Who has a detector they DO NOT like???

They should just call it," rubbish in the ocean" or "Tesoro make you sore oh " if you try it in salt.

I'll post what the Sand Shark performs like that I am swapping it for though....?...
Keep us posted sads! hh

my first and current is a white's MXT-PRO
maybe over my head and has no beer holder!

Wow, I cannot believe this thread is still around....It is hard for some folk to admit they spent a bunch of money on a clunker...Thanks for all the replies...I have learned much from this thread...

This thread will probally out live you as there 2 things M.D's will talk about their favorite machine and the one they can't stand..:BangHead:

Fisher Coinstrike and Goldstrike. I really really HATED the gawdawful, absolutely ******ed and shoot the engineer, user interface. AAAArrggh! It stink stink STINKS!! Other than that, they're fine detectors.. though the Goldstrike lacks an AM pinpoint mode. ..Willy

Very overpriced unit -iread recently -the engineer was a "new Hire" that never designed a metal detector before--he patterned after some of the food industry detectors -- released on the market priced higherthan the CZ;s ---bottlecap rejection was impossible , fast sweep speed was necessary to numerically ID targets accurately --plus like you mentioned the interface was not user friendly

I had 2 early Garrett water detectors, I believe they were called AT4's?? Both leaked water into the control box.

Also had a detector that I think was called a Wilson R/C....I was disappointed with that one too.

Went out yesterday with the Sand shark, it really finds stuff, hundreds of pull tabs, soda can tops and 12 cents,

I must have had it on the " no gold or silver mode" oh well......

If you haven't already.. Try it in VCO mode. It's killer on the wet sand. Used to have one. Good luck

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

my first and current is a white's MXT-PRO
maybe over my head and has no beer holder!
Really,5,331 post and 1 metal detector? No :censored: way,,that whole spice of life and being slutty with a bunch of different machines thing is a fact of life..Variety/Electronics 101..:icon_scratch:

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Another i didn't like was the Aussie flute called Explore xs..Made out of plastic lead and ergonomics was not a consideration..

I will add the newer White's Coinmaster to this list....Piece of CRAP!!! Bought it for my wife to start on...but after test driving it; it left!

Not sure where to post this...I know we all make mistakes, I would like to know who has a detector they are not happy with for whatever reason??? What brand, and why not....I always hear how happy everyone is with what they have, but there must be a few that are not...I have a Garrett 1350, that im not real excited about, it may just be me, but it tends to false alot, and is hard to pinpoint with....Thanks for any replys....Tom
Well, sometimes ignorance makes you make many mistakes.
For starters, I once bought a metal detector from Radio Schack. Hehe! That's all you need to know.
Wasted money, I don't even remember the brand or whatever happened to it.
Then, two years ago, I bought a Minelab Xterra 505. While a good detector for finding coins in the backyard and parks, was not what I was looking for.
I needed a metal detector capable of having decent depth and find gold.
The company I've bought it from, steered me the wrong way. I needed a detector for cache hunting and buried treasures to take to South America, and they failed to meet my needs.
If I know what I know now, my choice would've been another machine. Anyway, I took the my 505 to Venezuela, and it was a total failure. I searched my great granpa I knew there's a buried cache and we couldn't come up with it. We in the family suspect is buried under a 2 3-inch cement floor
I should've kept my 505 because it's good for coins and such, but not for the intended use I needed one for.
That said, I went ahead and traded it for a Garrett AT Pro. While still not the detector I want, I'm still going to keep it and enjoy it. I like it beacuse of its versatility. Plus I'm going to get a pair of NEL Coils to help it a little bit
In the end, when everything is said and done, I will own a Nexus Standard MKII. That's the one I want to take down to Venezuela next time...

I may have already commented on this but I have to say the ace 250 ,that horrid bell tone. But any machine with a target I'd only is a bad idea . Another machine that drives me nuts is the at pro , everyone and their uncle has one and they think I should have one too .....never.

After the ace 250 and two failed propointer , no garrets .

Wow, could I ever go off here, as I have never had a machine that fit me perfectly! I love my Teknetics T2 as it comes packaged, and absolutely hate it with the oversized deepseeker head. I don't beleive Teknetics matched the head well with the electronics. It will only go about 10 inches deeper than the head the t2 comes with. Paid darn near 500 bucks for the extra head, (for seeking caches), tried to train myself on it, and all I got was a backache from trying to swing the heavy thing! (Note, I live in a highly mineralized area that all machines have trouble with)

On another note,
I don't care much for the Garrett 2500 deepseeker package with the Eagle Eye. It is heavy and cumbersome in rough terrain...
I would love to try before I buy the Garrett ATX Pro Deepseeker, but am afraid I will just have to buy one to see if I like it. (Just great, another 2500 bucks out the door on a whim)
Anyone have one they could tell me their experiences with?

Really,5,331 post and 1 metal detector? No :censored: way,,that whole spice of life and being slutty with a bunch of different machines thing is a fact of life..Variety/Electronics 101..:icon_scratch:
Your wrong there i have been using a Minelab Sovereign for about 23 years now different model Sovereigns but Sovereigns .. And different model Garrett's .. Got a like new DFX off Tnet this past year and sold it to much fooling around with program's a waste of time to me so i sold it..... And all i own now is a Sovereign , Ace 250 , & Excalibur ... and that is one to many detectors to have ...For they all do the same thing find metal...

Hey Keppy...Watch what you post on here.....my wife reads this stuff sometimes.....she might realize i dont need to buy a new machine every 3 months.

Hey Keppy...Watch what you post on here.....my wife reads this stuff sometimes.....she might realize i dont need to buy a new machine every 3 months.
Sorry about that ... As you know some do need a few new machine's every year .... And then some do not we are all different ...:thumbsup:

I'm with keppy.I have had a number of machines,some I didnt like,some I really didnt like.I would say the 90% of my total time spent was with only 3 machines.a gtax1250,explorer and now my atp.

if it aint broke I dont fix it.when I get a machine dialed in,its dialed in.sometimes learning to max out the capabilities of a machine makes one a more prolific hunter than cruising along with passable skills on a more powerful machine.

the hunter makes the machine as long as he starts with a decent machine.

Ace 150. eh.. In areas where there is a lot of trash or lots of targets, it just freaks out and it basically tells me that every type of 'target' is right there. I seriously don't get the target ID. It's not because I'm new, I'm not, nor it is because I don't know how to use it, I do. This is 2015!!!
Look, My son has a $70 elCheap0 detector and you know what.. it pinpoints SO much better and who cares we are digging every target... we ARE ALREADY with the Garrett!! His is just so much faster at getting the targets out. It's basically the same one I grew up with, a radioshack $70 job. Loved it as a kid and I'd pick it over an Ace150. "Buddy, can I use your detector? You can use my nice one :D ". I liked it 20yrs ago and still do. In fact, recently I just traded my gold rings I found just in OUR yard, back then, for a beretta.

SO ya.. I'm all for upgrading. My situation is we go way up into canyons where the soil is very mineralized and I'd like to find gold while we are high-banking and panning. But also, have the choice of using it at 'the park'. Still seeking. Hopefully, the ID systems of 2015 will mean something.

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