Secret service wasnt created until after Lincoln's death. The legislation was supposedly sitting on his desk the night he was shot but also they didnt guard the President until the 1900's. Lincoln went everywhere unguarded. That night he only had one Policeman guarding him and Lincoln released him from duty while the play was on. So of course he went to the tavern. The roads and bridges were closed later that night I would believe. It was pretty common for outlaws to escape capture in those days. Any study of the old west can prove that.

Sometime after 10:30, Booth approached the Navy Yard bridge leading over the Potomac to Maryland. Questioned by the sentry guarding the bridge about his purposes, Booth said he was "going home" to his residence "close to Beantown." The sentry allowed Booth to pass. Five to ten minutes later a second rider, David Herold, approached the bridge. Herold told the sentry his name was "Smith" and had been "in bad company" and wanted to get home to White Plains. The sentry decided to let Herold pass. Shortly thereafter, Booth and Herold met up

5-10 minutes Later before David Harald was questioned and let pass across the bridge............No pursuit in15+ minutes

Where was the Posse???????????Law enforcement?.....Anyone ??????

:dontknow:L.C. Baker

Look how long this bridge is....it would take another 10 minutes to ride across.....:dontknow:

navy yard bridge.webp

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Less than six hours after the attack, investigators--under the direction of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton--already began to focus on the 541 High Street home of Mary Surratt, a house where Booth was known to have stayed during his frequent visits to Washington.

But in the moments that followed the assassination of Abraham Lincoln..NO Posse? Seriously? 2400+ spectators??? Nobody got on a horse and chased the assassin?

Just stood outside and watched Booth the assassin ride off in the dust..............

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I know what your thinking, "They were in shock" from the gun going off, maybe feared for their own lives...etc.
The country had been at war for 4 years by then, people were getting shot by the thousands. Cannon fire was not uncommon to hear in the distance up until a few days before that night. How startled could they have been by a single gun shot,point blank in another room? Sure, there was pandemonium, but these were hardened people, not pansies like us. Gun fighters, soldiers,men of distinct character. Hell, some of the Women were probably packing heat under their dresses.
The City was under Military guard at all exits an entrances that night. That means Booth and Herald got by security twice. Once on their way in to town, and then again on their way out. On their way out they came riding full speed at a gallop up to the bridge, and that didn't raise any suspicion? Who in the heck rides a horse that fast at night on a business trip to the South? The assassins were then supposedly detained briefly and asked about their business before they were aloud to go across the bridge. First Booth had to explain his urgent business, and then 10 minutes later David Herald gallops up and is also detained briefly before they let him pass. The horses they were riding would have been wheezing and huffing for air from the distance they had already came, it wasn't just around the corner from Ford's theater. After all of that time passed there was still nobody chasing them that caught up to either of them at that bridge.
Where was the hot pursuit of the bad guys by the good guys?
Hell, I would even except cold pursuit.....but not six hours later :BangHead:
Washington D.C. had brick streets, they could have heard Booth getting away for a couple of blocks on a horse. Clickety clock, clickety--- clock-------->SOUNDS LIKE HE WENT THAT WAY! The streets were lit by oil lamps in town but the farther they got from the business district the darker it would have became and the harder for them to see the unlit road ahead of them. Horses don't have head lights you know.
The only plausible way they could have reached that bridge and managed to get across it before the posse got there was if they were expected and not detained and questioned as reported. It is a no brainer if you ask me.
L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

The guard that aloud them to pass that night was Silas Cobb. He met with a strange fate November 11th, 1867. During Andrew Johnson's presidency.

Dead men tell no tales.......:thumbsup:

I know by now you are starting to wonder what all of this John Wilkes Booth stuff has to do with finding treasure. Well, I have learned that the first thing you have to do, is prove that it exists before you waste your time looking for it. The only way to accomplish that is by doing tons of research and investigation. which is how I learned that..:laughing7:. Then you sift all of that knowledge through your "B.S." filter by using simple logic. What you have left over is credible information and facts. Base your beliefs on that and you are on your way to finding out the truth.
John Wilkes Booths path to freedom was cleared for him by the Knights of the Golden Circle. He was following instructions that were given to him by them. He had an immediate superior. A knight with hardened military experience, who was a graduate of West Point and a veteran soldier. I believe Booth was paid in gold for the deed. and that he left part of that gold just across the Texas border in Mexico. Just in case he ever had to get the heck out of Dodge or wanted to retrieve it because he ran out. That is what I believe based on the facts that we have uncovered. I haven't even told you any of the good stuff yet, so I don't expect you to be as confident as I am about it.
L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

The suspicion that Vice President Andrew Johnson had a hand in the assassination of President Lincoln, were shared, and also voiced, by Mary Todd Lincoln. Mrs. Lincoln, as well as many others had openly accused Andrew Johnson of being involved in the conspiracy. Mrs. Lincoln was convinced that it was Andrew Johnson who had pulled the guard off of the door at Ford’s theater that night, and even accused the guard himself, John Parker of having a hand in the murder of her husband.
Was Mary Todd Lincoln lashing out at Andrew Johnson and John Parker because she was hurt and in mourning, or did she have good reason for her accusations? These were troubled times, and there were hundreds of death threats that had been made on President Lincoln by April of 1865. Some of those threats on the president‘s life, had been openly published in the countries’ newspapers.
Was John Parker chosen by his superiors for his outstanding skills as a police officer to guard and protect Abraham Lincoln, or was he chosen for his lack of intelligence and poor skills? Parker was a carpenter by trade until becoming one of the capital’s first officers when the Metropolitan Police Force was organized in 1861. He had a terrible work ethic and was a pitiful excuse for a policeman. . Parker was almost canned for falling asleep on a street car while on duty. When he was asked why he was on the street car while he was supposed to be walking the beat, he claimed to have heard ducks on the street car and went on board to investigate. Eventually, Parker was reprimanded for visiting a whorehouse, conduct unbecoming an officer, using intemperate language, and being drunk on duty. He was eventually fired in 1868. How this man was selected to be a presidential guard in those dire days, is beyond anyone’s imagination, that is unless you open your eyes and see that he was selected for these same reasons.
Let me see…….if I was going to plan an assassination, who would I want to guard the president’s door? Steven Segal or Barney Fife? It becomes obvious that Parker's assignment was no oversight when you look at the information the Secret Service had on hand at the time. It was no secret by 1865 that old Abe had a lot of people that wanted him dead. The news of his reelection was just too much for the K.G.C. to stomach. They would make the plans and put up the money to pay the assassins to take Lincoln out. A paid hit, just like the mafia of today. This was ordered from the top and people were selected to get the job done. The money was gathered from certain extremely wealthy people who were located all over the states, and a selected Knight took it to New York City to fund the operation. It would not be a hard thing to cover up, seeing as how these bankers and investors moved large amounts of gold and cash on a regular basis. All of the conspirators were to be paid well for their services. Some of them had spoken to there close friends and families of big plans in their near future, and of a task at hand that would pay them well when completed.
After Lincoln was murdered, over 100 death threats he had in his own possession were found in a covey hole in his desk. Lafayette C. Baker as well as Allen Pinkerton of the Pinkerton Detective Agency both knew the President was at great risk. Pinkerton had himself, spoiled several attempts on the President in the prior four years. In fact Lincoln had already been shot at and had his stove pipe hat hit just above his forehead.
It is more than a little ironic, that on the same night that President Lincoln was shot, John Parker exited Ford’s Theater and went next door to the Star Saloon for a drink. Lincoln’s coachman and footman also went with Parker at that time, into the same saloon. It would just so happen that John Wilkes Booth was in the Star Saloon about that same time. Could the sight of John Parker walking into the saloon, “Lincolns only body guard that night,” have been Booth’s signal that the coast was clear? Booth would have known for sure that the door to Lincoln’s private box was now left unguarded. One can imagine seeing Booth and Parker giving the K.G.C. hand signal to each other in the saloon as Booth slams down one last whiskey for courage and then exit’s the bar on his way to kill President Lincoln.
John Parker was charged with neglect of duty and tried on May 3, 1865 but no transcripts of the case were kept. You really didn't think the conspirators would want that to go public now would you? It is also ironic that no known photograph or picture of John Parker exists to this day, and. He is also buried in an unmarked grave. It is almost like they tried to make him disappear.
There were many voices that secretly whispered the intentions of The Knights of The Golden Circle from mouth to ear, and they were the mouths and ears of men unseen and protected by the inner sanctum of the K.G.C. They were protected from any charges by their secrecy and almost anonymous presents in the organization.

NAW... it was a COPPER-HEAD "Conspiracy".... AND! Mrs. Lincoln was PSYCHIC; had seances in the White House, etc. Even Abe "saw" HIS "viewing"...

NAW... it was a COPPER-HEAD "Conspiracy".... AND! Mrs. Lincoln was PSYCHIC; had seances in the White House, etc. Even Abe "saw" HIS "viewing"...

LOL! I had read that abe saw himself in the casket. I have also read that JWB had his palm read by a gypsy who told him of his early demise. I don't buy into that kind of thing much.

Who wanted Lincoln DEAD?

Clear your minds of all of the mambo jumbo and think about that. The South as a whole was not in favor of it. Even the leadership of the C.S.A. was not in favor of it. The evidence we have points to a certain castle of the K.G.C., that had a vested interest in killing Abe Lincoln. There were things to come that he would have been a big hindrance to for these men. Two of them had a more personal vendetta against Lincoln. And by that, I mean that Abe was going to cost them even more than he already had from 1861-1865. Their personal profit margins were at stake. Between the two of them the Civil War had cost them a large portion of their fortunes in gold. Now the U.S. was about to print greenbacks(1865) and that would make the rest of their hoarded gold useless in the market place. They were not trading their remaining gold for U.S. greenbacks. This falls into the "I refuse to be reconstructed" category.
It became personal to these "Rogue" Knights of the Golden Circle. I say rogue because their C.S.A. cohorts were on the run leaving them free range to make the decision to kill Lincoln in 1865. They decided to go to Washington and take the matter into their own hands. they arrived from separate directions to the same place. One brought the gold needed, and the other Knight was the King pen in the assassination. It was he who informed John Wilkes Booth of his orders and dispersed the Gold to get it done to him. In their minds, Abe had to die, and they were the last men standing that would / could do it.
L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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Up until the last few months of his life, Lincoln was pretty lax about his personal security. He had been shot once and hit in the hat. He went places unguarded and alone. People were telling him to keep a low profile before he was inaugurated as president. He had collected over 100 death threats that he kept in his desk. I believe in order to have the testicular fortitude that it took to send thousands of young men to their death on the battlefield, Abraham Lincoln was not about to flinch in the face of the probability of his own death at the hands of a Rebel.
On the night that he got shot by Booth, the security was called off of him. People were sent away from Washington D.C. on purposely leaving the president vulnerable to the planned attack. The only man that could have made that totally possible did so. Word of his appearance at Ford's theater was spread long before Lincoln arrived there. The trap was set. The President was literally a sitting duck.

If they can make all of those movies based on theory and lies, just think of how famous I'm gonna be when I tell them the truth! 150 years worth of candy coated B.S. and suppressed evidence. I laugh out loud every time I think about the saying 'DIGGING UP THE TRUTH", because that is exactly how we found it. We dug it up out of the ground!!:laughing7:
:occasion14:L.C. Baker

Isn't it kinda TOO late to do anything about it...? Just "re-writing" history; MEANWHILE, Th'ers will be as they will; it WOULD be nice if SOMEONE could list TREASURES FOUND...

Ezekiel 25:17
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

It is my duty to expose those who are guilty. Dead or Alive......just like the poster says. L.C.:thumbsup:

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Ezekiel 25:17
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

It is my duty to expose those who are guilty. Dead or Alive......just like the poster says. L.C.:thumbsup:

BIBLE verse slapping, eh...?

YOUR duty, eh...?

Only by default.......because I am the only one on the face of this earth (besides my Dad) that knows the truth. If you dug up a relic out of the ground that led you to Lincoln's assassins and other information about "prominent politicians"(Copperheads) and their involvement in the K.G.C. before, during and after the Civil War, would you tell the truth or keep it to yourself?
L.C. Baker:dontknow:

Only by default.......because I am the only one on the face of this earth (besides my Dad) that knows the truth. If you dug up a relic out of the ground that led you to Lincoln's assassins and other information about "prominent politicians"(Copperheads) and their involvement in the K.G.C. before, during and after the Civil War, would you tell the truth or keep it to yourself?
L.C. Baker:dontknow:

Well, WHAT do you hope to accomplish, with the info...? You are writing a book (with our help); WRITE it, and go on "speaking tour" like David Keen. PROBLEM is... History is done; revised history is NEVER popular with the status quo... BUT! GOOD LUCK, anyway!

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