Well, WHAT do you hope to accomplish, with the info...? You are writing a book (with our help); WRITE it, and go on "speaking tour" like David Keen. PROBLEM is... History is done; revised history is NEVER popular with the status quo... BUT! GOOD LUCK, anyway!

I beg to differ. "History" has never been written. just a pack of lies and cover up that has been accepted as history has been written and accepted as such by the weak minded who are like sheep and unable to lead or think for themselves. "NEWS FLASH" I could care less about being popular with the status quo (sheep) that could not handle the truth if they knew it. I was raised doing what I am doing, 40 years of field work and studying, for who? ME, not anyone else. I came on here to learn how to read treasure signs and symbols better, not to try and prove anything to anyone. Again, I could care less if they choose to be sheep and follow the herd, because I am a leader not a sheep, and not a shepherd. The difference between David Keen and I, is that he can only say "They Most Likely did this". I on the other hand can say "They DID This without a doubt because I have the proof to back it up.
What do I hope to accomplish? I have already done it. This is just the gravy. I know the truth and that is all that i wanted to find out. This is a trail that began in 1970, I was a pup when I first started on it with my Dad. It has been a lifetime quest for answers to many questions practically my whole life. Each level harder than the last.
L.C. Baker

minime.webpTHE LETTER.webp

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I beg to differ. "History" has never been written. just a pack of lies and cover up that has been accepted as history has been written and accepted as such by the weak minded who are like sheep and unable to lead or think for themselves. "NEWS FLASH" I could care less about being popular with the status quo (sheep) that could not handle the truth if they knew it. I was raised doing what I am doing, 40 years of field work and studying, for who? ME, not anyone else. I came on here to learn how to read treasure signs and symbols better, not to try and prove anything to anyone. Again, I could care less if they choose to be sheep and follow the herd, because I am a leader not a sheep, and not a shepherd. The difference between David Keen and I, is that he can only say "They Most Likely did this". I on the other hand can say "They DID This without a doubt because I have the proof to back it up.
What do I hope to accomplish? I have already done it. This is just the gravy. I know the truth and that is all that i wanted to find out. This is a trail that began in 1970, I was a pup when I first started on it with my Dad. It has been a lifetime quest for answers to many questions practically my whole life. Each level harder than the last.
L.C. Baker

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If you are interested in the K.G.C. you are in the right state to find them. Virginia was crawling with them. A lot of the funding for the operations that I uncovered came out of that state, as well as a few of the high ranking members who were being directed to follow the Inner Circle's grand plans. You probably know that already though. If your family was originally from that state and spans enough generations, I would say there is a good chance you might even know a few familiar names when I expose them.
Thanks, L.C.

If you are interested in the K.G.C. you are in the right state to find them. Virginia was crawling with them. A lot of the funding for the operations that I uncovered came out of that state, as well as a few of the high ranking members who were being directed to follow the Inner Circle's grand plans. You probably know that already though. If your family was originally from that state and spans enough generations, I would say there is a good chance you might even know a few familiar names when I expose them.
Thanks, L.C.

MAYBE! It'll be like the SECRET 7 SOCIETY at UVA!

After further study, I can see how many members of the K.G.C. spawned offspring that could have belonged to many other secret (and not so secret)societies and maybe even helped to form them during their generation of control. The second generation of K.G.C. (OAK) met at exclusive resorts and country clubs / night clubs / private clubs / a back seat in a local diner/ judges private quarters / etc etc
Thanks for your input, L.C.

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After further study, I can see how many members of the K.G.C. spawned offspring that could have belonged to many other secret (and not so secret)societies and maybe even helped to form them during their generation of control. The second generation of K.G.C. (OAK) met at exclusive resorts and country clubs / night clubs / private clubs / a back seat in a local diner/ judges private quarters / etc etc
Thanks for your input, L.C.

LOL! I was OAK in college; with my MINOR in Religion; OMEGA ALPHA KAPPA. NOTHING to do with KGC/OAK of "OLD", tho.

LOL! I was OAK in college; with my MINOR in Religion; OMEGA ALPHA KAPPA. NOTHING to do with KGC/OAK of "OLD", tho.

I was meaning OAKS of a different less noticeable new name. Not the actual OAKS. Most major league teams draw from minor league teams with totally different names if you know what i mean.

secret 7

skull and bones


Just think about where the leaders and top notch investors belonged


The Knights of the Golden Circle had suffered terrible communications break downs during the last few months of the Civil War. There were C.S.A. spies and traitors scattering like rats long before Robert E. Lees surrender to U.S. Grant. It was every man for himself time!. Even Jeff Davis himself was making tracks to save his own hide.
There were two men high up in the ranks of the O.A.K. and they along with a Knight of the highest stature in the organization, and most wealthy,had been in charge of several of the largest Knights of the Golden Circle operations established before the Civil War began. The two knights each millionaires by there own right, had a personal vendetta against Abraham Lincoln, each for his own personal reasons. It amounted to a loss of a great deal of money to both men to make it short.
Having Lincoln killed by the actor John Wilkes Booth was a plan that was hatched in St.Luis most likely when Booth attended a local K.G.C. meeting while touring at the theatre there (he was also a courier for the K.G.C. and could have been delivering conveyance). This would have put him in the same room with at least two of the other gentlemen I mentioned, both of whom would later take part in the assassination of Lincoln. By their actions, I can only assume that they met Booth at St. Luis. Booth along with the two men, could have traveled to a clandestine meeting elsewhere in the area. meeting with Knights that i don't even know.
Later the assassins were formed by the group, and then they were trained like any other terrorist group. You don't just attack a presidential cabinet simultaneously without some training and a practice run first. Where did this training take place? in the motel room at the Kirkwood Hotel, with everybody in a smoke filled room hovering over a scratch pad??:icon_scratch::evil5::argue::director::confused:

No, I don't think that is where the practice run took place. These were serious men, with a serious plan to kidnap a UNITED STATES PRESIDENT.......The question was, did there hand picked team of assassins have balls enough to go through with it. Money was paid out, Rooms and horses had been rented people chosen traveled there, armed and instructed. The only thing left to do was have a dry run to see if they would go through with the kidnapping! The leader of the bunch being Booth, with no combat experience to speak of, or leadership abilities for that matter, had been instructed and lead by a keen Knight in the Golden Circle with combat experience and nerves of steel. This superior in the assassination plot would stay in the shadows only meeting with Andrew Johnson and John Wilkes Booth.

The practice run went like this:
Booth learned that Lincoln was scheduled to attend a matinee performance of the play Still Waters Run Deep at the Campbell Hospital on the outskirts of Washington on March 17, 1865. Booth, O'Laughlen, and the other co-conspirators planned on intercepting the president's carriage. The group lay in wait along the road. Finally, a polished carriage(or a presidential carriage?) came into view and the gang prepared itself. But the president had changed plans and the carriage was possibly that of Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase.(COPPERHEAD) Booth's attempt(or practice attempt?) to kidnap Lincoln had failed, or did it?. O'Laughlen returned to Baltimore.

Nobody backed out.........Booth called them off......sounds like a practice run for a squad of terrorist to me, and squad captain JW Booth could now report the confidence of his men to his superiors and move on to plan '"A" substitute the word kill for kidnap.

think about it, L.C.

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Gentlemen, Very stimulating conservation. Well done & informative. Kat

America Unearthed: Lincoln’s Secret Assassins
Premieres February 15, 2014 on H2

When Scott Wolter gets a call from his friend John DeSalvo, an avid collector of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia, he has no idea that he’s about to embark on a quest to learn whether there were a lot more people than just John Wilkes Booth behind the assassination of one of America’s most influential presidents. Evidence Wolter uncovers suggests Booth was part of an infamous group of Confederates who formed a secret society called the Knights of the Golden Circle; a group that included influential politicians and rogue raiders like Jesse James. The evidence Scott complies suggests a new twist on the motives behind Lincoln’s killing, and takes him on a wild ride through the history of the South at the time of the Civil War as seen through the eyes of the Knights of the Golden Circle

Upcoming Airings:
February 16, 2014 - 01:00-02:00AM ET
February 22, 2014 - 11:00-12:00AM ET
February 23, 2014 - 03:00-04:00AM ET

The Knights of the Golden Circle Research and Historical Archives
The Knights of the Golden Circle
Home - Knights of the Golden Circle

It will be interesting to watch, but something tells me that it will only end in speculation. Thanks for mentioning it, I hardly turn my T.V. on, so I would have surely missed it!

L.C. Baker :thumbsup:

Hello - Always follow these Booth threads So after being snowed in for 2 days I had time to look around in greater depth - There is a poster claiming he has a map to the missing pages of the diary and they are in Akron OH If I recall there was a thread here somewhere about Booth still living way beyond the listed historical date But I cant find it and the snows melting , so back to normal here
But what I did find interesting was that some people claim that the pages are in a sealed train tunnel under Atlantic Ave Brooklyn NY
I am sure the LC and KGC think this is a bit far fetched , But knowing where Atlantic Ave train station is in Brooklyn I ( due to Boredom ) Kept looking over the thread
What I DID FIND VERY INTERESTING was another link http://www.brooklynrail.net/Booth_in_Brooklyn.htm Which if you scroll all the way down has 4 links to the local Brooklyn Eagle Newspaper of the time and a Letter in 1897 ( if I recall correctly ) indicating a story about Booth in that area them
Anyway I never saw that on any of the previous Booth threads and wanted to pass it along It was interesting reading

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Hello - Always follow these Booth threads So after being snowed in for 2 days I had time to look around in greater depth - There is a poster claiming he has a map to the missing pages of the diary and they are in Akron OH If I recall there was a thread here somewhere about Booth still living way beyond the listed historical date But I cant find it and the snows melting , so back to normal here
But what I did find interesting was that some people claim that the pages are in a sealed train tunnel under Atlantic Ave Brooklyn NY
I am sure the LC and KGC think this is a bit far fetched , But knowing where Atlantic Ave train station is in Brooklyn I ( due to Boredom ) Kept looking over the thread
What I DID FIND VERY INTERESTING was another link http://www.brooklynrail.net/Booth_in_Brooklyn.htm Which if you scroll all the way down has 4 links to the local Brooklyn Eagle Newspaper of the time and a Letter in 1897 ( if I recall correctly ) indicating a story about Booth in that area them
Anyway I never say that on any of the previous Booth threads and wanted to pass it along It was interesting reading

I have heard it claimed that booth tore those pages out of the diary himself like scratch notes and notes he may have left people. I thought that was a bunch of crap until i went to the archives and started reading other people ledgers and diaries from the same time period. Amazingly a lot of them have missing sections torn out...just makes ya wonder.


Another interesting video on the KGC by David C. Keehn

All those torn out pages from various diaries are PROBABLY "Ant-Lincoln" stuff; MAYBE even a listing of COPPERHEAD "safe-houses"; MAIN HQ was in NYC...

I bet you are right in several cases Rebel, but some people turned out to be uninvolved and even their diaries were missing pages. One of the main people involved was stricken ill and laid incoherent for a long time before he passed away. His stuff (thank GOD) was complete and untampered with. It is through that one Knight, that many others were identified, and through those knights multiple schemes were uncovered. I am sure that once names are known, other things (good and bad)will surface about these gentlemen. There are a lot of real Historians out there. I am just an amature.

L.C. Baker

Clear your minds of all of the mambo jumbo and think about that. The South as a whole was not in favor of it. Even the leadership of the C.S.A. was not in favor of it. The evidence we have points to a certain castle of the K.G.C., that had a vested interest in killing Abe Lincoln. There were things to come that he would have been a big hindrance to for these men. Two of them had a more personal vendetta against Lincoln. And by that, I mean that Abe was going to cost them even more than he already had from 1861-1865. Their personal profit margins were at stake. Between the two of them the Civil War had cost them a large portion of their fortunes in gold. Now the U.S. was about to print greenbacks(1865) and that would make the rest of their hoarded gold useless in the market place. They were not trading their remaining gold for U.S. greenbacks. This falls into the "I refuse to be reconstructed" category.
It became personal to these "Rogue" Knights of the Golden Circle. I say rogue because their C.S.A. cohorts were on the run leaving them free range to make the decision to kill Lincoln in 1865. They decided to go to Washington and take the matter into their own hands. they arrived from separate directions to the same place. One brought the gold needed, and the other Knight was the King pen in the assassination. It was he who informed John Wilkes Booth of his orders and dispersed the Gold to get it done to him. In their minds, Abe had to die, and they were the last men standing that would / could do it.
L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

New evidence does not suport the theory that It was a roage castle of the K.G.C./ O.A.K. and all of the members of that castle having pryor knowledge of the intended attack on the president. It was only the high ranking members of that particular castle and several other members of the Inner Circle that were involved. Some of these members were out of state and belonged to their own castles. Although comunications with Jefferson Davis were not the deciding factor in the assassination of Lincoln, Davis was involved with three of the men in queastion on a more personal level than first discovered. Davis may have been involved in the final decisssion to kill the president, due to the long period of time that passed during the preperations to do so.


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