some of the folks involved in all of this. Seems your response was, "we were a day late and a dollar short".

Well good luck in your efforts anyway.


The photograph that Joe posted came from a mine in Eldorado Canyon, Nevada. Believe it is the Techatticup. A lot of Gold was taken from thatmine, some of it quite beautiful. Seems we posted the photograph as a guide to illustrate a location that was close to what we refer to as Oz 2. Oz 2 was important because of its location on the Colorado River and the foundries there that produced weapons and in the end the Tucson Artifacts.

Eldorado Canyon was also important because of its nearness to Boulder City and the city manager that was active in the initial searches there for Oz 2. Also it was a way station for the transport of gold from the Superstitions to the Mexican mine on the Comstock where it was processed.

The Tucson Artifacts are nothing more or less than a map home and a history of the people in the new world up to the time of the holocaust. It is also a link to the library of Oz as previously demonstrated.

As far as the location of the library we have been quite clear and also quite clear as to the location of Rhoda.

On another subject read the another night that your meet in the desert has suffered hard times. Seems the person was quite convinced about the caliber of folks that attend. Have to say
disagree with his opinion He really did not seem quite stable. But who knows I maybe wrong. Anyway a tip of the hat to you for your efforts.

Hello Sdcfia,

My post was directed more in the direction of understanding how those legends were created. There are fundamental truths that stand behind those legends. Just how the confusion happened is the issue. Good luck in your efforts.



Hello Mr . Ribaudo,

Just sitting here getting ready to catch a flight an what do I see. Imagine at our age memory is a problem so I will assume that is the driving issue. Probably was the same thing that happened with the confusion on the identification of artifact 13 from the Tucson Artifacts.

For anyone interested in the truth of what went on years ago you might find this of interest. Believe this was posted wow seems like at least 7 years ago but could be wrong.

Also it seems to me that years ago you were offered to join us in Eldorado Canyon to help participate in a dig and meet some of the folks involved in all of this. Seems your response was, "we were a day late and a dollar short".

Well good luck in your efforts anyway.


The photograph that Joe posted came from a mine in Eldorado Canyon, Nevada. Believe it is the Techatticup. A lot of Gold was taken from thatmine, some of it quite beautiful. Seems we posted the photograph as a guide to illustrate a location that was close to what we refer to as Oz 2. Oz 2 was important because of its location on the Colorado River and the foundries there that produced weapons and in the end the Tucson Artifacts.

Eldorado Canyon was also important because of its nearness to Boulder City and the city manager that was active in the initial searches there for Oz 2. Also it was a way station for the transport of gold from the Superstitions to the Mexican mine on the Comstock where it was processed.

The Tucson Artifacts are nothing more or less than a map home and a history of the people in the new world up to the time of the holocaust. It is also a link to the library of Oz as previously demonstrated.

As far as the location of the library we have been quite clear and also quite clear as to the location of Rhoda.

On another subject read the another night that your meet in the desert has suffered hard times. Seems the person was quite convinced about the caliber of folks that attend. Have to say
disagree with his opinion He really did not seem quite stable. But who knows I maybe wrong. Anyway a tip of the hat to you for your efforts.

Hello Sdcfia,

My post was directed more in the direction of understanding how those legends were created. There are fundamental truths that stand behind those legends. Just how the confusion happened is the issue. Good luck in your efforts.



Thank you for your reply and explanation; however, it does not truly clear up the questions raised in my post. You could have easily converted some of the doubters of your story by a few pictures of OZ or the library. Neither of those things needed to reveal too much concerning the location of your claimed site. This could have been done years ago, but instead you have continued to string us all along with "details" of your original story.

The reason I have stayed with you so long is because you have mixed some true history into your fable. In pursuing the true parts of your story, I have learned a tremendous amount of very interesting history which I had not looked into in such detail previously. While I have spent a great deal of money and time in that search, I don't have a single complaint.:notworthy:

In truth, I believe I have been your best friend in this journey.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Quote: [I would suggest that the people who post here are not nut balls]


Hello Sdcfia,

My post was directed more in the direction of understanding how those legends were created. There are fundamental truths that stand behind those legends. Just how the confusion happened is the issue. Good luck in your efforts.


My interest is more in the realm of "why" the legends have surfaced, not how they came about, or how they were corrupted enough to prevent solution. Your earlier post that hinted that some treasure legends may not be referring to precious metals, but something else precious, can be interpreted several different ways. In your case, the Oz legend (I guess, not having followed it much) refers to a treasure of knowledge. My question to you would be: if you know the whereabouts of this knowledge but are not going to reveal it to the world, why even talk about it in the first place?

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