Why did Travis Tumlinson Fake the Stone Maps as a Hoax?

Really deducer? If you don't consider your post insulting and out of line we are done debating, I refuse to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man

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Sorry you feel that way Bill. I thought you would be perfect to play the part of Peg Leg or CM.

The way I was limping this morning with my knee hurting I probably looked like Peg Leg. Travis Marlow was always a mysterious character peeking around campsites and stealing all the pretty girls from their tents with his manly good looks.
But, I gave up acting so I only do reality shows now and I see no reality in this adventure.

Just Chaos.

All I want to know is...why is all this bickering about the stone maps and the Travis Tumlinson saga, in this thread about the Lost Dutchman's Mine?
Are they related? I doubt it, unless the "pot at the end of the rainbow" (if there is one) is in fact Jacobs mine, cache, or whatever he had.
I wish them all well in their efforts to dig up the truth and present it any way they see fit.
If you don't like the way it's being handled, you should have taken the effort and sacrifice and done it yourself.
A small fortune has been spent in acquiring this info, not to mention the time involved. I see no reason why they can't at least try to recover their investment in this endevour by telling the TRUE story in a book, movie or whatever.
Sometimes the truth hurts. Thats life.

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All I want to know is...why is all this bickering about the stone maps and the Travis Tumlinson saga, in this thread about the Lost Dutchman's Mine?
Are they related? I doubt it, unless the "pot at the end of the rainbow" (if there is one) is in fact Jacobs mine, cache, or whatever he had.
I wish them all well in their efforts to dig up the truth and present it any way they see fit.
If you don't like the way it's being handled, you should have taken the effort and sacrifice and done it yourself.
A small fortune has been spent in acquiring this info, not to mention the time involved. I see no reason why they can't at least try to recover their investment in this endevour by telling the TRUE story in a book, movie or whatever.
Sometimes the truth hurts. Thats life.

Just so you know, this bickering has happened from day one, even from the earliest days of Feldman's forum, way back in '04. It's nothing new and certainly will not stop anytime soon. Such is the excitable nature of people when they are in proximity to gold, or treasure, or the potential discovery of either.

All I want to know is...why is all this bickering about the stone maps and the Travis Tumlinson saga, in this thread about the Lost Dutchman's Mine?
Are they related? I doubt it, unless the "pot at the end of the rainbow" (if there is one) is in fact Jacobs mine, cache, or whatever he had.
I wish them all well in their efforts to dig up the truth and present it any way they see fit.
If you don't like the way it's being handled, you should have taken the effort and sacrifice and done it yourself.
A small fortune has been spent in acquiring this info, not to mention the time involved. I see no reason why they can't at least try to recover their investment in this endevour by telling the TRUE story in a book, movie or whatever.
Sometimes the truth hurts. Thats life.

The bickering has nothing to do with treasure hunting. All of the antagonist's that bicker here have never and will never set foot outside the safety of their homes to go treasure hunting. The bickering is over information and they are all information junkies. If they suspect another member has a small scrap of info that they don't have they torment the possessor of this info in hopes they will spill the beans

The bickering has nothing to do with treasure hunting. All of the antagonist's that bicker here have never and will never set foot outside the safety of their homes to go treasure hunting. The bickering is over information and they are all information junkies. If they suspect another member has a small scrap of info that they don't have they torment the possessor of this info in hopes they will spill the beans

There are some of us that walk the walk, though.


And since I almost always hike off-trail, I tend to collect lovely things like this cholla stem with inch-long sharp spines that went through my carhartts like hot knife through butter:


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The bickering has nothing to do with treasure hunting. All of the antagonist's that bicker here have never and will never set foot outside the safety of their homes to go treasure hunting. The bickering is over information and they are all information junkies. If they suspect another member has a small scrap of info that they don't have they torment the possessor of this info in hopes they will spill the beans

Got to know everyone in only one month. I am impressed!

I LOVE this site.

I think you and Sarge should report us/me to the moderators for being the same person.

Let me know if I can help somehow.

You have already helped more than you'll ever know

You have already helped more than you'll ever know

Glad to have helped and,

I don't want to know. I am sure it is over my head anyway and I'm all out of tin-foil. Actually, you popped my cherry as I have been here for awhile and have never been accused of being someone else. So seriously, I find this very amusing ..... please continue.

What makes you think we are the same ...... others should understand so they can support you.


Come on people, can't you tell that Ponchosportal and Bill Riley are not the same person. It's obvious that one is smarter than the other.

Weaversneedle, end the harassment now...

Come on people, can't you tell that Ponchosportal and Bill Riley are not the same person. It's obvious that one is smarter than the other.

Come on!!

We both resemble that remark!!

Come on people, can't you tell that Ponchosportal and Bill Riley are not the same person. It's obvious that one is smarter than the other.

And taller.

A ways back Deducer took me to task for explaining that the TV project wasn’t going to be in the level of detail that many of you would like to see.

I told you that as the project evolved and expanded it was obvious the scope had to change to make it into something saleable to an uninformed audience. That there wasn’t time or interest from the public for ALL the information collected to be FULLY explained and laid out. That the “piece” was for entertainment purposes and not a thesis for a doctorate. That the level of discovery that you seek would be discussed here rather than running off the target audience with the tedium and redundancy to screen play that level of discussion. I stand by those statements.

Those statements struck a nerve with Deducer. His reply to me was ….”Let me knock you down a few pegs here…”. Interesting choice of words for an open discussion forum and quite revealing I’d say. My first inclination was to defend with details of the project. Couldn’t do that for obvious reasons and felt somewhat defenseless. But; in retrospect, that’s not really what’s at play here. I feel that I can speak on the subject without jeopardizing the project.

In his tirade to me Deducer goes through a litany of negativity as to the project, how it’s been conducted, the credentials of those involved and his total disgust with all things associated. Most of which are premature, lack knowledge on his part, and; of which several are misdirected. So be it. I’ll take his challenge no matter the prematurity or misdirection. His characterization of me is left to your consideration as to appropriate or not.

To illustrate his superior ability and knowledge he directs me to the overwhelming success of March of the Penguins. The 2005 Oscar winning documentary of Luc Jacquet. This was supposed to show me (and you) how wrong I was and how enlightened Deducer was to what makes up an inviting narrative to an uninformed public. And, I suppose, knock me down a few pegs. I take that to mean go away little woman and don’t bother yourself with intellectual subjects. Just go fix dinner; or something.

I was vaguely familiar with Jacquet’s work having seen it some years ago. It was an enjoyable piece with beautiful scenery and a very loveable subject matter. That was about my sum total knowledge of the work. So, I did what I always do when I’m not totally up to snuff on a subject……..I researched it.

Come to find out, the filming and production of March of the Penguins fully supports every word I wrote to you about the level of detail of a successful entertainment piece. Almost word for word. It is a good benchmark and model for how to go about the history and story behind the Peralta Stone Maps. And one the program manager is following. Whether that's by design or instinct, I do not know but I see its a proven winner.

March of the Penguins is 1 hour and 26 minutes of footage which spans a one year life cycle of penguins. The filming totaled 13 months on location. Research for the piece began in 1995. The original French piece has a completely different narrative format than the American one. The change was TO APPEAL to a different audience. It purposely omits or only lightly touches greater moral issues and current political battles.

Another point Deducer makes is the relative lack of experience at this level that our current project manager may have. Although I find that petty and demeaning on its face, I direct you to the fact that March of the Penguins was Luc Jacquet’s FIRST venture into this level of documentary filming. Did this tidbit escape Deducer’s notice or was its lack of disclosure withheld to knock someone down a peg?

Now I ask you; with 13 months of on sight filming and 10 years of research do you suspect that not ALL of the information and footage available to Jacquet was presented in the 86 minutes of on screen viewing??? Obviously that’s the case. Now why was that? To avoid audience information overload, perhaps? Just as I told you about this project, so it was also with the piece that Deducer uses to illustrate our shortcomings. How he knows or thinks he knows what material will or won't be portrayed is beyond me.

The in-depth details will be discussed here. As they should be, among those interested in more detail.

Jacquet got it right with his analysis of how much information to portray and was rewarded for it. Something his more heady pieces since have not been able to duplicate.

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