Who has a detector they DO NOT like???

I had a garrett ace 150 with dd coil that falsed constantly love my eurotek and sov finally happy with my machines

Fisher F75 .... powerful....but cheaply built and ultimately failed me..... also ID'd deep pulltab pieces as high conductors.... big time waster.

Fisher F75 .... powerful....but cheaply built and ultimately failed me..... also ID'd deep pulltab pieces as high conductors.... big time waster.

I agree on the Id issues, but not just with the f75. The Deus was horrible, the f75, and the at pro. I am going to bet a lot are like this. Then you pick up a Minelab product and the I'd is way way more accurate at depth

Minelab Explorer 2 Good and Bad. This machine does not pick up gold very well.Fantastic for silver coins and speaking of coins EVERY TYPE OF metal that it detects,the screen shows a foolish icon of a ring and a coin. That is useless and pointless. Why have them? Is it to provide hope that I may have something good?
Another bad thing is customer service from Minelab. I called them and told them that the screen image was split from top to bottom with a misalignment of the two halves.I sent it in for service, and found that it was caused by the battery being worn out.They have probably encountered this before,and should have told me so.
My replacement screen is now delaminating and tiny bubbles are impeding my view.
Also this is my only machine I have ever had, so I cannot compare it to anything else.
About pinpointers: I test them in the store on my dental bridge and found a type used in woodworking to work very well.I have misplaced it and don't remember the name of it though.
Good Luck everyone.

I agree on the Id issues, but not just with the f75. The Deus was horrible, the f75, and the at pro. I am going to bet a lot are like this. Then you pick up a Minelab product and the I'd is way way more accurate at depth

I agree that the F75 could be a little more rugged....but the ID issue has alot of variables. The Minelabs are the kings for deep Silver, most of the time. But in a test here in Virginia at a Civil War camp site the minelabs did not peform well. We tried both the Etrac and Explorer SE with similar results.....worked great to about the 7 or 8" mark then bullets became nails. Discovered this one day while digging Sharps bullets with the AT Gold around the 8-9" range......a buddy using an Etrac could not hit them. Came in as iron. The Deus, AT Gold, F75, T2 and Tejon do great on these lower conductors here. There arent many relic hunters using Minelabs here because of this reason. I am not putting them down....I think they are some of the best coin machines out there.....just a lot of variables to consider....

Radioshack Micronta 3001 great waste of time.

Whites 4000di Series 3 now there is a machine that really got me finding more valuable items.

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I do not like the v3i.

Treasure commander TC2X ... Bogo deal;big mistake..

wanna sell that radio shack unit?

Don't have it any more not sure what ever happened to it, but wish I never sold my Whites though as well think I got $300.00 back in 2010 for it.

Don't have it any more not sure what ever happened to it, but wish I never sold my Whites though as well think I got $300.00 back in 2010 for it.

That radio shack unit was what got me into metal detecting back in the 84's I think... I still have my original. But, not the box.

I had I believe a Cobra Beach Magnet, gotten thru a BOLO sale, donated it to a flea market sale, it was awful.

I no longer like the CTX 3030 anymore after a 4 year love affair.

Tesoro Cibola...they should have called it the Ciboring. The lack of tones killed it for me. Even the Bounty Hunter I had when I first started had three tones.

Garrett Ace 250. Awfull tones, bad discrimination, slow recovery, nose heavy. It's the only detector i sold. I owned 11 detectors (now 10) , kept the rest, sold the Garrett.

That's a short list as follows:

1st detector tesoro sand shark....liked it but lacked depth.
2nd nokta golden sense...headphone quit working, speaker quit working, was heavy....had good depth...sold it and would not by again.
3rd tesero vaquero...replaced my nokta....have not used it yet....see mixed reviews on the machine, wondering if I should keep or buy something else. Live in Va like to relic, coin and beach hunt. Machine seems simple and can discriminate...Hmmmm!! I guess time will tell if I can learn the language:)

1st detector tesoro sand shark....liked it but lacked depth.
2nd nokta golden sense...headphone quit working, speaker quit working, was heavy....had good depth...sold it and would not by again.
3rd tesero vaquero...replaced my nokta....have not used it yet....see mixed reviews on the machine, wondering if I should keep or buy something else. Live in Va like to relic, coin and beach hunt. Machine seems simple and can discriminate...Hmmmm!! I guess time will tell if I can learn the language:)

Can you post the mixed reviews I would like to review these and possibly debate on them, depending what the Vaq is up against, if it has anything to do with scannerguy1968 trust what he says not others, sure the others are good detectors but the Vaq for price and what it does stands up against a good amount of the rest out there.

Most people gripe with Tesoro is their own lack of research.
No it doesn't have 2,3,4,99 tones. It has one. It doesn't have a VDI or TDI on a screen. It has one tone and analog electronics. The up side is the almost instantaneous recovery. But there's alot of info that can be had from that one tone. Also I have yet to find a machine that discs as well as Tesoro. You can practically put a nail on a quarter and disc out the nail and still hit the quarter with little to no "averaging" you get from other machines. Even my nokta/makro average more and they are the best "fancy" bells and whistles machines I've tried. Tesoro just works.
Disc out what you don't want and it will beep on anything above.
With time you will find the many different kinds of the one tone you get. Rounded, punchy, broken, crackled, etc.
I believe everyone should use what they want and fell comfortable with and enjoy using. I enjoy Tesoro. Especially that little compadre. Haha. I love them all but for the price that thing is great. Now with the Mojave, albeit for $90 more, you have great options.

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