Who decides whether we live or die ????

White House aide: 'Nothing that suggests' IRS official at center of scandal 'did anything wrong' - Washington Times

The WH is standing by this woman - we need an uproar of concerned citizens !!!!

Not a war mind you, but we can't have this woman deciding whether we live or die - AND THAT IS A FACT.

The original question was "Who decides whether we live or die???"

And now, the media has picked up on the same question:

Will the IRS Allow Us to Die Too? | TheBlaze.com
Looks like there's more than just Big Brother watching and reading......

NHS "Quality of Life" Kills Disabled Patients | National Review Online

Folks, imho, everyone better be running, kicking and screaming away from Obamacare! The insurance companies know it, everyone knows, this is just another elistist money making ploy! I bet EVERYONE pushing Obamacare in DC got some heavy expectations of big bucks coming there way, through companies they own and/or stocks, options, and kickbacks!

And, lets just play Cow Poop Lotto for who lives or dies! I'd rather have a cow determine my life fate, than some of these people our government has put in positions of authority! Our politicians need a dose of reality and need to stick to politics and get the heck out of my bodily functions areas!

On a last note. Night arfter Cristmas, in a socialized medicine country, 70+ yo has heart pains, old stints, half use of his heart, paramedics are called, and even though the nitro cooled him off a little, even the paramedics wanted him to go to the hospital, age, history, etc......
Stupid nurse at hospital, who had nothing to do with his care, has to know and hold up attending nurse to get the lowdown on my friend, and when she's told, that stupid nurse said,
"Well, WHY did he come HERE?" !!! (to a hospital, for care, OMG! I do know we had interrupted her latest fashion updates to all the ER workers when we arrived, though, so I guess that makes it OK! Yeah Rite!)
THAT, my friends, IS SOCIALIZED MEDICINE FOR YOU! Be Afraid, be very afraid!

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Sad story for sure...

Sad story for sure...

Yes, and the sad story will continue until someone puts a stop to it.

At least we here are talking, and telling others :)

Chicago politics on a national scale. Oh yeah, and the Obama care death zone is at work. My friend is over 75, needs a heart valve, denied because he's too old. So all you guys that like the big O just remember you are going to be old someday, and will be expected to do the right thing and die.

And bosnmate is he paying cash for his heart valve or is it courtesy of my tax dollars as he is using Medicare?? I have no interest in paying for you and your friends socialist existence. Boomers, etc have fleeced enough from the public coffers and bankrupted this once great country. Head over to Cuba for your free heart.

The original question was "Who decides whether we live or die???"

And now, the media has picked up on the same question:

Will the IRS Allow Us to Die Too? | TheBlaze.com

Who decides who get the fancy house and the boat? You get the medical procedures if you can afford to pay for the medical procedures!! What do you think it is the government (ie tax payers) responsibility to pay for your healthcare like we do now?? Move to Cuba.

I'M PRETTY sure that medicare funds are those that have been paid through payroll deductions from my paychecks. Being 62, and working since I was 9, that is a good amount of my money, not taxpayers.

And bosnmate is he paying cash for his heart valve or is it courtesy of my tax dollars as he is using Medicare?? I have no interest in paying for you and your friends socialist existence. Boomers, etc have fleeced enough from the public coffers and bankrupted this once great country. Head over to Cuba for your free heart.

Now since I paid $825 a month for my health insurance, went in just for a 10 year check-up, did the round trip, and my part was $10k..... My disgust with the healthcare system prior to Ocare - or why did he care...

Now you sir, at 75 that man paid in at least 50 years to SSN, and about 50 to Medicare,

It is NOT YOUR f........ money that would have paid for his heart valve. Probably paying for your counseling....

I'M PRETTY sure that medicare funds are those that have been paid through payroll deductions from my paychecks. Being 62, and working since I was 9, that is a good amount of my money, not taxpayers.

Actually if you go and check the facts you will see that what you and anyone else has contributed / contributes is a drop in the bucket compared to what any medical procedure would cost to perform. That's why the system is bankrupt and bleeding massive red ink every year.

Do the math on what you have contributed and then check out what a hip it knew replacement costs - never mind anything to do with the heart etc. luckily you got the communist AARP which will continue to extort money from the rest of us to pay for "your luxury" healthcare. By the time Im your age we will probably be back to amputating and leaches for all medical problems. A thank you would be nice, but I won't hold my breath. Keep on complaining about how unfair things are. Definitely the ME generation as they call it. I call it the entitlement generation - funny what you all think you've "paid for and deserve". Best.

Actually if you go and check the facts you will see that what you and anyone else has contributed / contributes is a drop in the bucket compared to what any medical procedure would cost to perform. That's why the system is bankrupt and bleeding massive red ink every year.

Do the math on what you have contributed and then check out what a hip it knew replacement costs - never mind anything to do with the heart etc. luckily you got the communist AARP which will continue to extort money from the rest of us to pay for "your luxury" healthcare. By the time Im your age we will probably be back to amputating and leaches for all medical problems. A thank you would be nice, but I won't hold my breath. Keep on complaining about how unfair things are. Definitely the ME generation as they call it. I call it the entitlement generation - funny what you all think you've "paid for and deserve". Best.

Last check, I've paid over $130k into SSN alone. Since most of us "baby boomers" won't live to recoup all of that, we're paying for YOU and professional baby mamas - not much different there....

Now since I paid $825 a month for my health insurance, went in just for a 10 year check-up, did the round trip, and my part was $10k..... My disgust with the healthcare system prior to Ocare - or why did he care...

Now you sir, at 75 that man paid in at least 50 years to SSN, and about 50 to Medicare,

It is NOT YOUR f........ money that would have paid for his heart valve. Probably paying for your counseling....

Deep do the math before you speak way out of school. Do you know what a single medical procedure costs. But I guess we know why they call them "entitlements" - because you folks feel entitled to them because you've worked some menial job and paid a little into a system. A pittance compared to what healthcare costs. Wake up and do the math. Definitely the ME generation as they call it. Bankrupting the country and asking for more and more - and feeling like they all deserve it!! That's the worst part of it all.

Get used to it. We're aging and we're getting back our money so you and your sort won't get it :)

I guess your solution is the easiest, so now that assisted suicide is legal in Vt. it's obvious that I will step in and safe you the trouble of paying any of my bills, you do the math, good bye stockey!

Get used to it. We're aging and we're getting back our money so you and your sort won't get it :)

Taking yours out and about ten times more. That's why this country is bust. If you want to suck from the government teat for the rest of your life move over to Cuba or something. We don't need communism for retirees in this country.

Get used to it. We're aging and we're getting back our money so you and your sort won't get it :)

Deep I just read that I am on your "ignore list". So why are you responding to my posts. You might want to double check to make sure you've done it right. And by the way I'm very flattered. Seems like a lot of you folks out there who supposedly use ignore don't know how to use it. Maybe some of us can post a "how to" for you all.

Both sides of this argument just prove we need the govt COMPLETELY out of health insurance!!!! Good grief! If these socialist programs didn't exist to begin with this argument ( of which both of you are right) would not even happen and this country wouldn't be so divided!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:BangHead:

Both sides of this argument just prove we need the govt COMPLETELY out of health insurance!!!! Good grief! If these socialist programs didn't exist to begin with this argument ( of which both of you are right) would not even happen and this country wouldn't be so divided!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:BangHead:

Then who do you think pays for bosn buddies heart if he can't pay for it diesel? Does the hospital tell him to take a hike ? What is your answer.

Then who do you think pays for bosn buddies heart if he can't pay for it diesel? Does the hospital tell him to take a hike ? What is your answer.
As it stands right now...most likely a govt program pays for it. Then there is the amount the hospital writes off and helps to drive up everyone else's costs. Everyone knows the hospital does NOT tell someone to "take a hike"
Picker, calm down and lets have a good discussion.:occasion14:

As it stands right now...most likely a govt program pays for it. Then there is the amount the hospital writes off and helps to drive up everyone else's costs. Everyone knows the hospital does NOT tell someone to "take a hike"
Picker, calm down and lets have a good discussion.:occasion14:

But isn't this the evil socialism / communism that everyone is whining about. One triple bypass will cost my taxes more than a dozen families on food stamps for their entire lives!! In very calm its just that the hypocrisy and foolishness of many on this board is mind boggling!!

Where are you getting your numbers from? a dozen really? Sounds pretty high to me. My point is they should not have taxed him or any of us and then revoke the promise.

Where are you getting your numbers from? a dozen really? Sounds pretty high to me. My point is they should not have taxed him or any of us and then revoke the promise.

Gov paying for something - that's socialism.

Do you know what the avg monthly food stamp benefit is?

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