Abraham Lincoln was shot dead, in cold blooded premeditated murder, yet Jefferson Davis denied giving the order for the assassination. Davis also refused to request an official pardon from the United States for his role in the Civil War barring himself from a post Civil War senate nomination. Jefferson Davis died in New Orleans, Louisiana on December 6, 1889. The year before his death the former President of the Confederate States of America beseeched the young men of Mississippi to “lay aside all rancor, all bitter sectional feeling, and to make your places in the ranks of those who will bring about a consummation devoutly to be wished—a reunited country.”

As sentimental and encouraging as Davis's last words to the Southerners might have sounded to a Yankee, there is another side to the coin, especially for those who are involved with the K.G.C..... and even more especially, for politicians who where Copperheads before they left the Union and joined the Rebellion of 1861 as the first president of the Confederacy. Perhaps Jefferson Davis was saying right in front of GOD and everybody what he truly meant to say to those that understood him perfectly, while the uninitiated mistook his kind and encouraging words to mean just that. Perhaps it was a final..."KEEP IT UP BOYS WE ARE STILL GONNA WIN THIS BATTLE! HOLD YOUR HEADS HIGH AMONG THEM AND KEEP SWIMMING DOWN STREAM! In other words, "Don't struggle or they will know we are still fighting! and WINNING!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"

Think about it. L.C.

HA! Now you know why Nashville, Tenn. was capital of KGC "activities"; Gen. Albert Pike (CSA) was there... Frank James (CSA) was there (even during the CONFEDERATE WAR; Tenn. Unit & DOCTOR!)... many other KGC "operatives". SOUTH of Nashville, Tenn. was a HUGE CSA/KGC BURIED depository; will look for my info on it....:coffee2: BRENTWOOD, TENN!
"Google" Brentwood, Tenn. Depository; (CSA/KGC)... HH!

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New evidence does not suport the theory that It was a roage castle of the K.G.C./ O.A.K. and all of the members of that castle having pryor knowledge of the intended attack on the president. It was only the high ranking members of that particular castle and several other members of the Inner Circle that were involved. Some of these members were out of state and belonged to their own castles. Although comunications with Jefferson Davis were not the deciding factor in the assassination of Lincoln, Davis was involved with three of the men in queastion on a more personal level than first discovered. Davis may have been involved in the final decisssion to kill the president, due to the long period of time that passed during the preperations to do so.


It was PROBABLY the Baltimore, Md. Castle; full of COPPERHEADS & JWB was a member. THEY made the decision, since up-coming NATIONAL election was forth-coming. Neither Davis nor Lee had ANY "input"...

HA! Now you know why Nashville, Tenn. was capital of KGC "activities"; Gen. Albert Pike (CSA) was there... Frank James (CSA) was there (even during the CONFEDERATE WAR; Tenn. Unit & DOCTOR!)... many other KGC "operatives". SOUTH of Nashville, Tenn. was a HUGE CSA/KGC BURIED depository; will look for my info on it....:coffee2: BRENTWOOD, TENN!
"Google" Brentwood, Tenn. Depository; (CSA/KGC)... HH!

Aka Coal Mountain Treasure & Walls of Jericho Treasure; KGC/CSA "thinking" was that the "WALL" was "Yankee-Land", and with the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ buried, KGC/CSA ARMY was gonna make it ("Yankee-Land") FALL! BTW, State of Tenn. has Walls of Jericho State Park near-by, I think...

I think it is BEST known as KGC Slate Mountain Treasure near Nashville; I am looking at a MAP; "google" MAP of KGC Slate Mountain Treasure near Nashville, Tenn. ALSO "google" The Circle Is Unbroken by Roger Dale Miller... about The Confederate Knights' Brentwood Cache. HH!


King Cotton In The Civil War

To sell Southern Cotton in the North without having to take the pledge of allegiance was the answer to Jefferson Davis and the C.S.A.'s prayers. After all, that's all they wanted to do in the first place, sell their cotton in the North. It was when the North tried to tell the Southern Gentlemen how to farm their crops and handle the operations without using slave labor that things got hairy.
At that point, "STATES RIGHTS" became the issue. How dare the Government tell them what to do in their own state. George Washington himself had owned 200 slaves along with many others that signed the constitution, and presidents that followed them. The two original townships of Plymouth and James Town were set forth by the Plantation of Ulster Plantation of Ulster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the End, if there is one, President Lincoln was killed by the K.G.C./O.A.K. members because he would not permit the South sell their cotton in the North without first taking the pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. At one time President Lincoln said he would rather Puke than allow the cotton deal to go through. This was after his own sister-in-law Mrs. Helms's cotton was thrown into the mix in an attempt to get the President to permit the cotton deal to go through. Mrs. Helms actually came to Washington D.C. and stayed with the President and Mary Todd in an attempt to get the President to go through with the cotton deal but he turned her down, she left quite mad about his answer. The K.G.C./ O.A.K. had been working on old Abe for months trying to get the cotton deal permitted, imagine their disgust with him after the 9th of April when Lee had surrendered. Still they relentlessly worked on the cotton deal daily until the last straw, April 14th when Lincoln blew them off completely and refused to discuss the matter, instead he decided he would take a break from the heated daily discussions and relax at Ford's Theatre and take in a play that evening.


I beg to differ. "History" has never been written. just a pack of lies and cover up that has been accepted as history has been written and accepted as such by the weak minded who are like sheep and unable to lead or think for themselves. "NEWS FLASH" I could care less about being popular with the status quo (sheep) that could not handle the truth if they knew it. I was raised doing what I am doing, 40 years of field work and studying, for who? ME, not anyone else. I came on here to learn how to read treasure signs and symbols better, not to try and prove anything to anyone. Again, I could care less if they choose to be sheep and follow the herd, because I am a leader not a sheep, and not a shepherd. The difference between David Keen and I, is that he can only say "They Most Likely did this". I on the other hand can say "They DID This without a doubt because I have the proof to back it up.

What do I hope to accomplish? I have already done it. This is just the gravy. I know the truth and that is all that i wanted to find out. This is a trail that began in 1970, I was a pup when I first started on it with my Dad. It has been a lifetime quest for answers to many questions practically my whole life. Each level harder than the last.
L.C. Baker

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LC, what does your document above say? Can you type it out for us?

And isnt Mr Lincoln next to you in your avatar picture? You were guarding him nicely that day!


In the Fall of 1864 a large amount of money was raised from southern supporters in Colorado and transported to New York City by a K.G.C. Knight who had a vested interest in "sporting the cause". Has anyone linked their known or suspected K.G.C. or O.A.K. members in Colorado to Stephen Friel Nuckolls, Hiram P. Benet, or A.A. Bradford.

Thanks, L.C.

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