Time will tell. But one thing was certain, that things could not continue the way they were. Healthcare in the US has been completely disfunctional for decades and was getting worse, not better every single year. Even Romney realized this back when he was gov.
Stocky: Have you looked at Obama Care?
1. Insurance Premiums. He proposes to have healthcare premiums based on average household income. AKA...let the rich pay more and the poor pay less. Sounds reasonable, right? Wrong! Privatized insurance is still around. The rich will opt out of Obama Care and go private. The result: the poor will be the only ones in the Obama Care system and the quality of care will decrease as doctors will not want to do the same amount of work to get paid less. Doctor's don't have to take Obama Care.
2. Medicare 'Donut Hole': He is going to close the gap in the donut hole...the donut hole is less then 2000 dollars. How much is he going to close it? How much effect is that going to have, really? Pharma drives up the price of nongenerics, that is the real problem.
3. Curbing the 'Cadillac' Tax: Another tax on the rich. Yet another reason for them to privatize.
4. Fraud, Waste and Cornhusks: This is great! Except who gets to decide what waste is? Doctor's don't. Lawyers and politicians going to start telling me how to treat patients and what tests I can order? O, that is a great idea. Get doctors on the board and then we can start decreasing this...along with necessary tort reform.
5. Dosing the Deficit: Yup...you guess it. The deficit gets cut at the cost and health of the common American. The rich may more for health care and the poor get worse health care and die faster.
Obama Care will never be successful. I applaud the man for trying, but this is a disaster. We will never develop a good health care system until doctors have a large say in designing it. This is common sense folks. You don't call your electrician to fix your plumbing. You don't call your mechanic to fix your air conditioner. You don't ask lawyers and politicians to fix the health care system.
Off my soap box...for now.
Ps. I still consider myself a pinko commie liberal. I just know a failed plan when I see one.