Hero Member
Some people on the forum say things to get a rise out of others, just to keep things going. This is our loss.
As I said, I was asked for my opinion if he should just stop posting. My opinion, was yes. It was Ryan's idea and it came out after our conversation got heated, on his part not mine. I don't like being forced into someone else's conclusions, but I don't get angry.
Good luck,
No hal I have never met the Tomlinsons nor do I speak for them. And I'm not even sure I agree with everything that is going on in Texas but I'd at least like to have the right to listen to what they have to say and what they are uncovering without you injecting your opinion and throwing jabs. I would say we are all reasonably intelligent adults here on the forum and are perfectly capable of coming to our own conclusions about the "dribble" as you put it. But thanks to you we have been stripped of that right. In the future I would appreciate it if you would let us make our own decisions and if you don't like some of the information and research people post on here then hunt them down and tell them about it. Don't flog them on the forum. Some of us want to hear what they are finding in Texas. Also hal I'm not your father. Buy your own first class ticket to Texas
I think that social media might not be your thing. The idea here is to bat around ideas and opposing views, see how they hold up to scrutiny. What part of that don't you get? Some ideas collapse under their own weight, some hold up. I have been on both sides. Honestly, you should contact Ryan directly or buy yourself a first class ticket to Texas if you are that interested. But remember this, he didn't get shut down, he took his ball and went home.
You might consider finding another hobby while you wait. Insults and personal attacks are never a good thing.
Lets leave it here if you can.
Oh I see how it goes around here. You are allowed to belittle, berate, insult and torment but the rest of us aren't. No problem, I'm done
No, I believe in free speech and appreciate honesty. Belittle, berate, insult and torment away if that's your thing. I just see you following the trend of getting banned and inevitably blaming me.
Sounds to me like you are trying to live up to your reputation. I said I was done
Hal wrote.....>>One report suggested that Waltz was a Republican and made a concerted effort to vote. Based on his relationship with Julia, I would gamble to say that this could be correct. <<
If I may double back to this a moment........Hal, this is a departure from your earlier thinking. No??
I though you had a working theory Waltz was somehow involved with Mississippi/Louisiana based Mason Confederates and cohorts under the direction of Albert Pike. Do you think Waltz supported and voted for Abraham Lincoln and not George McClellan? If so, why? Have you ditched one theory for the other or is there some way you reconcile these differences in policy?
Interesting stuff Hal, I look forward to seeing it.
I didn't look back to try to find the original discussion of Waltz and Peg Leg being involved with a Louisiana Confederate/Mason plot. I probably did falsely attribute it to you. I remember you had strong feelings there was a Masonic tie.
The political struggle between the Lincoln camp and the McClellan camp during the 1864 election was............electric (that's a good word!). I would have guessed McClellan as Waltz' candidate but that's just a guess and a wild one at that. WAG type. Certainly nothing I can put concrete evidence behind.
Those were interesting times. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other as far as Waltz political leanings. If indeed he did have political leanings.
I do have mixed feeling about Julia being of mixed African descent. The census data of the time doesn't reflect a large black community in Phoenix. Chinese, yes. A fairly substantial population. I'm working from memory (never good) but I only recall one person who identified as "black" for census purposes. If memory serves me correct, that was the blacksmith. Could be wrong. I have a copy of Julia's death certificate and it would, at first glance, indicate she was black. But; on further investigation, where that check mark fell is far from a settled issue.
She is most often referred to as mulatto. Mulatto meant different things to different people at the time. I could write you a book about the damage that one word has done in my part of the country. But that's for a different forum.
Catusjumper, Sorry about my last post regarding you. I did not know you was a Vet. If so I would have gave you plenty of Imfo over the years,and more imfo from my copy of Storms book. Glad you got your 90, I can"t seem to get pass 20 even though I"m rated for Chemical and Radiation exposure." Can"t feel 50% of my feet on a daily basis,and my teeth are falling apart...Semper-Fi
Don't know what post you are referring to, so no harm, no foul.
If you don't have an advocate, get one. VFW usually has one available. Keep plugging away.
Once I found out about Agent Orange, I Googled "Monkey Mountain Agent Orange". Then "Camp Tien Shaw Agent Orange". I had it easy compared to what you probably went through. They sprayed Monkey Mountain 1965-66, the entire year I was there. Found out they contaminated our water supply, but who knows how long it took them to figure it out and truck in clean water. It would have been nice if they told me 40-years ago. Just waiting for us all to die.
Anyone who was in country for one (1) day and has developed diabetes, neuropathy and heart disease, can apply for a disability connected to Agent Orange exposure. It only took me around three months from the time I applied. Any Viet Nam Vet who wants more information can get it online or get in touch with me.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo
"Monkey Mountain"
USAF Security Service? Ditty Bopper?