The stone maps are not fake and are not a hoax . They are real maps for a region in the Superstitions Mountains .
The trail from the stone maps is about 2200 feet long in the fields and has an altitude average about 700 feet . The most difficult part of the trail is in the DON half because has an altitude average about 500 feet . All the drawings on the stone trail map are ground shapes which include peaks , big rocks , canyons , etc .
I found the stone trail using reverse engineering . I post a GE image with the DON part of the trail to see the similarities .
View attachment 1277116
The trail from my picture is the genuine stone trail map . It's not me who has a map of California and go to New York , and I have not problem if you want to make some bucks from this story . I am not jealous and I wish you good luck . But think twice if is worth to risk your reputation making a TV serial and a book which will describe the stone tablets as fake and a hoax , when in the future exist a chance to be proved as genuine maps .
And once again . The stone tablets are not fake and are not a hoax .
The trail from my picture is the genuine stone trail map . It's not me who has a map of California and go to New York , and I have not problem if you want to make some bucks from this story . I am not jealous and I wish you good luck . But think twice if is worth to risk your reputation making a TV serial and a book which will describe the stone tablets as fake and a hoax , when in the future exist a chance to be proved as genuine maps .
And once again . The stone tablets are not fake and are not a hoax .
To " see " the map with all the characteristics , the GE is the most appropriate tool . Of course the monuments and the markings are on the ground , and are not visible from GE . Also , I don't push anyone to believe me .
To " see " the map with all the characteristics , the GE is the most appropriate tool . Of course the monuments and the markings are on the ground , and are not visible from GE . Also , I don't push anyone to believe me .
Ok . Let's see the DON part of the trail from an other angle using a real picture from the region . The trail starts at the top of the little crest and go under the red line which hide about half of the straight part of the trail at the beginning .
View attachment 1277465 View attachment 1277466
The pictures above are real and not GE images .
If the trail would be a walk in the Central Park , then it wouldn't be " PELIGROZA " . Exist another easiest ways to go to the end of the trail , but the author used that way like a metaphor saying how " Is worth to risk your life for what is at the end of the trail " . This trail tests your faith . Nobody push you to follow this way , but i believe is not impassable at all .
Good morning,
On another site, I think you know where, a very interesting photo and particularly the original negative of the "bumper photo" has been shared. If you haven't already taken a look you may want to do so. I'm hesitant to reproduce them here because I don't want to violate copyright restrictions for either site. It can get messy.
If you chose to view, they are a good example of what we are working on. We are bringing to you Travis, the man. Putting a face and a history on the man at the center of this saga. Whether you think him saint or sinner or something in between you now have a clear view of the image of the person behind the legend. There are more to follow and that shows a life story.
Perhaps even more interesting is "the" negative of the bumper photo. Heretofore the best we had was a torn, creased, scarred print with blacked out portions. Here is the original for your viewing pleasure in all its glory. Have at it <g>.
As said many times before, I'm not here to change your mind on anything. You are totally free and justified to hold strong to your beliefs. My mission, and I believe the mission of others, is to bring you a fuller and more complete picture of the people and history behind this story.
Certainly these facts and relics give ME an OPINION of what happened and why. Others many have a totally different view. That's what makes the world go around. Nothing wrong on either side of the issue. These two photos, never before seen, are for your viewing pleasure, a gift from the labor to find them. Don't shoot the messenger. We are, after all, all after the truth.....wherever it leads us.
I notice what I think are some differences. The ones you point to are striking. My personal opinion is there are multiple early sets of the stones and even more reproductions later on. I don't think Travis had a hand in the later reproductions. The early ones? Probably so.
I want to wait until we can have all the negatives processed and can get high resolution prints to work from. That may take a few weeks.
What's your opinion on the heart stone in the stacked photo? Broken or not? I think not. Also; what's your opinion on size of the stones in the stacked photo? If the paper they are on is standard 1950's era broadsheet newspaper stock, I'd say they are close to, if not dead on, size of the museum version. I'm still looking for a photo of the "small grey stones" remembered by the family and others who saw the early version. Black and white film doesn't give us color but it does provide relative size IF we can confirm other background object size. Still working on that.
The point is, your picture is no trail......period.
Good luck,