Who has a detector they DO NOT like???

This thread demonstrates one thing...If one person should get on and post, "Which detector should I buy", is not a good idea...There are so many conflicting opinions on detectors it will only make it more confusing...One guy will tell you that it is the best metal detector out there and the other will say it is the worst metal detector on the market...You will get others that make opinions on detectors that they have never even seen before...So if you take the advice from someone and buy a detector they suggest, you could get a detector you may not like at all...The best thing to do if you can, is to try a machine from a friend or a demo from a dealer and if it is not what you are looking for then you can take that make and model off your list...Buying a metal detector can be confusing, so make sure you do your homework before spending your hard earned cash...

The Fisher 1260 X was a "Game Changer" . A whole new way of detecting ! However.... it was not powerful enough to be a worthy relic machine. I saw one wrapped around a tree at New Hope Church Georgia in frustration on a c.w. relic hunt. I bought one and was glad the Tesoro Inca was with me that day. Fisher went on to get things figured out with the 1265-X a year or so later.

This is the first time I've read this thread. I had to take notice of the Fisher 1260X appearing in this thread. I may have been lucky with my 1260X, early adopter. I was using the DeepseekerADS III from Garrett - GREAT detector, but I had a very promising site, but loaded with slag, the Garrett just couldn't cut it there. Read an article in one of the treasure mags about the introduction of the 1260X and a write-up. I called Kellyco and ordered one. Received it, read the manual, put batteries in it, and hit that site. That 1260X cut right through that soil, first dug target was a Walking Liberty.

I'd owned Bounty Hunter, Garrett, Whites, and Tesoro. That Fisher 1260X is the only one of those which I still own, and still use. It's wobbly and floppy today, I can still cut right through an area loaded with nails and retrieve the good targets- and did a few weeks back.

When I returned to the hobby, I bought an Ace 250, used it twice and gave it away. Then I went Minelab and their sound machines. Everyone complains about the sounds but they're overlooking the fact that those sounds are telling you what's in the soil, all you have to do is get used to the language. I admit that's frustrating, but once you get the hang of it, it starts "unfolding" quickly where you're reading the soil. That's when those finds others have missed show up :)

Vdi systems are just a guess. While you can get pretty good with some detectors. If it beeps, dig it. Your simple beep and dig detector works at a lower frequency. Not as sensitive. Your higher frequency detectors can loose some depth. A Ace150 detector is just a economy entry level detector. The new machines coming out may have seen the limits of the technology. It's now option's like Bluetooth or specialized detectors.

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I'm spoiled with the AT Pro and F75. I didn't settle as I like to hunt a lot. I use both machines. Picked up the ATP for my son but I'm keeping it. He will get either a T2, F70, or F44. Unless the F85 comes out first. Only time I didn't like a detector when I had to borrow a friends AT Pro. I hated it for about 5 minutes but figured I was hunting. Liked it so much I bought one. I use both machines and they do what they are supposed to. But for about 5 minutes I didn't like the AT Pro.

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Had so many I can't remember all of them but the whites xlt spectrum was a disappointment.
Kept about a year trying all the programs that where on the forums back then but 4" was tops for that machine..
I remember a lot of people reporting the same depth,but a guy "tom in California" always chiming in and saying that that was plenty of depth.
Well maybe in California but on the east coast coins sink fast,I live 30 miles north of p'cola beach in the boondocks and dug a 83 zinc in my yard a couple of years ago at 7". We have owned the place since the late 30's.
No fill dirt ever.
Another that really was fine for trashy areas but lacked depth was the tesoro Toltec 2,nice machine just lacked punch.

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My Deus was the biggest Disappointment of all my Machines I have owned, All the hype and IMO only had one thing right. It was good in SHALLOW high trash environments. Everything else I would take any machine over it.

The Whites V3I Spectra has been a major let down. Thought I was buying top of the line, however I can detect all day with the V3I, not find anything, then take my AT Pro and uncover several coins. It may just be me but I've had it two years now and always use both detectors when in the field as well as study up on the V3I. Thinking about selling it and getting a minilab. I hear good things about those.

DFX 300 I really hate it.

Tesoro Vaquero is good value for a no frills machine. Goes deep has good ground balance, sensitivity, discrimination and is light weight.

Also BHID is not too bad for beach work and is WP to 25ft

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The Whites V3I Spectra has been a major let down. Thought I was buying top of the line, however I can detect all day with the V3I, not find anything, then take my AT Pro and uncover several coins. It may just be me but I've had it two years now and always use both detectors when in the field as well as study up on the V3I. Thinking about selling it and getting a minilab. I hear good things about those.

I have heard this from several V3i users.....and some will always say "they dont know what they are doing".....I say B.S.......the machine is just not that great. Get the Minelab!

Messed around and bought another disappointment, BH Time Ranger.
Molasses asses slow,if any trash is present hang it up.
New cheap price was enticing as a haul around unit,nope.
Got a Eurotek pro now as a haul unit,very good.

Fisher Coinstrike -- High Dollar 1000 bucks plus=100 bucks higher than a CZ70= now i didnt pay that but i traded a nice teknetics mark1 and 4 coils for a used one --at first i kinda found it interesting but the sweep speed needed to identify a target was unreasonable ==had to sweep at least 4 feet a second to have any decent target numbers ---never made sence to me having to sweep fast in trash -round bottlecap magnet read as a high tone coin -- i came to the conclusion it was a defective design --found out years later i was right --fisher was in financial trouble --hired a Bulgarian engineer that had never designed a hobby detector before --needed to get another hi dollar machine on the market to hopefully turn sales around --coinstrike was way overpriced and faded quickly --bad reviews did it in
2nd worst was a Whites Quantum / Qxt ---worst audio i ever heard on a detector --fluted goose honk -was way over priced and not even close in performce to the much cheaper IDX Pro - i make it a point never buy a detector with out trying at a dealer first , borrowing one or at least watch a youtube video

Not sure where to post this...I know we all make mistakes, I would like to know who has a detector they are not happy with for whatever reason??? What brand, and why not....I always hear how happy everyone is with what they have, but there must be a few that are not...I have a Garrett 1350, that im not real excited about, it may just be me, but it tends to false alot, and is hard to pinpoint with....Thanks for any replys....Tom

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Fisher Coinstrike -- i agree -- bad engineering -- basically it was just a numerical id 1100 dollar sucker job done by Bulgarian engineer Fisher hired because all their top electrical engineers had left == the guy never designed a hobby detector --- poor iron discrimination == was made for bad ground --done ok from what i have heard --the adverging could never tell if it worked or not --- fast sweep speed needed to somewhat identify targets - downfall was all bottlecaps rang in as coins ---

Fisher Coinstrike and Goldstrike. I really really HATED the gawdawful, absolutely ******ed and shoot the engineer, user interface. AAAArrggh! It stink stink STINKS!! Other than that, they're fine detectors.. though the Goldstrike lacks an AM pinpoint mode. ..Willy

For me the AT Pro wasn't that great. Also the Outlaw was ok but I prefer multiple tones. Vx3 was a good machine but I kept banging that metal box off my digger and piponter.

Bought a Tesoro sand shark yrs ago, sent it back because the depth wasn't even equal to a vlf. I read they used a printed trace instead of a wire winding on the coil. It may have saved manufacturing costs but in my experience the design didn't result in better performance. The dealer, a small Tennessee vendor, was decent enough to let me trade it in for a CZ20 with a little difference is cash. Still have and use the CZ20. On two different occasions I borrowed a Fisher 1280 Aqua, both times found them to be sub-par in depth.
It's possible these were cases of misadjusted units leaving the factory, but those were my negative experiences.

The wife bought me an AT Pro for an anniversary gift. It seemed super at the time- versatile (I hunt in the surf and on land a bit). And it was intended to replace a circa 2000 Excalibur 1000. Well.. after a few beach trips I got a bit suspicious and bothered to get the old Excal up and running again. It was quickly obvious that the AT Pro was no where near the depth of the excal- in ANY environment, and along the gulf coast I have to dial back the sensitivity because it false's so much. The DD coil is often tough to use in a trashy area- the Excal outperforms it there as well- but it IS a good machine if you want a light weight beach sand coin plucker. I'd trade it for a good PI machine and toss in some cash.

I just sold mine, but the ace 350 and I didn't get along. It was my first and I didn't know better. But the day I got my compadre was the last day I swung the ace. Then started adding more tesoros and the Nokta relic and now the racer2 and I realized I'd never use the ace again.

It's very slow and no separation. Two coins 4 in apart would only give one tone. Can't use that almost anywhere.

So that's the one I didn't like.

But I hear they solved the speed and separation issue a bit with the new ace units but still not even up to the abilities of even my compadre.

Hello, well i think the excall is same circutary as sovereiegn and my sov xs2 which is ancient is way ahead of at pro in depth

Hello, well i think the excall is same circutary as sovereiegn and my sov xs2 which is ancient is way ahead of at pro in depth

I love the Sovereign(s) on wet salt sand but I'm going to have to disagree about the AT in neutral ground or freshwater. I had an ATPro a few years ago and hated it for some reason and sold it. I recently bought another and now that I understand detecting more I love this machine. I dug 2 wheaties at my local swimming hole in a spot I know I had been over 2-3 times with a GT. The AT gave me good solid audio but no VDI number. It pinpointed well so I dug down the length of my Lesche and found not 1 but 2 wheaties! I think the sovereign missed it due to the amount of trash and iron in the area.

My sovereigns great, deep and reliable, but my new eurotek pro just made me a load of cash today doing sand dunes down beach and found a silver bracelet great machine ill use this just as much as the minelab

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