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White House aide: 'Nothing that suggests' IRS official at center of scandal 'did anything wrong' - Washington Times
The WH is standing by this woman - we need an uproar of concerned citizens !!!!
Not a war mind you, but we can't have this woman deciding whether we live or die - AND THAT IS A FACT.
Looks like there's more than just Big Brother watching and reading......The original question was "Who decides whether we live or die"
And now, the media has picked up on the same question:
Will the IRS Allow Us to Die Too? |
NHS "Quality of Life" Kills Disabled Patients | National Review Online
Folks, imho, everyone better be running, kicking and screaming away from Obamacare! The insurance companies know it, everyone knows, this is just another elistist money making ploy! I bet EVERYONE pushing Obamacare in DC got some heavy expectations of big bucks coming there way, through companies they own and/or stocks, options, and kickbacks!
And, lets just play Cow Poop Lotto for who lives or dies! I'd rather have a cow determine my life fate, than some of these people our government has put in positions of authority! Our politicians need a dose of reality and need to stick to politics and get the heck out of my bodily functions areas!
On a last note. Night arfter Cristmas, in a socialized medicine country, 70+ yo has heart pains, old stints, half use of his heart, paramedics are called, and even though the nitro cooled him off a little, even the paramedics wanted him to go to the hospital, age, history, etc......
Stupid nurse at hospital, who had nothing to do with his care, has to know and hold up attending nurse to get the lowdown on my friend, and when she's told, that stupid nurse said,
"Well, WHY did he come HERE?" !!! (to a hospital, for care, OMG! I do know we had interrupted her latest fashion updates to all the ER workers when we arrived, though, so I guess that makes it OK! Yeah Rite!)
THAT, my friends, IS SOCIALIZED MEDICINE FOR YOU! Be Afraid, be very afraid!
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