Bronze Member
Joe I receive a 10% disability now for 2 gunshot wounds while serving on a swiftboat. I set up a appointment with a VCO for this issue. Thanks for the heads up.
"Monkey Mountain"
USAF Security Service? Ditty Bopper?
Joe I receive a 10% disability now for 2 gunshot wounds while serving on a swiftboat. I set up a appointment with a VCO for this issue. Thanks for the heads up.
If you had kept your mouth's shut and your ears open you and the rest of us would still be getting updates as to their progress . stop badgering them and maybe they will open up again.
If memory serves me correctly he left this forum to start his own moderated threads somewhere else and hasn't been back here since. So why would what we say on here have any bearing on what goes on over there? From what I understand it was things that happened over there that had forced his decision along with Joe Ribaudo's recommendation he stop posting anything. So go yell at Joe and Ryan for badgering the witnesses not I.
You and I both have the right to say whatever we want this is free speech country after all. I think that even if we all collectively asked pretty please Ryan wouldn't post anything more and actually doesn't care what we say on this forum. Go on that other site and ask them politely to start telling more about it. But, Telling them to Shut Up and listen won't get you very far.
We have read a lot of Travis.
I've no interest in bothering his family for any reason ,least of all to question their integrity.. They are not him ,or responsible for his former actions.
Too , it would not encourage cooperation from others in non related research when such tactics are employed and word gets out to keep quiet for good reason.
Approach me and propose my being vetted you'll earn a hard ear real quick. By knowing that , I'm confident the family subjects here would have me vetted first...
Any one else here is welcomed to be vetted though! Good luck , and don't say anything. Bad as others saying things about you can be regardless of the truth ,"any thing you say can and will be used against you" if the right folks get a hold of it. The media is a good example , but it can be easier to present a record of their false account through documentation than someones tongue...
Gossip tabloids get sued for falseness , but falseness sells and is worth paying fines for.
Those of Travis's possible creation vs others.
From what's known , questioning why make any if not certifiable or lacking provenance makes sense ; but from a certain perspective few live there may have been a reason few again caught in reading and seeing pictorial record..
I'm comfortable expecting an account to be presented in time for me to observe it.
Will it match my personal conclusion of why a map would be created by Travis if not credible? , Having not seen it it may well differ.
Would be better received if it at least parallels it but if not, oh well, I have a lot less vested in researching it and will still enjoy considering what is presented.
Who why how when and where.
In Travis case it may be better to answer those questions multiple times along his history , rather than once.
Same with any map(s) he possessed.
Multiple pursuits and/ or actions involving them from varied and different causes.
Keeping quiet for good reasons makes sense. Keeping quiet for bad reasons makes sense. Like shadow signs it depends on the angle you're viewing from.
It's obvious Mr G had permission from the family to release what he had and more as he stated so why he choose not to is his own reason. He knew his released information would be picked apart. After all he was the one that came on this forum to pick apart the Legends show piece by piece not so long ago. A debunker gone wild. His chickens have come home to roost.
Few living there at that time would be a good reason for no provenance . I'm sure there is some sort of documents that prove something about this. If those docs cannot be verified that makes it a bit complicated. That's when you only have someone's historical word to go by. It could be anyone. Years ago we had no decent way of checking a person's past history. Today it's an instant background check for criminal activity. Not that crime alone would make one a liar. Although Travis was convicted of crimes he went on to find a set of ancient stone maps he had nothing to do with making, at least he said so when he was alive.The family says different. At the same time they say he never lied. Figure that one out!
In the most mundane of jobs today one has to pass a background check. It only makes sense we make sure we're not dealing with a Crazy Jake family.
I think we're still dealing with a reporter / debunker. He set out to prove the Legends show was bogus. He set out to prove the Maps were fake which he did. He set out to burst everyone's stone maps ego bubble about the truthfulness of the maps which he did. Now he set his sights on the Family so who's to say he won't go after their integrity?
It's what he does after all.
I would dare say the Family should've vetted him.
So in this case Mr G. IS the media. He conducts the interviews and sets the story lines just like MSNBC would. So what we get is his edited version which may not be even close to resembling the truth as told by whomever. With that being said he might as well just feed the flame. We have no way on verifying it anyway so he could tell us it came from Mars. At least it would be a good story.
We weren’t able to give you all the pieces of the story and that was not fair OR productive.