Who decides whether we live or die ????

Crispin, I completely agree about the directives. I just don't want some bureaucrat to decide what treatment i get or when I die. As with the IRS scandal we have seen how partial these agents can be. Picker has a good point as well about the costs and I understand that as well but I seriously distrust how the govt will handle this.

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Crispin, I completely agree about the directives. I just don't want some bureaucrat to decide what treatment i get or when I die. As with the IRS scandal we have seen how partial these agents can be. Picker has a good point as well about the costs and I understand that as well but I seriously distrust how the govt will handle this.

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

I don't disagree with that given the incompetence of our government. My only point is no matter how distasteful it is we can't forget the cost side of things. I also think that many people on this site whining about "socialism" etc better re examine who is paying for their healthcare already.


I have learned to respect your beliefs and perspectives a lot more through your last few posts.

Hats off to you my friend.




  • medeniedsplash.webp
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if one patches together all the "aid and assistance" programs out there and adds them up vs working a 38 hour $8 per hour -no benefits dead end job $304 weekly x 4 -( $1216 per month ) -- once one deducts the "cost" of working --baby sitter , gas for travel , car and car insurance , extra "work clothing" then add taxes taken out of your pay - plus now you can not get many of those freebie govt "benefits" that the non working "poor" qualify for. ---I have heard poor folks (both black and white mind you) say --if they can not get a job that pays $10 a hour with health benefits they would "lose" by coming of the mix of various freebie social programs , they have it down pat in many cases --where the "free food banks are , how to get' low rent housing --the same goes with "child welfare" if they confess to knowing who the dead beat is that fathered their child then unless he "pays up" they can not get any support for it --but if they say --I don't know the state will step in and provide support (getting govt money is much steadier than counting on a "hit it and run" dead beat daddy type.

I agree to an extent crispin. I do believe that given a drs oath that they always ere on the side of keeping someone alive even if someone is completely terminal and life extension is completely artificial. Drs tend to be most comfortable recommending a hospital setting etc when often some form of hospice or a dignified end of life at home is the best solution.

If drs want to be more involved with end of life decisions I believe they will need additional non medical training. Personally I would involve social workers / councilors along with drs to decide on the most dignified end of life solution.

But lets never forget that in the end someone has to pay for all this stuff so it sounds heartless but cost must be a consideration.

That has already happened. The problem is people without insurance, who don't have advance directives, that want "everything" done without having any idea what "everything is."

That has already happened. The problem is people without insurance, who don't have advance directives, that want "everything" done without having any idea what "everything is."

I think it's a problem for folks even with insurance. The cost of end of life care is a culprit behind sky rocking rates and a big reason for the bankrupting of Medicare. Something needs to be done ASAP.

as the famous Jamacain saying goes --"everybody want to go to heaven , but no one wants to die today to get there"

if one is right with the lord , one not need to fear death --death is a natural as life --we are born , we live, we die that is the natural order of things --there is no getting around it --oh one can attempt to "prolong" or drag it out but in the end you will die , bet on it --so prepare ahead ==so as to not burden your loved ones with the "last minute choices" --- the time when you can "deal "with funeral homes is while your alive --because they know once your dead , that your family has a "stiff" to get rid of and they will take full advantage of grief stricken people in many cases=saying things like --oh he deserves the "solid bronze casket" and such --by prearranging one can keep rthe cosat in check and get exactly what YOU want .

Last edited:
A Greek government official stated some months during one of his country's street riots that his "government has to get out of the health care business" which was part of the reason the country can't pay it's own bills. The problem was moved from personal inability to pay medical bills to the government's. This, even as our government moved towards the "European model", regardless of the inherent perils. It was full steam ahead, provide the freebies to the masses, whether or not the individual has a job, and our health care system, which was not broken, was thrown into chaos. And the IRS, who seems to answer to know one, has control. The system can work, but the health care funds will be raided at some point and there will be trouble.

Oneshot, true all that!
Most medical insiders in US know, we have a major epidemic of older patients, aids, and hepatitis, that is going to cripple our health care systems, (not to mention cancers and other diseases). The pharma companies have SUCH outrageous costs for medicines and remedies that don't even cure anything, and the gamut of tests, hospitalizations, and secondary care....... well, maybe ya'll can fathom the picture. Medical expenses are one of the leading causes of personal bankruptcy in this country.

Most ppl are not even educationally informed as to the functions of their own bodies, much less taking care of themselves. Add to that, the onslaught of fast and processed foods, gmo's, contaminated water supplies, poor air quality in certain areas, it seems to all be a disaster waiting to happen, with everyone standing around staring at the sky saying, "How did this happen"?
In some socialized medicine countries, it is common and the norm, to go hang out at the clinics. Moms with 4 mens 18 children, where else they gonna go and be safe? In some countries clinics are social gathering places.

I put my 2 paws in front of me and balance them up and down. Where is the balance? Who should decide? I actually think our nations churches are more capable of providing practical and compassionate care, than some of our medical facilities, (plus, you may not get flesh-eating bacteria in your home or a smaller care facility, but then, you may not get the best up to date doctors, equipment, and care).

The one thing I noticed as a health care financial recovery worker for 16 yrs, was ppl will go to the ER for ridiculous reasons, tummy ache, sore throat, and head ache. I always wondered, have these types never heard of aspirin(tylenol), sucrets losengers, or Pebto Bismol? Or, do they not understand the importance of general practicioners and the roles they play at keeping our ER's clear for, well, emergencies. A GP will squeeze you in when you have a cold, headache, sore throat, and tummy ache. I worked with 90% medcaid cases, and this was the mind set of just "run to the ER", instead of deal with the clinic or doctor office.

I feel it is people that take care of people, not companies and businesses. I don't know that I have any better answers or solutions than anyone else, who hasn't come up with a great idea yet. I do feel better education will play a key role. People can dissect and operate multi-functional computers, phones, games, and gadgets, but they don't even know how to floss their teeth.
We need help!

A Greek government official stated some months during one of his country's street riots that his "government has to get out of the health care business" which was part of the reason the country can't pay it's own bills. The problem was moved from personal inability to pay medical bills to the government's. This, even as our government moved towards the "European model", regardless of the inherent perils. It was full steam ahead, provide the freebies to the masses, whether or not the individual has a job, and our health care system, which was not broken, was thrown into chaos. And the IRS, who seems to answer to know one, has control. The system can work, but the health care funds will be raided at some point and there will be trouble.

Our health system was not broken??? What country our you from?? Have you seen what has happened to health insurance premiums? or that medicare is bankrupting this country?? No offense but that is an extremely uninformed statement. The US government has been in the "healthcare biz" since 1965 providing healthcare to just about everyone over 65 plus many others you qualify under Medicare and Medicaid. Next to social security these are the largest social programs and expenditures in the gov budget. Made even worse by the Bush free drug giveaway enacted during his administration.

We can all complain about Obamacare but continuing the way healthcare finance is currently being run was not a viable long term option for this country.

as the famous Jamacain saying goes --"everybody want to go to heaven , but no one wants to die today to get there"

if one is right with the lord , one not need to fear death --death is a natural as life --we are born , we live, we die that is the natural order of things --there is no getting around it --oh one can attempt to "prolong" or drag it out but in the end you will die , bet on it --so prepare ahead ==so as to not burden your loved ones with the "last minute choices" --- the time when you can "deal "with funeral homes is while your alive --because they know once your dead , that your family has a "stiff" to get rid of and they will take full advantage of grief stricken people in many cases=saying things like --oh he deserves the "solid bronze casket" and such --by prearranging one can keep rthe cosat in check and get exactly what YOU want .

You said and defined this issue perfectly!

Picker, Obamacare is not a viable long term option either.

Picker, Obamacare is not a viable long term option either.

Might not be, but i believe it is a good thing to start a process of change started. Lets let it run, tweak and improve, etc, etc. but at least we are off our butts and trying something.

Now if only we could do the same for social security !!


Sorry to keep troubling you, but correct me if I'm wrong, but for someone against tax dollars being spent on healthcare for the poor, how can you even consider Obama-care as a possible solution. Now it's mandated that everyone be covered........AT WHAT COST to the working stiff?


Sorry to keep troubling you, but correct me if I'm wrong, but for someone against tax dollars being spent on healthcare for the poor, how can you even consider Obama-care as a possible solution. Now it's mandated that everyone be covered........AT WHAT COST to the working stiff?

THAT is exactly what I've been saying,the man that works for a living has to pay for this,who is going to pay for Him?????


Sorry to keep troubling you, but correct me if I'm wrong, but for someone against tax dollars being spent on healthcare for the poor, how can you even consider Obama-care as a possible solution. Now it's mandated that everyone be covered........AT WHAT COST to the working stiff?

Never against healthcare for the poor. When did I ever say that? I just want people to realize that Medicare is a "socialist" system as its the gov / taxpayers paying for the majority of it. I'm all for providing services to the poor and have always been more than happy that some of my tax dollars go to help the poor. I also make significant donations to social causes.

Now to answer your question. We are already paying got it. Hospitals do not turn away any emergency - so who do you think pays for it. Just because you are not itemized and charged directly for something does not mean that you do not pay for it.

Also if we have been more than happy as a country to pay for the healthcare of everyone over 65 since the mid 1960s why is it such a leap to cover needy people below the age of 65?? Again if they have an emergency and go to the hospital we are paying for it anyways.

And never forget that the top 1 percent of earners are paying about 50 percent of the taxes to the gov. A good chunk of even our hard working population are not really moving the tax dollar needle. Again I have no problem with the wealthy paying a good chunk.

I think you misunderstand some of my posts. I'm not saying I'm against these programs just trying to get people to understand how the math works. I think this is great misperceptions / misinformation out there. I also think most of us want to believe that we deserve / have earned everything we get and it's always "others" that are the so called "freeloaders".

Always more than happy to share or explain my opinions.

Might not be, but i believe it is a good thing to start a process of change started. Lets let it run, tweak and improve, etc, etc. but at least we are off our butts and trying something.

Now if only we could do the same for social security !!

Obamacare is a diaster that is going to be a major nightmare for our medical care. The costs of it are going to raise our rates close to 200+% in years to come if not repealed..............

Another nightmare brought to us by obama....!

Obamacare Chaos Is Coming!!!!!!!!"

The biggest political problem faced by so-called “liberals” and so-called “progressives” in President Obama’s second term is how to prevent voters from holding them politically responsible as the public comes to realize how badly they were lied to during the first Obama term to win passage of Obamacare.

Most supporters of Obamacare embraced it because of a principled belief that everyone should have access to essential healthcare.* But even the establishment, still Democrat dominated, CBO admits that after 10 years of implementation, Obamacare will still leave 30 million uninsured.

We will see below why that is a woeful underestimate.* Even worse, John Goodman and I explain how universal health care for all can be assured without Obamacare, with no coercive individual mandate, no job-killing employer mandate, and a savings to taxpayers of roughly $2 trillion over the next 10 years.* (Hint: true health care safety net, plus market incentives and competition.* See John C. Goodman and Peter Ferrara, Health Care for All Without the Affordable Care Act, Issue Brief No. 116, National Center for Policy Analysis, Dallas, Texas, October 17, 2012.* That has been explained in this column before.* But too many “progressives” see market incentives and competition as a fascist fraud against working people.)

Just wait until the broad realization dawns that the harsh reality of Obamacare is that tens of millions will lose their employer provided insurance because of the perverse incentives under the program.* Even the establishment CBO admits that at least 7 million, and as many as 20 million, will lose their employer coverage.* In February, CBO reported that “in 2019 [5 years after Obamacare is implemented], an estimated 12 million people who would have had an offer of employment-based coverage under prior law will lose their offer under current law [aka ‘Obamacare’].”

But that report is just the early breeze of the coming storm.* The Obamacare employer mandate requires all employers of 50 or more full time workers to purchase the expensive insurance for those employees that Kathleen Sebelius (“The Secretary shall determine”) specifies that they must buy.* But that mandate is enforced by a penalty of $2,000 per worker, which may be only 10% of the average cost of family coverage under the Sebelius requirements.

Moreover, workers who do not receive employer provided coverage are eligible to purchase their health insurance on the state Exchanges with extensive taxpayer subsidies to help cover the cost. *Indeed, in the Exchanges, low and moderate income workers can even get subsidies covering their out-of-pocket expenses.* *Employers can terminate their employee coverage, give their workers a raise with part of the savings, and let the taxpayers bear the cost of subsidizing their coverage in the Exchanges.* Former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin estimated in a study for the American Action Forum that more than 40 million workers would lose their employer coverage due to these perverse incentives. *It’s going to be even worse than that, when all of the cost increasing impacts of Obamacare are realized.

So much for President Obama’s oft repeated first term promise that “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.* No one is going to take that away from you.”

Obama campaigned in 2008 on a promise that Obamacare would reduce the cost of health insurance by $2,500 for average families.* But since Obamacare passed, the cost of an average family policy has already increased by $3,000.* That reflects the philosophical problem that so many “progressives” have with math, which they are certain is a fascist conspiracy against working people.* (Why must 2 +2 always equal 4?* That is just fascist authoritarianism.* Why can’t we be flexible so it can sometimes equal 3, or 5?)

But this again is just an early breeze from the coming storm.* If you require coverage of more benefits, such as “free” check ups, “free” preventive care, “free” contraceptives, “free” preventive care, and everything Kathleen Sebelius says must be covered to satisfy the individual mandate and the employer mandate, then fascist math says that means there must be higher premiums, just so those fascist insurance companies can have enough money to pay all their promised benefits.

Then there is the benevolent Obamacare regulation called “guaranteed issue.”* That requires all insurers to cover everyone who applies, no matter how sick they are when they first apply, without having ever paid any premiums to the insurer before.* That concept applied to fire insurance would require fire insurers to cover applicants who waited until their home caught on fire to call for coverage.

That regulatory requirement is then paired under Obamacare with the further compassionate regulation called “community rating,” which requires insurers to charge all applicants the same price, no matter how sick when they first apply, except for sharply restricted variances for age, geographic location, and smoking.* Applied to fire insurance, that concept would require the insurer to charge no more for the applicant that calls with his house already on fire than for other applicants.

Naturally, all these regulatory requirements are going to cause health insurance premiums to soar, especially for younger and healthier individuals, who are not going to be happy with Obamacare as a result.

*The March 22 Investors Business Daily cites Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini as saying that Obamacare “will likely cause premiums to double for some small businesses and individuals.”* But he just represents a fascist insurance company trying to protect its rapacious, outrageous, exploitive, 4% profit margin.* A study of 5 major cities by Holtz-Eakins’ American Action Forum estimated premiums to climb there under Obamacare by an average of 169%.

Not to worry though.* The young and the healthy have a strategy available to them under Obamacare to avoid these costs.* They can refuse to buy any insurance until they get sick with some costly illness such as cancer or heart disease (or even just need some costly dental work).* Then they can sign up for the full product coverage under Obamacare, taking advantage of the compassionate, benevolent, guaranteed issue and community rating.* Until they recover.

The individual mandate, not to mention the employer mandate, was supposed to prevent this.* But we discussed the employer mandate above.* And individuals as well could just skip the insurance and pay the penalty at a savings of at least 50% to 75% or more.* But while Justice Roberts wisely concluded that it is precisely the individual mandate penalty that makes this whole socialist mess constitutional, when our Congressional representatives were put to a vote as to whether the IRS could enforce this penalty by garnishment or seizure, they equally wisely said, “Hell No!”

So millions, including myself, will pursue this strategy next year to avert the costs of Obamacare, which will mean millions more uninsured.* And that will mean more costly, sicker and older folks left covered in the insurance pool, which will cause premiums to soar further, which will cause still more individuals and employers to drop coverage, which means still more uninsured, and the chaos of a financial death spiral for private insurers.

“Progressives” will cheer this demise of the fascist, private insurance market, which was their goal all along, leaving all health care to be paid for by the “single payer” government.* But “liberals” never before cheered monopolies, all of whom are the single payers for their industries, maybe for good reason. *Maybe they knew something back then that today’s wise guys don’t. *We will see in any event whether the voting public enjoys the ride as much as the “progressives.”* And so much again for if you like your health insurance you can keep it, and no one is going to take that away from you.

All of this health insurance cost chaos will just further feed the labor market chaos that is already starting as the darkening cloud of Obamacare approaches.* Already employers are replacing full time employment with part time employment paying lower wages and no benefits.* Already small businesses with less than 50 employees are freezing hiring, and those with just above 50 workers have begun layoffs. *Moreover, under the Obamacare law, the employer mandate does not require employers to cover the family dependents of their workers.* So the trend towards losing that coverage is already beginning as well.

All of this is preparation to avoid the employer mandate.* But it will mean still more uninsured.* And still more declining incomes for the middle class and working people, which is the mark of Obamanomics,

President Obama’s rhetoric deluding his “progressive” cheerleaders to the contrary notwithstanding.* Soaring health insurance costs, and failing health insurers, will just accelerate this labor market chaos even more.
But Obamacare is going to be causing chaos for seniors as well.* As NCPA President John Goodman points out in his health policy blog on March 25, almost half of Obamacare is paid for over the next decade by draining $716 billion out of Medicare.* While Democrats have been so aggressive about accusing Republicans of wanting to slash Medicare, it is Obama and the Democrats who have actually done it.

That leaves Medicare growing at only about half the rate of health care in the rest of the country, which, Goodman explains, has “been the trend for the past 40 years, and [contrary to “progressive” rhetoric] the United States is not unique. Our health care spending growth rate is in the middle of the pack among developed countries.”

That means that spending in the rest of the health care system, and health care spending in the rest of the developed world, will be growing at twice the rate of Medicare.* Goodman adds, “The Medicare Office of the Actuaries has included two graphs in the latest Medicare Trustees report showing what this will mean. These graphs — which have never appeared in the mainstream media or even been referred to by the mainstream media — show Medicare doctors’ fees dropping below Medicaid fees in the near future and falling progressively behind Medicaid and private sector payments, indefinitely into the future.”

As a result, “One out of seven hospitals will leave Medicare in the next seven years, say the actuaries, and beyond that things just get worse and worse. Access to care will become a huge issue as waiting times to see doctors and enter hospitals grows…. From a financial point of view, seniors will be less attractive to doctors than welfare mothers.”

Yet, “Time and again, the president, the vice president and every leading Democrat in Congress have referred to the Medicare spending reductions as ‘savings’ that will not harm the elderly in any way.”

Goodman concludes, “This is not leadership. This is not making tough choices. This is bait and switch. And if the administration won’t own up to what it has done today — when there is no obvious pain — what do you think future politicians are going to do when real seniors can’t find a doctor who will see them?” They are going to repeal the Medicare cuts, just like they never allow the SGR cuts to Medicare fees for doctors and hospitals to become effective.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Obamacare is a diaster that is going to be a major nightmare for our medical care. The costs of it are going to raise our rates close to 200+% in years to come if not repealed..............

Another nightmare brought to us by obama....!

Obamacare Chaos Is Coming!!!!!!!!"

The biggest political problem faced by so-called “liberals” and so-called “progressives” in President Obama’s second term is how to prevent voters from holding them politically responsible as the public comes to realize how badly they were lied to during the first Obama term to win passage of Obamacare.

Most supporters of Obamacare embraced it because of a principled belief that everyone should have access to essential healthcare.* But even the establishment, still Democrat dominated, CBO admits that after 10 years of implementation, Obamacare will still leave 30 million uninsured.

We will see below why that is a woeful underestimate.* Even worse, John Goodman and I explain how universal health care for all can be assured without Obamacare, with no coercive individual mandate, no job-killing employer mandate, and a savings to taxpayers of roughly $2 trillion over the next 10 years.* (Hint: true health care safety net, plus market incentives and competition.* See John C. Goodman and Peter Ferrara, Health Care for All Without the Affordable Care Act, Issue Brief No. 116, National Center for Policy Analysis, Dallas, Texas, October 17, 2012.* That has been explained in this column before.* But too many “progressives” see market incentives and competition as a fascist fraud against working people.)

Just wait until the broad realization dawns that the harsh reality of Obamacare is that tens of millions will lose their employer provided insurance because of the perverse incentives under the program.* Even the establishment CBO admits that at least 7 million, and as many as 20 million, will lose their employer coverage.* In February, CBO reported that “in 2019 [5 years after Obamacare is implemented], an estimated 12 million people who would have had an offer of employment-based coverage under prior law will lose their offer under current law [aka ‘Obamacare’].”

But that report is just the early breeze of the coming storm.* The Obamacare employer mandate requires all employers of 50 or more full time workers to purchase the expensive insurance for those employees that Kathleen Sebelius (“The Secretary shall determine”) specifies that they must buy.* But that mandate is enforced by a penalty of $2,000 per worker, which may be only 10% of the average cost of family coverage under the Sebelius requirements.

Moreover, workers who do not receive employer provided coverage are eligible to purchase their health insurance on the state Exchanges with extensive taxpayer subsidies to help cover the cost. *Indeed, in the Exchanges, low and moderate income workers can even get subsidies covering their out-of-pocket expenses.* *Employers can terminate their employee coverage, give their workers a raise with part of the savings, and let the taxpayers bear the cost of subsidizing their coverage in the Exchanges.* Former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin estimated in a study for the American Action Forum that more than 40 million workers would lose their employer coverage due to these perverse incentives. *It’s going to be even worse than that, when all of the cost increasing impacts of Obamacare are realized.

So much for President Obama’s oft repeated first term promise that “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.* No one is going to take that away from you.”

Obama campaigned in 2008 on a promise that Obamacare would reduce the cost of health insurance by $2,500 for average families.* But since Obamacare passed, the cost of an average family policy has already increased by $3,000.* That reflects the philosophical problem that so many “progressives” have with math, which they are certain is a fascist conspiracy against working people.* (Why must 2 +2 always equal 4?* That is just fascist authoritarianism.* Why can’t we be flexible so it can sometimes equal 3, or 5?)

But this again is just an early breeze from the coming storm.* If you require coverage of more benefits, such as “free” check ups, “free” preventive care, “free” contraceptives, “free” preventive care, and everything Kathleen Sebelius says must be covered to satisfy the individual mandate and the employer mandate, then fascist math says that means there must be higher premiums, just so those fascist insurance companies can have enough money to pay all their promised benefits.

Then there is the benevolent Obamacare regulation called “guaranteed issue.”* That requires all insurers to cover everyone who applies, no matter how sick they are when they first apply, without having ever paid any premiums to the insurer before.* That concept applied to fire insurance would require fire insurers to cover applicants who waited until their home caught on fire to call for coverage.

That regulatory requirement is then paired under Obamacare with the further compassionate regulation called “community rating,” which requires insurers to charge all applicants the same price, no matter how sick when they first apply, except for sharply restricted variances for age, geographic location, and smoking.* Applied to fire insurance, that concept would require the insurer to charge no more for the applicant that calls with his house already on fire than for other applicants.

Naturally, all these regulatory requirements are going to cause health insurance premiums to soar, especially for younger and healthier individuals, who are not going to be happy with Obamacare as a result.

*The March 22 Investors Business Daily cites Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini as saying that Obamacare “will likely cause premiums to double for some small businesses and individuals.”* But he just represents a fascist insurance company trying to protect its rapacious, outrageous, exploitive, 4% profit margin.* A study of 5 major cities by Holtz-Eakins’ American Action Forum estimated premiums to climb there under Obamacare by an average of 169%.

Not to worry though.* The young and the healthy have a strategy available to them under Obamacare to avoid these costs.* They can refuse to buy any insurance until they get sick with some costly illness such as cancer or heart disease (or even just need some costly dental work).* Then they can sign up for the full product coverage under Obamacare, taking advantage of the compassionate, benevolent, guaranteed issue and community rating.* Until they recover.

The individual mandate, not to mention the employer mandate, was supposed to prevent this.* But we discussed the employer mandate above.* And individuals as well could just skip the insurance and pay the penalty at a savings of at least 50% to 75% or more.* But while Justice Roberts wisely concluded that it is precisely the individual mandate penalty that makes this whole socialist mess constitutional, when our Congressional representatives were put to a vote as to whether the IRS could enforce this penalty by garnishment or seizure, they equally wisely said, “Hell No!”

So millions, including myself, will pursue this strategy next year to avert the costs of Obamacare, which will mean millions more uninsured.* And that will mean more costly, sicker and older folks left covered in the insurance pool, which will cause premiums to soar further, which will cause still more individuals and employers to drop coverage, which means still more uninsured, and the chaos of a financial death spiral for private insurers.

“Progressives” will cheer this demise of the fascist, private insurance market, which was their goal all along, leaving all health care to be paid for by the “single payer” government.* But “liberals” never before cheered monopolies, all of whom are the single payers for their industries, maybe for good reason. *Maybe they knew something back then that today’s wise guys don’t. *We will see in any event whether the voting public enjoys the ride as much as the “progressives.”* And so much again for if you like your health insurance you can keep it, and no one is going to take that away from you.

All of this health insurance cost chaos will just further feed the labor market chaos that is already starting as the darkening cloud of Obamacare approaches.* Already employers are replacing full time employment with part time employment paying lower wages and no benefits.* Already small businesses with less than 50 employees are freezing hiring, and those with just above 50 workers have begun layoffs. *Moreover, under the Obamacare law, the employer mandate does not require employers to cover the family dependents of their workers.* So the trend towards losing that coverage is already beginning as well.

All of this is preparation to avoid the employer mandate.* But it will mean still more uninsured.* And still more declining incomes for the middle class and working people, which is the mark of Obamanomics,

President Obama’s rhetoric deluding his “progressive” cheerleaders to the contrary notwithstanding.* Soaring health insurance costs, and failing health insurers, will just accelerate this labor market chaos even more.
But Obamacare is going to be causing chaos for seniors as well.* As NCPA President John Goodman points out in his health policy blog on March 25, almost half of Obamacare is paid for over the next decade by draining $716 billion out of Medicare.* While Democrats have been so aggressive about accusing Republicans of wanting to slash Medicare, it is Obama and the Democrats who have actually done it.

That leaves Medicare growing at only about half the rate of health care in the rest of the country, which, Goodman explains, has “been the trend for the past 40 years, and [contrary to “progressive” rhetoric] the United States is not unique. Our health care spending growth rate is in the middle of the pack among developed countries.”

That means that spending in the rest of the health care system, and health care spending in the rest of the developed world, will be growing at twice the rate of Medicare.* Goodman adds, “The Medicare Office of the Actuaries has included two graphs in the latest Medicare Trustees report showing what this will mean. These graphs — which have never appeared in the mainstream media or even been referred to by the mainstream media — show Medicare doctors’ fees dropping below Medicaid fees in the near future and falling progressively behind Medicaid and private sector payments, indefinitely into the future.”

As a result, “One out of seven hospitals will leave Medicare in the next seven years, say the actuaries, and beyond that things just get worse and worse. Access to care will become a huge issue as waiting times to see doctors and enter hospitals grows…. From a financial point of view, seniors will be less attractive to doctors than welfare mothers.”

Yet, “Time and again, the president, the vice president and every leading Democrat in Congress have referred to the Medicare spending reductions as ‘savings’ that will not harm the elderly in any way.”

Goodman concludes, “This is not leadership. This is not making tough choices. This is bait and switch. And if the administration won’t own up to what it has done today — when there is no obvious pain — what do you think future politicians are going to do when real seniors can’t find a doctor who will see them?” They are going to repeal the Medicare cuts, just like they never allow the SGR cuts to Medicare fees for doctors and hospitals to become effective.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Time will tell. But one thing was certain, that things could not continue the way they were. Healthcare in the US has been completely disfunctional for decades and was getting worse, not better every single year. Even Romney realized this back when he was gov.

Time will tell??? That is like waiting till a Cat 10 hurricane hits to see how bad it will be...

God help us if they wait that long....obamacare needs to be repealed now...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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