ahoy seahunter,
what a generous offer you've made to this community. It sounds very exciting, do you know the name of the wreck u are working?
I would be interested in finding out details on how u got permitted and so on. I 'm new to treasure hunting, but not to diving.
I am a decent diver and am considering heading up ur way maybe friday.

Maybe not even to dive, but to act as deckhand, I'm pretty ablebodied and skipper a 21 center console of my own.

Well hope ur finds are coming in nicely. Thanks a million for the offer. Probably once in a lifetime.

I also wield the deadly excal 1000.

let me know about friday or maybe saturday, otherwise I was gonna go up to just below ft. pierce and hunt the beaches.

regards joe

Hi Joe
Would like to have you join us, but it will have to be another time. I am out of town for the weekend. Stay in touch and we will make it work out.

Hey seahunter,
got ur reply. Hope to hear from ya soon on that. I'll be drivin up that way anyway tomorrow.
Happy hunting.
my email flightseven@yahoo.com
my phone 954.699.7767

Hi Joe

Good luck up in Ft Pierce. ScottyLee did good up there a couple weeks ago. I think he was about half a mile north of the old Chucks steak house site. Look for the black sand.


Hey seahunt,
made the trip up today, man talk about a cut. The inlet to the south has has a doosey.
no luck there or to the south, hit a park and then jensen beach, a few coins that's it.

I did stop to take a pic of the St. Lucie power plant and had a guy pull me over who had an m16
that was a little exciting. It was a nice drive though.

The reason I was lookin south is as I watched the water the other day I was imaging the ships as they were in trouble and the power of the waves to carry things in (on this particular day) a southerly direction.

So I was sorta testin out an idea. No luck today though. Let me know how you're doin and if I can join u sometime. Good hunting.

Hi Flightseven
Would like to have you visit us if the weather ever decides to cooperate. At least the weather is good for beach hunting. Stay in touch and we will find a time that works.

Did you see the Polly L off the beach just south of the St. Lucie Power Plant? We are working there til December. The swim out to a skiff tonight (about 6:00) was a bear, really rough out here right now but I hear it's been nice.

Hi diverlynn,
Just a quick note back to ya, no I did'nt see the Polly L south of the Power Plant, I thought I took a picture of her in the inlet at Ft. Pierce that morning, last friday. I guess I was mistaken, and I can't figure out how to upload the pic so oh well.
I have heard about the PollyL and read some stuff. I thought u guys were gonna be working an area around Ft.Pierce inlet. If u dont mind keep me in the loop as to how u guys are doin and what kind of finds ur makin. I'm sure it'd be really interseting. How bout that black swan find out there, holy mackeral now that's almost unimaginable, but true. Anyway nice of u to write.
I'm gonna return up that way occasionaly, maybe we can meet up one time.
take care, be careful on the dives. Good Hunting:)

We took cover in the inlet for a week till the wind & seas calmed. We aren't diving right now, in a contract for the use of our deck for some construction. We hope to be back at it by mid Dec., good chance we will be heading out of state for a while. Will let you know more info when the contracts are in place.

Hey see I saw ya. Got ur pic too.
stay in touch. thanks for writin.
aarrgh matee!

Ok its bookmarked :) Nice site Scott.
I still need to get down there. Maybe I can out do the other Dale ;D


The site looks great. Looking forward to seeing some GOLD in those pictures. Living this adventure with you guys had been great. I'm looking forward to future posts on TNET as well as your site.


Scott - The site is looking good! I hope you and the guys are well. All of you have a great Holiday Season. Tim


Looking forward to seeing you soon! Was up on Lanier and got ran off by the park Rangers for using metal detectors on the banks. Doesn't make since?


I hope you can come down and do better than the other Dale too.

I am also looking forward to posting the gold finds.

We are all doing fine and looking forward to diving with you again in the spring.

We won't have any park rangers running us off down here. they are actually real nice and friendly here.


Could someone point me in the right direction if I wanted to obtain information abut recovery efforts prior to Seahunters efforts. Who found the wreck, who worked it and what was recovered? I'm somewhat a Johnny come lately here and would like a little history to wile away the winter blues. Thanks in advance.



I am sure Seahunter can give you just about the complete history on the Jupiter Wreck. I saw he had posted a new website but didn't see if there was a history link on there yet.

Here is a great book on Amazon that has a lot of info on the wreck and the history of the site. It can be picked up USED for $4.77 plus shipping! It also has the story on several other wrecks, not just Jupiter.


Good luck,


Great website, Scott! It was cool to recap the highlights of the past year with the top buttons. And I see you've got Peg's favorite picture on the homepage ;)

Ball buster, you might PM Mackaydon (another Tnet member) and ask him. He or Seahunter can help you with info on the past recovery efforts.

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