Hello Sarge,
I wish you and the cast of Sesame Street only the best. And i am sure you will have many revelations that will add greatly to a wider audience`s appreciation of the Superstitions.
Perhaps though there is an R rated interpretation of events that serious investigators might consider.
To take this trail the following question needs to be asked. And assume for the moment that the Tumlinson expedition of the 1890`s did occure. And assume there is a Tumlinson Diary that paints a totally different view of events than is currently being presented. Perhaps an arrangement can be made to sale the diary along side the other book at the Galaxy kiost.
Why is it did the original expedition and Travis`s efforts ultimately fail?
I will help a bit. The original expedition and Travis failed because they lacked a critical bit of information. To understand that information you have to appreciate two things. First the trail maps in the public view are not complete and are coeval with the six stones. This would suggest there are other trail maps out there and there are. Neither Travis nor the original expedition were aware of those maps. Those maps were left in the range and have been found.
These two trail maps pick up where Mr. Ribaudo`s interpretation of the maps ends and takes you to the end of the trail.
One final point. It seems your group can add nothing to a discussion of the Latin Heart nor is there a resolution of Mr. Kollenburn`s observations. That in and of itself is very revealing. Perhaps the wisdom of Al Reser is something you folks should tap into. I reference you to Thomas Glover`s work Treasure Tales of the Superstitions, page 339:
"For Al the Stone Maps covered an area from south of the present Superstition Wilderness to north of the Salt River. He had correlated almost all the mountains, and some hills to the Stone Maps. He said the key was the Latin Heart."
So who do we believe Al Reser or the one that cannot be named. My money is on Al.
Hello Old,
Perhaps you should branch out and view things a bit different. Sometime folks who are new to all of this can see things others miss. I for one have never viewed you as a doormat and have overall enjoyed your efforts. Maybe it would be a good thing if members of your group could be respectful to the folks who take the time to post here also. I would suggest that the people who post here are not nut balls, and not deserving of the kind of disrespect shown to Matthew and Joe. But at the end of the day that is the decision of your group to make. I also hope you folks will bring back up you site. It had some good and fascinating information. Sorry your folks elected to take it down.
Sesame Street? Perhaps you folks should look into the mirror. That is exactly how you treat folks on this site who do not agree with you. How does it feel?